Source code for

"""The central module containing all code dealing with power plant data.
from pathlib import Path

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Column, Float, Integer, Sequence, String
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import Dataset
from import assign_voltage_level
from import (
from import (

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EgonStorages(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_storages" __table_args__ = {"schema": "supply"} id = Column(BigInteger, Sequence("storage_seq"), primary_key=True) sources = Column(JSONB) source_id = Column(JSONB) carrier = Column(String) el_capacity = Column(Float) bus_id = Column(Integer) voltage_level = Column(Integer) scenario = Column(String) geom = Column(Geometry("POINT", 4326))
[docs]class Storages(Dataset): def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__( name="Storages", version="0.0.4", dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( create_tables, allocate_pumped_hydro_eGon2035, allocate_pumped_hydro_eGon100RE, allocate_pv_home_batteries_to_grids, allocate_home_batteries_to_buildings, ), )
[docs]def create_tables(): """Create tables for power plant data Returns ------- None. """ cfg = config.datasets()["storages"] db.execute_sql(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {cfg['target']['schema']};") engine = db.engine() db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {cfg['target']['schema']}.{cfg['target']['table']}""" ) db.execute_sql("""DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS pp_seq""") EgonStorages.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True)
[docs]def allocate_pumped_hydro_eGon2035(export=True): """Allocates pumped_hydro plants for eGon2035 scenario and either exports results to data base or returns as a dataframe Parameters ---------- export : bool Choose if allocated pumped hydro plants should be exported to the data base. The default is True. If export=False a data frame will be returned Returns ------- power_plants : pandas.DataFrame List of pumped hydro plants in 'eGon2035' scenario """ carrier = "pumped_hydro" cfg = config.datasets()["power_plants"] nep = select_nep_pumped_hydro() mastr = select_mastr_pumped_hydro() # Assign voltage level to MaStR mastr["voltage_level"] = assign_voltage_level( mastr.rename({"el_capacity": "Nettonennleistung"}, axis=1), cfg, WORKING_DIR_MASTR_OLD ) # Initalize DataFrame for matching power plants matched = gpd.GeoDataFrame( columns=[ "carrier", "el_capacity", "scenario", "geometry", "MaStRNummer", "source", "voltage_level", ] ) # Match pumped_hydro units from NEP list # using PLZ and capacity matched, mastr, nep = match_storage_units( nep, mastr, matched, buffer_capacity=0.1, consider_carrier=False ) # Match plants from NEP list using plz, # neglecting the capacity matched, mastr, nep = match_storage_units( nep, mastr, matched, consider_location="plz", consider_carrier=False, consider_capacity=False, ) # Match plants from NEP list using city, # neglecting the capacity matched, mastr, nep = match_storage_units( nep, mastr, matched, consider_location="city", consider_carrier=False, consider_capacity=False, ) # Match remaining plants from NEP using the federal state matched, mastr, nep = match_storage_units( nep, mastr, matched, buffer_capacity=0.1, consider_location="federal_state", consider_carrier=False, ) # Match remaining plants from NEP using the federal state matched, mastr, nep = match_storage_units( nep, mastr, matched, buffer_capacity=0.7, consider_location="federal_state", consider_carrier=False, ) print(f"{matched.el_capacity.sum()} MW of {carrier} matched") print(f"{nep.c2035_capacity.sum()} MW of {carrier} not matched") if nep.c2035_capacity.sum() > 0: # Get location using geolocator and city information located, unmatched = get_location(nep) # Bring both dataframes together matched = matched.append( located[ [ "carrier", "el_capacity", "scenario", "geometry", "source", "MaStRNummer", ] ], ignore_index=True, ) # Set CRS = "EPSG:4326" # Assign voltage level matched = apply_voltage_level_thresholds(matched) # Assign bus_id # Load grid district polygons mv_grid_districts = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM {cfg['sources']['egon_mv_grid_district']} """, epsg=4326, ) ehv_grid_districts = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM {cfg['sources']['ehv_voronoi']} """, epsg=4326, ) # Perform spatial joins for plants in ehv and hv level seperately power_plants_hv = gpd.sjoin( matched[matched.voltage_level >= 3], mv_grid_districts[["bus_id", "geom"]], how="left", ).drop(columns=["index_right"]) power_plants_ehv = gpd.sjoin( matched[matched.voltage_level < 3], ehv_grid_districts[["bus_id", "geom"]], how="left", ).drop(columns=["index_right"]) # Combine both dataframes power_plants = pd.concat([power_plants_hv, power_plants_ehv]) # Delete existing units in the target table db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {cfg ['target']['schema']}.