Source code for

import datetime
import json
import time

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geopandas as gpd

from import db
from import Dataset
from import vg250_metadata_resources_fields
from import (

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class ZensusVg250(Dataset): def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__( name="ZensusVg250", version="0.0.2", dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( map_zensus_vg250, inside_germany, add_metadata_zensus_inside_ger, population_in_municipalities, add_metadata_vg250_gem_pop, ), )
[docs]class Vg250Sta(Base): __tablename__ = "vg250_sta" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, index=True) ade = Column(BigInteger) gf = Column(BigInteger) bsg = Column(BigInteger) ars = Column(String) ags = Column(String) sdv_ars = Column(String) gen = Column(String) bez = Column(String) ibz = Column(BigInteger) bem = Column(String) nbd = Column(String) sn_l = Column(String) sn_r = Column(String) sn_k = Column(String) sn_v1 = Column(String) sn_v2 = Column(String) sn_g = Column(String) fk_s3 = Column(String) nuts = Column(String) ars_0 = Column(String) ags_0 = Column(String) wsk = Column(String) debkg_id = Column(String) rs = Column(String) sdv_rs = Column(String) rs_0 = Column(String) geometry = Column(Geometry(srid=4326), index=True)
[docs]class Vg250Gem(Base): __tablename__ = "vg250_gem" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, index=True) ade = Column(BigInteger) gf = Column(BigInteger) bsg = Column(BigInteger) ars = Column(String) ags = Column(String) sdv_ars = Column(String) gen = Column(String) bez = Column(String) ibz = Column(BigInteger) bem = Column(String) nbd = Column(String) sn_l = Column(String) sn_r = Column(String) sn_k = Column(String) sn_v1 = Column(String) sn_v2 = Column(String) sn_g = Column(String) fk_s3 = Column(String) nuts = Column(String) ars_0 = Column(String) ags_0 = Column(String) wsk = Column(String) debkg_id = Column(String) rs = Column(String) sdv_rs = Column(String) rs_0 = Column(String) geometry = Column(Geometry(srid=4326), index=True)
[docs]class DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa(Base): __tablename__ = "destatis_zensus_population_per_ha" __table_args__ = {"schema": "society"} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) grid_id = Column(String(254), nullable=False) x_mp = Column(Integer) y_mp = Column(Integer) population = Column(SmallInteger) geom_point = Column(Geometry("POINT", 3035), index=True) geom = Column(Geometry("POLYGON", 3035), index=True)
[docs]class DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany(Base): __tablename__ = "destatis_zensus_population_per_ha_inside_germany" __table_args__ = {"schema": "society"} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) grid_id = Column(String(254), nullable=False) population = Column(SmallInteger) geom_point = Column(Geometry("POINT", 3035), index=True) geom = Column(Geometry("POLYGON", 3035), index=True)
[docs]class Vg250GemPopulation(Base): __tablename__ = "vg250_gem_population" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) gen = Column(String) bez = Column(String) bem = Column(String) nuts = Column(String) ags_0 = Column(String) rs_0 = Column(String) area_ha = Column(Float) area_km2 = Column(Float) population_total = Column(Integer) cell_count = Column(Integer) population_density = Column(Integer) geom = Column(Geometry(srid=3035))
[docs]class MapZensusVg250(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_map_zensus_vg250" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} zensus_population_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) zensus_geom = Column(Geometry("POINT", 3035)) vg250_municipality_id = Column(Integer) vg250_nuts3 = Column(String)
[docs]def map_zensus_vg250(): """Perform mapping between municipalities and zensus grid""" MapZensusVg250.__table__.drop(bind=db.engine(), checkfirst=True) MapZensusVg250.__table__.create(bind=db.engine(), checkfirst=True) # Get information from data configuration file cfg =["map_zensus_vg250"] local_engine = db.engine() db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM {cfg['targets']['map']['schema']}.{cfg['targets']['map']['table']}""" ) gdf = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT * FROM {cfg['sources']['zensus_population']['schema']}. {cfg['sources']['zensus_population']['table']}""", geom_col="geom_point", ) gdf_boundaries = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT * FROM {cfg['sources']['vg250_municipalities']['schema']}. {cfg['sources']['vg250_municipalities']['table']}""", geom_col="geometry", epsg=3035, ) # Join vg250 with zensus cells join = gpd.sjoin(gdf, gdf_boundaries, how="inner", op="intersects") # Deal with cells that don't interect with boundaries (e.g. at borders) missing_cells = gdf[( & (gdf.population > 0)] # start with buffer buffer = 0 # increase buffer until every zensus cell is matched to a nuts3 region while len(missing_cells) > 0: buffer += 100 boundaries_buffer = gdf_boundaries.copy() boundaries_buffer.geometry = boundaries_buffer.geometry.buffer(buffer) join_missing = gpd.sjoin( missing_cells, boundaries_buffer, how="inner", op="intersects" ) join = join.append(join_missing) missing_cells = gdf[ ( & (gdf.population > 0) ] print(f"Maximal buffer to match zensus points to vg250: {buffer}m") # drop duplicates join = join.drop_duplicates(subset=["id_left"]) # Insert results to database join.rename( { "id_left": "zensus_population_id", "geom_point": "zensus_geom", "nuts": "vg250_nuts3", "id_right": "vg250_municipality_id", }, axis=1, )[ [ "zensus_population_id", "zensus_geom", "vg250_municipality_id", "vg250_nuts3", ] ].set_geometry( "zensus_geom" ).to_postgis( cfg["targets"]["map"]["table"], schema=cfg["targets"]["map"]["schema"], con=local_engine, if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def inside_germany(): """ Filter zensus data by data inside Germany and population > 0 """ # Get database engine engine_local_db = db.engine() # Create new table db.execute_sql( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.__table__.schema}.{} CASCADE; """ ) DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.__table__.create( bind=engine_local_db, checkfirst=True ) with db.session_scope() as s: # Query zensus cells in German boundaries from vg250 cells_in_germany = s.query(MapZensusVg250.zensus_population_id) # Query relevant data from zensus population table q = ( s.query(, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa.grid_id, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa.population, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa.geom_point, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa.geom, ) .filter(DestatisZensusPopulationPerHa.population > 0) .filter( ) # Insert above queried data into new table insert = DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.__table__.insert().from_select( (, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.grid_id, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.population, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.geom_point, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.geom, ), q, ) # Execute and commit (trigger transactions in database) s.execute(insert) s.commit()
[docs]def population_in_municipalities(): """ Create table of municipalities with information about population """ engine_local_db = db.engine() Vg250GemPopulation.__table__.drop(bind=engine_local_db, checkfirst=True) Vg250GemPopulation.__table__.create(bind=engine_local_db, checkfirst=True) srid = 3035 gem = db.select_geodataframe( "SELECT * FROM boundaries.vg250_gem", geom_col="geometry", epsg=srid, index_col="id", ) gem["area_ha"] = gem.area / 10000 gem["area_km2"] = gem.area / 1000000 population = db.select_dataframe( """SELECT id, population, vg250_municipality_id FROM society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha INNER JOIN boundaries.egon_map_zensus_vg250 ON ( = boundaries.egon_map_zensus_vg250.zensus_population_id) WHERE population > 0""" ) gem["population_total"] = ( population.groupby("vg250_municipality_id").population.sum().fillna(0) ) gem["cell_count"] = population.groupby( "vg250_municipality_id" ).population.count() gem["population_density"] = gem["population_total"] / gem["area_km2"] gem.reset_index().to_postgis( "vg250_gem_population", schema="boundaries", con=db.engine(), if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def add_metadata_zensus_inside_ger(): """ Create metadata JSON for DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany Creates a metdadata JSON string and writes it to the database table comment """ schema_table = ".".join( [ DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.__table__.schema,, ] ) metadata = { "name": schema_table, "title": "DESTATIS - Zensus 2011 - Population per hectar", "id": "WILL_BE_SET_AT_PUBLICATION", "description": ( "National census in Germany in 2011 with the bounds on Germanys " "borders." ), "language": ["en-EN", "de-DE"], "publicationDate":, "context": context(), "spatial": { "location": None, "extent": "Germany", "resolution": "1 ha", }, "temporal": { "reference_date": "2011-12-31", "timeseries": { "start": None, "end": None, "resolution": None, "alignment": None, "aggregationType": None, }, }, "sources": [ { "title": "Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis) - Ergebnisse des " "Zensus 2011 zum Download", "description": ( "Als Download bieten wir Ihnen auf dieser Seite " "zusätzlich zur Zensusdatenbank CSV- und " "teilweise Excel-Tabellen mit umfassenden " "Personen-, Haushalts- und Familien- sowie " "Gebäude- und Wohnungsmerkmalen. Die " "Ergebnisse liegen auf Bundes-, Länder-, Kreis- " "und Gemeindeebene vor. Außerdem sind einzelne " "Ergebnisse für Gitterzellen verfügbar." ), "path": "" "DemografischeGrunddaten.html", "licenses": [ licenses_datenlizenz_deutschland( attribution="© Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der " "Länder 2014" ) ], }, { "title": "Dokumentation - Zensus 2011 - Methoden und Verfahren", "description": ( "Diese Publikation beschreibt ausführlich die " "Methoden und Verfahren des registergestützten " "Zensus 2011; von der Datengewinnung und " "-aufbereitung bis hin zur Ergebniserstellung" " und Geheimhaltung. Der vorliegende Band wurde " "von den Statistischen Ämtern des Bundes und " "der Länder im Juni 2015 veröffentlicht." ), "path": "" "voelkerung/Zensus/ZensusBuLaMethodenVerfahren51211051" "19004.pdf?