Source code for

The central module containing all code dealing with the H2 grid in eGon100RE

The H2 grid, present only in eGon100RE, is composed of two parts:
  * a fixed part with the same topology as the CH4 grid and with
    carrier 'H2_retrofit' corresponding to the retrofitted share of
    the CH4 grid into a hydrogen grid,
  * an extendable part with carrier 'H2_gridextension', linking each
    H2_salcavern bus to the closest H2_grid bus: this part has no
    capacity (p_nom = 0) but it can be extended.
As for the CH4 grid, the H2 pipelines are modelled by PyPSA links.

from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
import geopandas as gpd

from import db
from import link_geom_from_buses
from import get_sector_parameters

[docs]def insert_h2_pipelines(): """ Insert hydrogen grid (H2 links) into the database for eGon100RE. Insert the H2 grid by executing the following steps: * Copy the CH4 links in Germany from eGon2035 * Overwrite the followings columns: * bus0 and bus1 using the grid.egon_etrago_ch4_h2 table * carrier, scn_name * p_nom: the value attributed there corresponds to the share of p_nom of the specific pipeline that could be retrofited into H2 pipeline. This share is the same for every pipeline and is calculated in the PyPSA-eur-sec run. * Create new extendable pipelines to link the existing grid to the H2_saltcavern buses * Clean database * Attribute link_id to the links * Insert into the database Returns ------- None """ H2_buses = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon100RE' AND carrier IN ('H2_grid', 'H2_saltcavern') and country = 'DE' """, epsg=4326, ) pipelines = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND bus0 IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country = 'DE' ) AND bus1 IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country = 'DE' ); """ ) CH4_H2_busmap = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM grid.egon_etrago_ch4_h2 WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' """, index_col="bus_CH4", ) scn_params = get_sector_parameters("gas", "eGon100RE") pipelines["carrier"] = "H2_retrofit" pipelines["p_nom"] *= ( scn_params["retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share"] ) # map pipeline buses pipelines["bus0"] = CH4_H2_busmap.loc[pipelines["bus0"], "bus_H2"].values pipelines["bus1"] = CH4_H2_busmap.loc[pipelines["bus1"], "bus_H2"].values pipelines["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" pipelines["p_min_pu"] = -1.0 pipelines["capital_cost"] = ( scn_params["capital_cost"]["H2_pipeline_retrofit"] * pipelines["length"] / 1e3 ) # create new pipelines between grid and saltcaverns new_pipelines = gpd.GeoDataFrame() new_pipelines["bus0"] = H2_buses.loc[ H2_buses["carrier"] == "H2_saltcavern", "bus_id" ].values new_pipelines["geometry"] = H2_buses.loc[ H2_buses["carrier"] == "H2_saltcavern", "geom" ].values new_pipelines.set_crs(epsg=4326, inplace=True) # find bus in H2_grid voronoi new_pipelines = db.assign_gas_bus_id(new_pipelines, "eGon2035", "H2_grid") new_pipelines = new_pipelines.rename(columns={"bus_id": "bus1"}).drop( columns=["bus"] ) # create link geometries new_pipelines = link_geom_from_buses( new_pipelines[["bus0", "bus1"]], "eGon2035" ) new_pipelines["geom"] = new_pipelines.apply( lambda row: MultiLineString([row["topo"]]), axis=1 ) new_pipelines = new_pipelines.set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) new_pipelines["carrier"] = "H2_gridextension" new_pipelines["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" new_pipelines["p_min_pu"] = -1.0 new_pipelines["p_nom_extendable"] = True new_pipelines["length"] = new_pipelines.to_crs(epsg=3035).geometry.length # Insert capital cost data new_pipelines["capital_cost"] = ( scn_params["capital_cost"]["H2_pipeline"] * new_pipelines["length"] / 1e3 ) # Delete old entries db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE "carrier" IN ('H2_retrofit', 'H2_gridextension') AND scn_name = 'eGon100RE' AND bus0 NOT IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon100RE' AND country != 'DE' ) AND bus1 NOT IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon100RE' AND country != 'DE' ); """ ) engine = db.engine() new_id = db.next_etrago_id("link") pipelines["link_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(pipelines)) pipelines.to_crs(epsg=4326).to_postgis( "egon_etrago_link", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", dtype={"topo": Geometry()}, ) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("link") new_pipelines["link_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(new_pipelines)) new_pipelines.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_h2_link", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="replace", dtype={"geom": Geometry(), "topo": Geometry()}, ) db.execute_sql( """ select UpdateGeometrySRID('grid', 'egon_etrago_h2_link', 'topo', 4326) ; INSERT INTO grid.egon_etrago_link (scn_name, capital_cost, link_id, carrier, bus0, bus1, p_min_pu, p_nom_extendable, length, geom, topo) SELECT scn_name, capital_cost, link_id, carrier, bus0, bus1, p_min_pu, p_nom_extendable, length, geom, topo FROM grid.egon_etrago_h2_link; DROP TABLE grid.egon_etrago_h2_link; """ )