
Filtering and preprocessing of buildings, streets and amenities from OpenStreetMap

class OsmBuildingsStreets(dependencies)[source]

Bases: egon.data.datasets.Dataset

Filter and preprocess buildings, streets and amenities from OpenStreetMap (OSM).

This dataset on buildings and amenities is required by several tasks in the pipeline, such as the distribution of household demand profiles or PV home systems to buildings. This data is enriched by population and apartments from Zensus 2011. Those derived datasets and the data on streets will be used in the DIstribution Network Generat0r ding0 e.g. to cluster loads and create low voltage grids.

Resulting Tables
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings_filtered is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings_residential is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_amenities_shops_filtered is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings_with_amenities is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings_without_amenities is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_amenities_not_in_buildings is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_ways_preprocessed is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_ways_with_segments is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • boundaries.egon_map_zensus_buildings_filtered is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • boundaries.egon_map_zensus_buildings_residential is created and filled (table has no associated python class)
  • openstreetmap.osm_buildings is created and filled (table has no associated python class)

Details and Steps

  • Extract buildings and filter using relevant tags, e.g. residential and commercial, see script osm_buildings_filter.sql for the full list of tags. Resulting tables: * All buildings: openstreetmap.osm_buildings * Filtered buildings: openstreetmap.osm_buildings_filtered * Residential buildings: openstreetmap.osm_buildings_residential
  • Extract amenities and filter using relevant tags, e.g. shops and restaurants, see script osm_amenities_shops_preprocessing.sql for the full list of tags. Resulting table: openstreetmap.osm_amenities_shops_filtered
  • Create a mapping table for building’s osm IDs to the Zensus cells the building’s centroid is located in. Resulting tables: * boundaries.egon_map_zensus_buildings_filtered (filtered) * boundaries.egon_map_zensus_buildings_residential (residential only)
  • Enrich each building by number of apartments from Zensus table society.egon_destatis_zensus_apartment_building_population_per_ha by splitting up the cell’s sum equally to the buildings. In some cases, a Zensus cell does not contain buildings but there’s a building nearby which the no. of apartments is to be allocated to. To make sure apartments are allocated to at least one building, a radius of 77m is used to catch building geometries.
  • Split filtered buildings into 3 datasets using the amenities’ locations: temporary tables are created in script osm_buildings_temp_tables.sql the final tables in osm_buildings_amentities_results.sql. Resulting tables:
    • Buildings w/ amenities: openstreetmap.osm_buildings_with_amenities
    • Buildings w/o amenities: openstreetmap.osm_buildings_without_amenities
    • Amenities not allocated to buildings: openstreetmap.osm_amenities_not_in_buildings
  • Extract streets (OSM ways) and filter using relevant tags, e.g. highway=secondary, see script osm_ways_preprocessing.sql for the full list of tags. Additionally, each way is split into its line segments and their lengths is retained. Resulting tables: * Filtered streets: openstreetmap.osm_ways_preprocessed * Filtered streets w/ segments: openstreetmap.osm_ways_with_segments
name = 'OsmBuildingsStreets'
version = '0.0.6'

Execute SQL script

Parameters:script (str) – Filename of script