Source code for

The charging infrastructure allocation is based on [TracBEV[( TracBEV is a tool for the regional allocation
of charging infrastructure. In practice this allows users to use results generated via
[SimBEV]( and place the corresponding charging
points on a map. These are split into the four use cases hpc, public, home and work.
from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import (  # noqa: E501

WORKING_DIR = Path(".", "charging_infrastructure").resolve()
DATASET_CFG = config.datasets()["charging_infrastructure"]

[docs]def write_to_db( gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, mv_grid_id: int | float, use_case: str ) -> None: """ Write results to charging infrastructure DB table Parameters ---------- gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame to save mv_grid_id: int or float MV grid ID corresponding to the data use_case: str Calculated use case """ if gdf.empty: return if "energy" in gdf.columns: gdf = gdf.assign( else: rng = np.random.default_rng(DATASET_CFG["constants"]["random_seed"]) gdf = gdf.assign(weight=rng.integers(low=0, high=100, size=len(gdf))) gdf = gdf.assign(weight=gdf.weight.div(gdf.weight.sum())) max_id = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT MAX(cp_id) FROM grid.egon_emob_charging_infrastructure """ )["max"][0] if max_id is None: max_id = 0 gdf = gdf.assign( cp_id=range(max_id, max_id + len(gdf)), mv_grid_id=mv_grid_id, use_case=use_case, ) targets = DATASET_CFG["targets"] cols_to_export = targets["charging_infrastructure"]["cols_to_export"] gpd.GeoDataFrame(gdf[cols_to_export], targets["charging_infrastructure"]["table"], schema=targets["charging_infrastructure"]["schema"], con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", )
[docs]def run_tracbev(): """ Wrapper function to run charging infrastructure allocation """ data_dict = get_data() run_tracbev_potential(data_dict)
[docs]def run_tracbev_potential(data_dict: dict) -> None: """ Main function to run TracBEV in potential (determination of all potential charging points). Parameters ---------- data_dict: dict Data dict containing all TracBEV run information """ bounds = data_dict["boundaries"] for mv_grid_id in data_dict["regions"].mv_grid_id: region = bounds.loc[bounds.bus_id == mv_grid_id].geom data_dict.update({"region": region, "key": mv_grid_id}) # Start Use Cases run_use_cases(data_dict)
[docs]def run_use_cases(data_dict: dict) -> None: """ Run all use cases Parameters ---------- data_dict: dict Data dict containing all TracBEV run information """ write_to_db( hpc(data_dict["hpc_positions"], data_dict), data_dict["key"], use_case="hpc", ) write_to_db( public( data_dict["public_positions"], data_dict["poi_cluster"], data_dict ), data_dict["key"], use_case="public", ) write_to_db( work(data_dict["landuse"], data_dict["work_dict"], data_dict), data_dict["key"], use_case="work", ) write_to_db( home(data_dict["housing_data"], data_dict), data_dict["key"], use_case="home", )
[docs]def get_data() -> dict[gpd.GeoDataFrame]: """ Load all data necessary for TracBEV. Data loaded: * 'hpc_positions' - Potential hpc positions * 'landuse' - Potential work related positions * 'poi_cluster' - Potential public related positions * 'public_positions' - Potential public related positions * 'housing_data' - Potential home related positions loaded from DB * 'boundaries' - MV grid boundaries * miscellaneous found in *datasets.yml* in section *charging_infrastructure* Returns ------- """ tracbev_cfg = DATASET_CFG["original_data"]["sources"]["tracbev"] srid = tracbev_cfg["srid"] # TODO: get zensus housing data from DB instead of gpkg? files = tracbev_cfg["files_to_use"] data_dict = {} # get TracBEV files for f in files: file = WORKING_DIR / "data" / f name = f.split(".")[0] data_dict[name] = gpd.read_file(file) if "undefined" in data_dict[name] data_dict[name] = data_dict[name].set_crs( epsg=srid, allow_override=True ) else: data_dict[name] = data_dict[name].to_crs(epsg=srid) # get housing data from DB sql = """ SELECT building_id, cell_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings """ df = db.select_dataframe(sql) count_df = ( df.groupby(["building_id", "cell_id"]) .size() .reset_index() .rename(columns={0: "count"}) ) mfh_df = ( count_df.loc[count_df["count"] > 1] .groupby(["cell_id"]) .size() .reset_index() .rename(columns={0: "num_mfh"}) ) efh_df = ( count_df.loc[count_df["count"] <= 1] .groupby(["cell_id"]) .size() .reset_index() .rename(columns={0: "num"}) ) comb_df = ( mfh_df.merge( right=efh_df, how="outer", left_on="cell_id", right_on="cell_id" ) .fillna(0) .astype(int) ) sql = """ SELECT zensus_population_id, geom as geometry FROM society.egon_destatis_zensus_apartment_building_population_per_ha """ gdf = db.select_geodataframe(sql, geom_col="geometry", epsg=srid) data_dict["housing_data"] = gpd.GeoDataFrame( gdf.merge( right=comb_df, left_on="zensus_population_id", right_on="cell_id" ),, ).drop(columns=["cell_id"]) # get boundaries aka grid districts sql = """ SELECT bus_id, geom FROM grid.egon_mv_grid_district """ data_dict["boundaries"] = db.select_geodataframe( sql, geom_col="geom", epsg=srid ) data_dict["regions"] = pd.DataFrame( columns=["mv_grid_id"], data=data_dict["boundaries"].bus_id.unique(), ) data_dict["work_dict"] = { "retail": DATASET_CFG["constants"]["work_weight_retail"], "commercial": DATASET_CFG["constants"]["work_weight_commercial"], "industrial": DATASET_CFG["constants"]["work_weight_industrial"], } data_dict["sfh_available"] = DATASET_CFG["constants"][ "single_family_home_share" ] data_dict["sfh_avg_spots"] = DATASET_CFG["constants"][ "single_family_home_spots" ] data_dict["mfh_available"] = DATASET_CFG["constants"][ "multi_family_home_share" ] data_dict["mfh_avg_spots"] = DATASET_CFG["constants"][ "multi_family_home_spots" ] data_dict["random_seed"] = np.random.default_rng( DATASET_CFG["constants"]["random_seed"] ) return data_dict