Source code for

"""The module containing all parameters for the scenario table

import pandas as pd


[docs]def read_csv(year): source =["pypsa-technology-data"]["targets"][ "data_dir" ] return pd.read_csv(f"{source}costs_{year}.csv")
[docs]def read_costs(df, technology, parameter, value_only=True): result = df.loc[ ( == technology) & (df.parameter == parameter) ].squeeze() # Rescale costs to EUR/MW if "EUR/kW" in result.unit: result.value *= 1e3 result.unit = result.unit.replace("kW", "MW") if value_only: return result.value else: return result
[docs]def annualize_capital_costs(overnight_costs, lifetime, p): """ Parameters ---------- overnight_costs : float Overnight investment costs in EUR/MW or EUR/MW/km lifetime : int Number of years in which payments will be made p : float Interest rate in p.u. Returns ------- float Annualized capital costs in EUR/MW/a or EUR/MW/km/a """ # Calculate present value of an annuity (PVA) PVA = (1 / p) - (1 / (p * (1 + p) ** lifetime)) return overnight_costs / PVA
[docs]def global_settings(scenario): """Returns global paramaters for the selected scenario. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- parameters : dict List of global parameters """ if scenario == "eGon2035": parameters = { "weather_year": 2011, "population_year": 2035, "fuel_costs": { # Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 1. Entwurf, p. 39, table 6 "oil": 73.8, # [EUR/MWh] "gas": 25.6, # [EUR/MWh] "coal": 20.2, # [EUR/MWh] "lignite": 4.0, # [EUR/MWh] "nuclear": 1.7, # [EUR/MWh] "biomass": 40, # Dummyvalue, ToDo: Find a suitable source }, "co2_costs": 76.5, # [EUR/t_CO2] "co2_emissions": { # Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 1. Entwurf, p. 40, table 8 "waste": 0.165, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "lignite": 0.393, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "gas": 0.201, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "nuclear": 0.0, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "oil": 0.288, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "coal": 0.335, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "other_non_renewable": 0.268, # [t_CO2/MW_th] }, "interest_rate": 0.05, # [p.u.] } elif scenario == "eGon100RE": parameters = { "weather_year": 2011, "population_year": 2050, "fuel_costs": { # Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 1. Entwurf, p. 39, table 6 "oil": 73.8, # [EUR/MWh] "gas": 25.6, # [EUR/MWh] "coal": 20.2, # [EUR/MWh] "lignite": 4.0, # [EUR/MWh] "nuclear": 1.7, # [EUR/MWh] }, "co2_costs": 76.5, # [EUR/t_CO2] "co2_emissions": { # Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 1. Entwurf, p. 40, table 8 "waste": 0.165, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "lignite": 0.393, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "gas": 0.201, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "nuclear": 0.0, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "oil": 0.288, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "coal": 0.335, # [t_CO2/MW_th] "other_non_renewable": 0.268, # [t_CO2/MW_th] }, } elif scenario == "eGon2021": parameters = { "weather_year": 2011, "population_year": 2021, } else: print(f"Scenario name {scenario} is not valid.") return parameters
[docs]def electricity(scenario): """Returns paramaters of the electricity sector for the selected scenario. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- parameters : dict List of parameters of electricity sector """ if scenario == "eGon2035": costs = read_csv(2035) parameters = {"grid_topology": "Status Quo"} # Insert effciencies in p.u. parameters["efficiency"] = { "oil": read_costs(costs, "oil", "efficiency"), "battery": { "store": read_costs(costs, "battery inverter", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "dispatch": read_costs(costs, "battery inverter", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "standing_loss": 0, "max_hours": 6, }, "pumped_hydro": { "store": read_costs(costs, "PHS", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "dispatch": read_costs(costs, "PHS", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "standing_loss": 0, "max_hours": 6, }, } # Warning: Electrical parameters are set in osmTGmod, editing these values will not change the data! parameters["electrical_parameters"] = { "ac_line_110kV": { "s_nom": 260, # [MVA] "R": 0.109, # [Ohm/km] "L": 1.2, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_110kV": { "s_nom": 280, # [MVA] "R": 0.0177, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, "ac_line_220kV": { "s_nom": 520, # [MVA] "R": 0.109, # [Ohm/km] "L": 1.0, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_220kV": { "s_nom": 550, # [MVA] "R": 0.0176, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, "ac_line_380kV": { "s_nom": 1790, # [MVA] "R": 0.028, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.8, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_380kV": { "s_nom": 925, # [MVA] "R": 0.0175, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, } # Insert overnight investment costs # Source for eHV grid costs: Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 2. Entwurf # Source