__blob=publicationFile", "licenses": [ licenses_datenlizenz_deutschland( attribution="© Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden " "2015 (im Auftrag der " "Herausgebergemeinschaft)" ) ], }, ], "licenses": [ licenses_datenlizenz_deutschland( attribution="© Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder " "2014; © Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2015 " "(Daten verändert)" ) ], "contributors": [ { "title": "Guido Pleßmann", "email": "", "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "object": None, "comment": "Imported data", }, { "title": "Jonathan Amme", "email": "", "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "object": None, "comment": "Metadata extended", }, ], "resources": [ { "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "name": schema_table, "path": None, "format": "PostgreSQL", "encoding": "UTF-8", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "id", "description": "Unique identifier", "type": "none", "unit": "integer", }, { "name": "grid_id", "description": "Grid number of source", "type": "string", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "population", "description": "Number of registred residents", "type": "integer", "unit": "resident", }, { "name": "geom_point", "description": "Geometry centroid", "type": "Geometry", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "geom", "description": "Geometry", "type": "Geometry", "unit": "", }, ], "primaryKey": ["id"], "foreignKeys": [], }, "dialect": {"delimiter": None, "decimalSeparator": "."}, } ], "metaMetadata": meta_metadata(), } meta_json = "'" + json.dumps(metadata) + "'" db.submit_comment( meta_json, DestatisZensusPopulationPerHaInsideGermany.__table__.schema,, )
[docs]def add_metadata_vg250_gem_pop(): """ Create metadata JSON for Vg250GemPopulation Creates a metdadata JSON string and writes it to the database table comment """ vg250_config =["vg250"] schema_table = ".".join( [ Vg250GemPopulation.__table__.schema,, ] ) licenses = [ licenses_datenlizenz_deutschland( attribution="© Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie " "2020 (Daten verändert)" ) ] vg250_source = { "title": "Verwaltungsgebiete 1:250 000 (Ebenen)", "description": "Der Datenbestand umfasst sämtliche Verwaltungseinheiten der " "hierarchischen Verwaltungsebenen vom Staat bis zu den Gemeinden " "mit ihren Grenzen, statistischen Schlüsselzahlen, Namen der " "Verwaltungseinheit sowie die spezifische Bezeichnung der " "Verwaltungsebene des jeweiligen Landes.", "path": vg250_config["original_data"]["source"]["url"], "licenses": licenses, } resources_fields = vg250_metadata_resources_fields() resources_fields.extend( [ { "name": "area_ha", "description": "Area in ha", "type": "float", "unit": "ha", }, { "name": "area_km2", "description": "Area in km2", "type": "float", "unit": "km2", }, { "name": "population_total", "description": "Number of inhabitants", "type": "integer", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "cell_count", "description": "Number of Zensus cells", "type": "integer", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "population_density", "description": "Number of inhabitants per km2", "type": "float", "unit": "inhabitants/km²", }, ] ) metadata = { "name": schema_table, "title": ( "Municipalities (BKG Verwaltungsgebiete 250) and population " "(Destatis Zensus)" ), "id": "WILL_BE_SET_AT_PUBLICATION", "description": "Municipality data enriched by population data", "language": ["de-DE"], "publicationDate":, "context": context(), "spatial": { "location": None, "extent": "Germany", "resolution": "1:250000", }, "temporal": { "referenceDate": "2020-01-01", "timeseries": { "start": None, "end": None, "resolution": None, "alignment": None, "aggregationType": None, }, }, "sources": [vg250_source], "licenses": licenses, "contributors": [ { "title": "Guido Pleßmann", "email": "", "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "object": None, "comment": "Imported data", }, { "title": "Jonathan Amme", "email": "", "date": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "object": None, "comment": "Metadata extended", }, ], "resources": [ { "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "name": schema_table, "path": None, "format": "PostgreSQL", "encoding": "UTF-8", "schema": { "fields": resources_fields, "primaryKey": ["id"], "foreignKeys": [], }, "dialect": {"delimiter": None, "decimalSeparator": "."}, } ], "metaMetadata": meta_metadata(), } meta_json = "'" + json.dumps(metadata) + "'" db.submit_comment( meta_json, Vg250GemPopulation.__table__.schema,, )