Source code for

"""Exensions to Python's :py:mod:`subprocess` module.

More specifically, this module provides a customized version of
:py:func:``, which always sets `check=True`,
`capture_output=True`, enhances the raised exceptions string representation
with additional output information and makes it slightly more readable when
encountered in a stack trace.

from textwrap import indent, wrap
import itertools
import subprocess

[docs]class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError): """A more verbose version of :py:class:`subprocess.CalledProcessError`. Replaces the standard string representation of a :py:class:`subprocess.CalledProcessError` with one that has more output and error information and is formatted to be more readable in a stack trace. """ def __str__(self): errors = self.stderr.split("\n") outputs = self.stdout.split("\n") lines = itertools.chain( wrap(f"{super().__str__()}"), ["Output:"], *( wrap(output, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ") for output in outputs ), ["Errors:"], *( wrap(error, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ") for error in errors ), ) lines = indent("\n".join(lines), "| ") return f"\n{lines}"
[docs]def run(*args, **kwargs): """A "safer" version of :py:func:``. "Safer" in this context means that this version always raises :py:class:`CalledProcessError` if the process in question returns a non-zero exit status. This is done by setting `check=True` and `capture_output=True`, so you don't have to specify these yourself anymore. You can though, if you want to override these defaults. Other than that, the function accepts the same parameters as :py:func:``. """ for default in ["capture_output", "check", "text"]: kwargs[default] = kwargs.get(default, True) try: result =*args, **kwargs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: raise CalledProcessError( cpe.returncode, cpe.cmd, output=cpe.output, stderr=cpe.stderr ) from None return result