for HV lines and cables: Dena Verteilnetzstudie 2021, p. 146 parameters["overnight_cost"] = { "ac_ehv_overhead_line": 2.5e6 / ( 2 * parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_line_380kV"]["s_nom"] ), # [EUR/km/MW] "ac_ehv_cable": 11.5e6 / ( 2 * parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_cable_380kV"][ "s_nom" ] ), # [EUR/km/MW] "ac_hv_overhead_line": 0.06e6 / parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_line_110kV"][ "s_nom" ], # [EUR/km/MW] "ac_hv_cable": 0.8e6 / parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_cable_110kV"][ "s_nom" ], # [EUR/km/MW] "dc_overhead_line": 0.5e3, # [EUR/km/MW] "dc_cable": 3.25e3, # [EUR/km/MW] "dc_inverter": 0.3e6, # [EUR/MW] "transformer_380_110": 17.33e3, # [EUR/MVA] "transformer_380_220": 13.33e3, # [EUR/MVA] "transformer_220_110": 17.5e3, # [EUR/MVA] "battery inverter": read_costs( costs, "battery inverter", "investment" ), "battery storage": read_costs( costs, "battery storage", "investment" ), } parameters["lifetime"] = { "ac_ehv_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "ac_ehv_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime"), "ac_hv_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "ac_hv_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_overhead_line": read_costs(costs, "HVDC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVDC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_inverter": read_costs(costs, "HVDC inverter pair", "lifetime"), "transformer_380_110": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "transformer_380_220": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "transformer_220_110": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "battery inverter": read_costs( costs, "battery inverter", "lifetime" ), "battery storage": read_costs( costs, "battery storage", "lifetime" ), } # Insert annualized capital costs # lines in EUR/km/MW/a # transfermer, inverter, battery in EUR/MW/a parameters["capital_cost"] = {} for comp in parameters["overnight_cost"].keys(): parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], global_settings("eGon2035")["interest_rate"], ) parameters["capital_cost"]["battery"] = ( parameters["capital_cost"]["battery inverter"] + parameters["efficiency"]["battery"]["max_hours"] * parameters["capital_cost"]["battery storage"] ) # Insert marginal_costs in EUR/MWh # marginal cost can include fuel, C02 and operation and maintenance costs parameters["marginal_cost"] = { "oil": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["oil"] + read_costs(costs, "oil", "VOM") + global_settings(scenario)["co2_costs"] * global_settings(scenario)["co2_emissions"]["oil"], "other_non_renewable": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"][ "gas" ] + global_settings(scenario)["co2_costs"] * global_settings(scenario)["co2_emissions"][ "other_non_renewable" ], "lignite": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["lignite"] + read_costs(costs, "lignite", "VOM") + global_settings(scenario)["co2_costs"] * global_settings(scenario)["co2_emissions"]["lignite"], "coal": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["coal"] + read_costs(costs, "coal", "VOM") + global_settings(scenario)["co2_costs"] * global_settings(scenario)["co2_emissions"]["coal"], "nuclear": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["nuclear"] + read_costs(costs, "nuclear", "VOM"), "biomass": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["biomass"] + read_costs(costs, "biomass CHP", "VOM"), "wind_offshore": read_costs(costs, "offwind", "VOM"), "wind_onshore": read_costs(costs, "onwind", "VOM"), "solar": read_costs(costs, "solar", "VOM"), } elif scenario == "eGon100RE": costs = read_csv(2050) parameters = {"grid_topology": "Status Quo"} # Insert effciencies in p.u. parameters["efficiency"] = { "battery": { "store": read_costs(costs, "battery inverter", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "dispatch": read_costs(costs, "battery inverter", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "standing_loss": 0, "max_hours": 6, }, "pumped_hydro": { "store": read_costs(costs, "PHS", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "dispatch": read_costs(costs, "PHS", "efficiency") ** 0.5, "standing_loss": 0, "max_hours": 6, }, } # Warning: Electrical parameters are set in osmTGmod, editing these values will not change the data! parameters["electrical_parameters"] = { "ac_line_110kV": { "s_nom": 260, # [MVA] "R": 0.109, # [Ohm/km] "L": 1.2, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_110kV": { "s_nom": 280, # [MVA] "R": 0.0177, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, "ac_line_220kV": { "s_nom": 520, # [MVA] "R": 0.109, # [Ohm/km] "L": 1.0, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_220kV": { "s_nom": 550, # [MVA] "R": 0.0176, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, "ac_line_380kV": { "s_nom": 1790, # [MVA] "R": 0.028, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.8, # [mH/km] }, "ac_cable_380kV": { "s_nom": 925, # [MVA] "R": 0.0175, # [Ohm/km] "L": 0.3, # [mH/km] }, } # Insert overnight investment costs # Source for transformer