Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The central module containing all code dealing with importing gas stores

This module contains the functions to import the existing methane stores
in Germany and inserting them into the database. They are modelled as
PyPSA stores and are not extendable.

from pathlib import Path
from telnetlib import GA
import ast

import geopandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import settings
from import Dataset
from import (
from import get_sector_parameters

[docs]class CH4Storages(Dataset): """ Inserts the gas stores in Germany Inserts the non extendable gas stores in Germany into the database for the scnenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE using the function :py:func:`insert_ch4_storages`. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon2035 <>` * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon2035 <>` * :py:class:`GasNodesAndPipes <>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_store <>` is extended """ #: name: str = "CH4Storages" #: version: str = "0.0.3" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(insert_ch4_storages), )
[docs]def import_installed_ch4_storages(scn_name): """ Defines list of CH4 stores from the SciGRID_gas data This function reads from the SciGRID_gas dataset the existing CH4 cavern stores in Germany, adjusts and returns them. Caverns reference: SciGRID_gas dataset (datasets/gas_data/data/IGGIELGN_Storages.csv downloaded in :func:`download_SciGRID_gas_data <>`). For more information on these data, refer to the `SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN documentation <>`_. Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- Gas_storages_list : Dataframe containing the CH4 cavern store units in Germany """ target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / "data" / "IGGIELGN_Storages.csv" ) Gas_storages_list = pd.read_csv( target_file, delimiter=";", decimal=".", usecols=["lat", "long", "country_code", "param", "method"], ) Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list[ Gas_storages_list["country_code"].str.match("DE") ] # Define new columns max_workingGas_M_m3 = [] NUTS1 = [] end_year = [] method_cap = [] for index, row in Gas_storages_list.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) NUTS1.append(param["nuts_id_1"]) end_year.append(param["end_year"]) max_workingGas_M_m3.append(param["max_workingGas_M_m3"]) method = ast.literal_eval(row["method"]) method_cap.append(method["max_workingGas_M_m3"]) Gas_storages_list["method_cap"] = method_cap Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.assign(NUTS1=NUTS1).drop_duplicates() # Calculate e_nom conv_factor = 10830 # gross calorific value = 39 MJ/m3 ( Gas_storages_list["e_nom"] = [conv_factor * i for i in max_workingGas_M_m3] end_year = [float("inf") if x == None else x for x in end_year] Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.assign(end_year=end_year) # Adjust the storage capacities calculated by 'Median(max_workingGas_M_m3)' total_german_cap = 266424202 # MWh GIE ch4_estimated = Gas_storages_list[ Gas_storages_list.method_cap == "Median(max_workingGas_M_m3)" ] german_cap_source = Gas_storages_list[ Gas_storages_list.method_cap != "Median(max_workingGas_M_m3)" ].e_nom.sum() Gas_storages_list.loc[ch4_estimated.index, "e_nom"] = ( total_german_cap - german_cap_source ) / len(ch4_estimated) # Cut data to federal state if in testmode boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": map_states = { "Baden-Württemberg": "DE1", "Nordrhein-Westfalen": "DEA", "Hessen": "DE7", "Brandenburg": "DE4", "Bremen": "DE5", "Rheinland-Pfalz": "DEB", "Sachsen-Anhalt": "DEE", "Schleswig-Holstein": "DEF", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": "DE8", "Thüringen": "DEG", "Niedersachsen": "DE9", "Sachsen": "DED", "Hamburg": "DE6", "Saarland": "DEC", "Berlin": "DE3", "Bayern": "DE2", } Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list[ Gas_storages_list["NUTS1"].isin([map_states[boundary], np.nan]) ] # Remove unused storage units Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list[ Gas_storages_list["end_year"] >= 2035 ] Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.rename( columns={"lat": "y", "long": "x"} ) Gas_storages_list = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( Gas_storages_list, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy( Gas_storages_list["x"], Gas_storages_list["y"] ), ) Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.rename( columns={"geometry": "geom"} ).set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) # Match to associated gas bus Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.reset_index(drop=True) Gas_storages_list = db.assign_gas_bus_id( Gas_storages_list, scn_name, "CH4" ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": scn_name, "carrier": "CH4"} Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.assign(**c) # Remove useless columns Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.drop( columns=[ "x", "y", "param", "country_code", "NUTS1", "end_year", "geom", "bus_id", "method_cap", ] ) return Gas_storages_list