{cfg ['target']['table']} WHERE carrier IN ('pumped_hydro') AND scenario='eGon2035';""" ) # If export = True export pumped_hydro plants to data base if export: # Insert into target table session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in power_plants.iterrows(): entry = EgonStorages( sources={"el_capacity": row.source}, source_id={"MastrNummer": row.MaStRNummer}, carrier=row.carrier, el_capacity=row.el_capacity, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, bus_id=row.bus_id, scenario=row.scenario, geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.geometry.x} {row.geometry.y})", ) session.add(entry) session.commit() else: return power_plants
[docs]def allocate_pumped_hydro_eGon100RE(): """Allocates pumped_hydro plants for eGon100RE scenario based on a prox-to-now method applied on allocated pumped-hydro plants in the eGon2035 scenario. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ carrier = "pumped_hydro" cfg = config.datasets()["power_plants"] boundary = config.settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] # Select installed capacity for pumped_hydro in eGon100RE scenario from # scenario capacities table capacity = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT capacity FROM {cfg['sources']['capacities']} WHERE carrier = '{carrier}' AND scenario_name = 'eGon100RE'; """ ) if boundary == "Schleswig-Holstein": # Break capacity of pumped hydron plants down SH share in eGon2035 capacity_phes = capacity.iat[0, 0] * 0.0176 elif boundary == "Everything": # Select national capacity for pumped hydro capacity_phes = capacity.iat[0, 0] else: raise ValueError(f"'{boundary}' is not a valid dataset boundary.") # Get allocation of pumped_hydro plants in eGon2035 scenario as the # reference for the distribution in eGon100RE scenario allocation = allocate_pumped_hydro_eGon2035(export=False) scaling_factor = capacity_phes / allocation.el_capacity.sum() power_plants = allocation.copy() power_plants["scenario"] = "eGon100RE" power_plants["el_capacity"] = allocation.el_capacity * scaling_factor # Insert into target table session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in power_plants.iterrows(): entry = EgonStorages( sources={"el_capacity": row.source}, source_id={"MastrNummer": row.MaStRNummer}, carrier=row.carrier, el_capacity=row.el_capacity, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, bus_id=row.bus_id, scenario=row.scenario, geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.geometry.x} {row.geometry.y})", ) session.add(entry) session.commit()
[docs]def home_batteries_per_scenario(scenario): """Allocates home batteries which define a lower boundary for extendable battery storage units. The overall installed capacity is taken from NEP for eGon2035 scenario. The spatial distribution of installed battery capacities is based on the installed pv rooftop capacity. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ cfg = config.datasets()["storages"] dataset = config.settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if scenario == "eGon2035": target_file = ( Path(".") / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "nep2035_version2021" / cfg["sources"]["nep_capacities"] ) capacities_nep = pd.read_excel( target_file, sheet_name="1.Entwurf_NEP2035_V2021", index_col="Unnamed: 0", ) # Select target value in MW target = capacities_nep.Summe["PV-Batteriespeicher"]*1000 else: target = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT capacity FROM {cfg['sources']['capacities']} WHERE scenario_name = '{scenario}' AND carrier = 'battery'; """ ).capacity[0] pv_rooftop = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT bus, p_nom, generator_id FROM {cfg['sources']['generators']} WHERE scn_name = '{scenario}' AND carrier = 'solar_rooftop' AND bus IN (SELECT bus_id FROM {cfg['sources']['bus']} WHERE scn_name = '{scenario}' AND country = 'DE' ); """ ) if dataset == "Schleswig-Holstein": target = target / 16 battery = pv_rooftop battery["p_nom_min"] = target * battery["p_nom"] / battery["p_nom"].sum() battery = battery.drop(columns=["p_nom"]) battery["carrier"] = "home_battery" battery["scenario"] = scenario if scenario == "eGon2035": source = "NEP" else: source = "p-e-s" battery[ "source" ] = f"{source} capacity allocated based in installed PV rooftop capacity" # Insert into target table session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in battery.iterrows(): entry = EgonStorages( sources={"el_capacity": row.source}, source_id={"generator_id": row.generator_id}, carrier=row.carrier, el_capacity=row.p_nom_min, bus_id=row.bus, scenario=row.scenario, ) session.add(entry) session.commit()
[docs]def allocate_pv_home_batteries_to_grids(): home_batteries_per_scenario("eGon2035") home_batteries_per_scenario("eGon100RE")