Source code for

Home Battery allocation to buildings

Main module for allocation of home batteries onto buildings and sizing them
depending on pv rooftop system size.

**Contents of this module**
* Creation of DB tables
* Allocate given home battery capacity per mv grid to buildings with pv rooftop
  systems. The sizing of the home battery system depends on the size of the
  pv rooftop system and can be set within the *datasets.yml*. Default sizing is
  1:1 between the pv rooftop capacity (kWp) and the battery capacity (kWh).
* Write results to DB


The config of this dataset can be found in *datasets.yml* in section

**Scenarios and variations**

Assumptions can be changed within the *datasets.yml*.

Only buildings with a pv rooftop systems are considered within the allocation
process. The default sizing of home batteries is 1:1 between the pv rooftop
capacity (kWp) and the battery capacity (kWh). Reaching the exact value of the
allocation of battery capacities per grid area leads to slight deviations from
this specification.

## Methodology

The selection of buildings is done randomly until a result is reached which is
close to achieving the sizing specification.
from loguru import logger
from numpy.random import RandomState
from sqlalchemy import Column, Float, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]def get_cbat_pbat_ratio(): """ Mean ratio between the storage capacity and the power of the pv rooftop system Returns ------- int Mean ratio between the storage capacity and the power of the pv rooftop system """ sources = config.datasets()["home_batteries"]["sources"] sql = f""" SELECT max_hours FROM {sources["etrago_storage"]["schema"]} .{sources["etrago_storage"]["table"]} WHERE carrier = 'home_battery' """ return int(db.select_dataframe(sql).iat[0, 0])
[docs]def allocate_home_batteries_to_buildings(): """ Allocate home battery storage systems to buildings with pv rooftop systems """ # get constants constants = config.datasets()["home_batteries"]["constants"] scenarios = constants["scenarios"] cbat_ppv_ratio = constants["cbat_ppv_ratio"] rtol = constants["rtol"] max_it = constants["max_it"] cbat_pbat_ratio = get_cbat_pbat_ratio() sources = config.datasets()["home_batteries"]["sources"] df_list = [] for scenario in scenarios: # get home battery capacity per mv grid id sql = f""" SELECT el_capacity as p_nom_min, bus_id as bus FROM {sources["storage"]["schema"]} .{sources["storage"]["table"]} WHERE carrier = 'home_battery' AND scenario = '{scenario}'; """ home_batteries_df = db.select_dataframe(sql) home_batteries_df = home_batteries_df.assign( bat_cap=home_batteries_df.p_nom_min * cbat_pbat_ratio ) sql = """ SELECT building_id, capacity FROM supply.egon_power_plants_pv_roof_building WHERE scenario = '{}' AND bus_id = {} """ for bus_id, bat_cap in home_batteries_df[ ["bus", "bat_cap"] ].itertuples(index=False): pv_df = db.select_dataframe(sql.format(scenario, bus_id)) grid_ratio = bat_cap / pv_df.capacity.sum() if grid_ratio > cbat_ppv_ratio: logger.warning( f"In Grid {bus_id} and scenario {scenario}, the ratio of " f"home storage capacity to pv rooftop capacity is above 1" f" ({grid_ratio: g}). The storage capacity of pv rooftop " f"systems will be high." ) if grid_ratio < cbat_ppv_ratio: random_state = RandomState(seed=bus_id) n = max(int(len(pv_df) * grid_ratio), 1) best_df = pv_df.sample(n=n, random_state=random_state) i = 0 while ( not np.isclose(best_df.capacity.sum(), bat_cap, rtol=rtol) and i < max_it ): sample_df = pv_df.sample(n=n, random_state=random_state) if abs(best_df.capacity.sum() - bat_cap) > abs( sample_df.capacity.sum() - bat_cap ): best_df = sample_df.copy() i += 1 if sample_df.capacity.sum() < bat_cap: n = min(n + 1, len(pv_df)) else: n = max(n - 1, 1) if not np.isclose(best_df.capacity.sum(), bat_cap, rtol=rtol): logger.warning( f"No suitable generators could be found in Grid " f"{bus_id} and scenario {scenario} to achieve the " f"desired ratio between battery capacity and pv " f"rooftop capacity. The ratio will be " f"{bat_cap / best_df.capacity.sum()}." ) pv_df = best_df.copy() bat_df = pv_df.drop(columns=["capacity"]).assign( capacity=pv_df.capacity / pv_df.capacity.sum() * bat_cap, p_nom=pv_df.capacity / pv_df.capacity.sum() * bat_cap / cbat_pbat_ratio, scenario=scenario, bus_id=bus_id, ) df_list.append(bat_df) create_table(pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True))
[docs]class EgonHomeBatteries(Base): targets = config.datasets()["home_batteries"]["targets"] __tablename__ = targets["home_batteries"]["table"] __table_args__ = {"schema": targets["home_batteries"]["schema"]} index = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scenario = Column(String) bus_id = Column(Integer) building_id = Column(Integer) p_nom = Column(Float) capacity = Column(Float)
[docs]def create_table(df): """Create mapping table home battery <-> building id""" engine = db.engine() EgonHomeBatteries.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonHomeBatteries.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) df.reset_index().to_sql(, schema=EgonHomeBatteries.__table__.schema, con=engine, if_exists="append", index=False, )