[docs]def import_ch4_grid_capacity(scn_name): """ Defines the gas stores modelling the store capacity of the grid Define dataframe containing the modelling of the grid storage capacity. The whole storage capacity of the grid (130000 MWh, estimation of the Bundesnetzagentur) is split uniformly between all the German gas nodes of the grid (without consideration of the capacities of the pipes). In eGon100RE, the storage capacity of the grid is split between H2 and CH4 stores, with the same share as the pipeline capacities (value calculated in the p-e-s run). Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario carrier : str Name of the carrier Returns ------- Gas_storages_list : List of gas stores in Germany modelling the gas grid storage capacity """ # Select source from dataset configuration source = config.datasets()["gas_stores"]["source"] Gas_grid_capacity = 130000 # Storage capacity of the CH4 grid - G.Volk "Die Herauforderung an die Bundesnetzagentur die Energiewende zu meistern" Berlin, Dec 2012 N_ch4_nodes_G = ch4_nodes_number_G( define_gas_nodes_list() ) # Number of nodes in Germany Store_capacity = ( Gas_grid_capacity / N_ch4_nodes_G ) # Storage capacity associated to each CH4 node of the German grid sql_gas = f"""SELECT bus_id, scn_name, carrier, geom FROM {source['buses']['schema']}.{source['buses']['table']} WHERE carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country = 'DE';""" Gas_storages_list = db.select_geodataframe(sql_gas, epsg=4326) # Add missing column Gas_storages_list["bus"] = Gas_storages_list["bus_id"] if scn_name == "eGon100RE": Gas_storages_list["e_nom"] = Store_capacity * ( 1 - get_sector_parameters("gas", scn_name)[ "retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share" ] ) else: Gas_storages_list["e_nom"] = Store_capacity # Remove useless columns Gas_storages_list = Gas_storages_list.drop(columns=["bus_id", "geom"]) return Gas_storages_list
[docs]def insert_ch4_stores(scn_name): """ Inserts gas stores for specific scenario Insert non extendable gas stores for specific scenario in Germany by executing the following steps: * Clean the database. * For CH4 stores, call the functions :py:func:`import_installed_ch4_storages` to get the CH4 cavern stores and :py:func:`import_ch4_grid_capacity` to get the CH4 stores modelling the storage capacity of the grid. * Aggregate the stores attached to the same bus. * Add the missing columns: store_id, scn_name, carrier, e_cyclic. * Insert the stores into the database. Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- None """ # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() # Select target from dataset configuration source = config.datasets()["gas_stores"]["source"] target = config.datasets()["gas_stores"]["target"] # Clean table db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {target['stores']['schema']}.{target['stores']['table']} WHERE "carrier" = 'CH4' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {source['buses']['schema']}.{source['buses']['table']} WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country = 'DE' ); """ ) gas_storages_list = pd.concat( [ import_installed_ch4_storages(scn_name), import_ch4_grid_capacity(scn_name), ] ) # Aggregate ch4 stores with same properties at the same bus gas_storages_list = ( gas_storages_list.groupby(["bus", "carrier", "scn_name"]) .agg({"e_nom": "sum"}) .reset_index(drop=False) ) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("store") gas_storages_list["store_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(gas_storages_list) ) # Insert data to db gas_storages_list.to_sql( target["stores"]["table"], engine, schema=target["stores"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def insert_ch4_storages(): """ Overall function to import non extendable gas stores in Germany This function inserts the methane stores in Germany for the scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE by using the function :py:func:`insert_ch4_stores` and has no return. """ insert_ch4_stores("eGon2035") insert_ch4_stores("eGon100RE")