
Module containing code dealing with cross border gas pipelines for eGon100RE

In this module the cross border pipelines for H2 and CH4, exclusively between Germany and its neighbouring countries, in eGon100RE are defined and inserted in the database.

Dependecies (pipeline)

  • dataset:PypsaEurSec, GasNodesandPipes, HydrogenBusEtrago,


Resulting tables

  • grid.egon_etrago_link is completed
calculate_crossbordering_gas_grid_capacities_eGon100RE(cap_DE, DE_pipe_capacities_list)[source]

Attribute gas cross border grid capacities for eGon100RE

This function attributes to each cross border pipeline (H2 and CH4) between Germany and its neighbouring countries its capacity.

  • cap_DE (pandas.DataFrame) – List of the H2 and CH4 exchange capacity for each neighbouring country of Germany.
  • DE_pipe_capacities_list (pandas.DataFrame) – List of the cross border for H2 and CH4 pipelines between Germany and its neighbouring countries in eGon100RE, with geometry (geom and topo) but no capacity.

Crossbordering_pipe_capacities_list (pandas.DataFrame) – List of the cross border H2 and CH4 pipelines between Germany and its neighbouring countries in eGon100RE.


Define the missing cross border gas pipelines in eGon100RE

This function defines the cross border pipelines (for H2 and CH4) between Germany and its neighbouring countries. These pipelines are defined as links and there are copied from the corresponding CH4 cross border pipelines from eGon2035.

Parameters:scn_name (str) – Name of the scenario
Returns:gas_pipelines_list_DE (pandas.DataFrame) – List of the cross border H2 and CH4 pipelines between Germany and its neighbouring countries in eGon100RE, with geometry (geom and topo) but no capacity.

Insert missing gas cross border grid capacities for eGon100RE

This function insert the cross border pipelines for H2 and CH4, exclusively between Germany and its neighbouring countries, for eGon100RE in the database by executing the following steps:

  • call of the function define_DE_crossbording_pipes_geom_eGon100RE(), that defines the cross border pipelines (H2 and CH4) between Germany and its neighbouring countries
  • call of the function read_DE_crossbordering_cap_from_pes(), that calculates the cross border total exchange capactities for H2 and CH4 between Germany and its neighbouring countries based on the pypsa-eur-sec results
  • call of the function calculate_crossbordering_gas_grid_capacities_eGon100RE(), that attributes to each cross border pipeline (H2 and CH4) between Germany and its neighbouring countries its capacity
  • insertion of the H2 and CH4 pipelines between Germany and its neighbouring countries in the database with function insert_gas_grid_capacities()

Read gas pipelines cross border capacities from pes run

This function calculates the cross border total exchange capactities for H2 and CH4 between Germany and its neighbouring countries based on the pypsa-eur-sec results.

Returns:DE_pipe_capacities_list (pandas.DataFrame) – List of the H2 and CH4 exchange capacity for each neighbouring country of Germany.