
The charging infrastructure allocation is based on [TracBEV[( TracBEV is a tool for the regional allocation of charging infrastructure. In practice this allows users to use results generated via [SimBEV]( and place the corresponding charging points on a map. These are split into the four use cases hpc, public, home and work.

get_data() → dict[gpd.GeoDataFrame][source]

Load all data necessary for TracBEV. Data loaded:

  • ‘hpc_positions’ - Potential hpc positions
  • ‘landuse’ - Potential work related positions
  • ‘poi_cluster’ - Potential public related positions
  • ‘public_positions’ - Potential public related positions
  • ‘housing_data’ - Potential home related positions loaded from DB
  • ‘boundaries’ - MV grid boundaries
  • miscellaneous found in datasets.yml in section charging_infrastructure

Wrapper function to run charging infrastructure allocation

run_tracbev_potential(data_dict: dict) → None[source]

Main function to run TracBEV in potential (determination of all potential charging points).

Parameters:data_dict (dict) – Data dict containing all TracBEV run information
run_use_cases(data_dict: dict) → None[source]

Run all use cases

Parameters:data_dict (dict) – Data dict containing all TracBEV run information
write_to_db(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, mv_grid_id: int | float, use_case: str) → None[source]

Write results to charging infrastructure DB table

  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame to save
  • mv_grid_id (int or float) – MV grid ID corresponding to the data
  • use_case (str) – Calculated use case