costs: Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 2. Entwurf # Source for HV lines and cables: Dena Verteilnetzstudie 2021, p. 146 parameters["overnight_cost"] = { "ac_ehv_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "investment" ), # [EUR/km/MW] "ac_hv_overhead_line": 0.06e6 / parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_line_110kV"][ "s_nom" ], # [EUR/km/MW] "ac_hv_cable": 0.8e6 / parameters["electrical_parameters"]["ac_cable_110kV"][ "s_nom" ], # [EUR/km/MW] "dc_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVDC overhead", "investment" ), "dc_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVDC overhead", "investment"), "dc_inverter": read_costs( costs, "HVDC inverter pair", "investment" ), "transformer_380_110": 17.33e3, # [EUR/MVA] "transformer_380_220": 13.33e3, # [EUR/MVA] "transformer_220_110": 17.5e3, # [EUR/MVA] "battery inverter": read_costs( costs, "battery inverter", "investment" ), "battery storage": read_costs( costs, "battery storage", "investment" ), } parameters["lifetime"] = { "ac_ehv_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "ac_ehv_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime"), "ac_hv_overhead_line": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "ac_hv_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_overhead_line": read_costs(costs, "HVDC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_cable": read_costs(costs, "HVDC overhead", "lifetime"), "dc_inverter": read_costs(costs, "HVDC inverter pair", "lifetime"), "transformer_380_110": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "transformer_380_220": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "transformer_220_110": read_costs( costs, "HVAC overhead", "lifetime" ), "battery inverter": read_costs( costs, "battery inverter", "lifetime" ), "battery storage": read_costs( costs, "battery storage", "lifetime" ), } # Insert annualized capital costs # lines in EUR/km/MW/a # transfermer, inverter, battery in EUR/MW/a parameters["capital_cost"] = {} for comp in parameters["overnight_cost"].keys(): parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], global_settings("eGon2035")["interest_rate"], ) parameters["capital_cost"]["battery"] = ( parameters["capital_cost"]["battery inverter"] + parameters["efficiency"]["battery"]["max_hours"] * parameters["capital_cost"]["battery storage"] ) # Insert marginal_costs in EUR/MWh # marginal cost can include fuel, C02 and operation and maintenance costs parameters["marginal_cost"] = { "wind_offshore": read_costs(costs, "offwind", "VOM"), "wind_onshore": read_costs(costs, "onwind", "VOM"), "solar": read_costs(costs, "solar", "VOM"), } elif scenario == "eGon2021": parameters = {} else: print(f"Scenario name {scenario} is not valid.") return parameters
[docs]def gas(scenario): """Returns paramaters of the gas sector for the selected scenario. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- parameters : dict List of parameters of gas sector """ if scenario == "eGon2035": costs = read_csv(2035) parameters = { "main_gas_carrier": "CH4", "H2_feedin_volumetric_fraction": 0.15, } # Insert effciencies in p.u. parameters["efficiency"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "efficiency"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "efficiency"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "efficiency"), "H2_feedin": 1, "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "efficiency"), "OCGT": read_costs(costs, "OCGT", "efficiency"), } # Insert overnight investment costs parameters["overnight_cost"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "investment"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "investment"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "investment"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "investment"), "H2_feedin": 0, "H2_underground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage underground", "investment" ), "H2_overground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor", "investment" ), "H2_pipeline": read_costs( costs, "H2 (g) pipeline", "investment" ), # [EUR/MW/km] } # Insert lifetime parameters["lifetime"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "lifetime"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "lifetime"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "lifetime"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "lifetime"), "H2_underground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage underground", "lifetime" ), "H2_overground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor", "lifetime" ), "H2_pipeline": read_costs(costs, "H2 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"), "H2_feedin": read_costs(costs, "CH4 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"), } # Insert annualized capital costs parameters["capital_cost"] = {} for comp in parameters["overnight_cost"].keys(): parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], global_settings("eGon2035")["interest_rate"], ) parameters["marginal_cost"] = { "CH4": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["gas"] + global_settings(scenario)["co2_costs"] * global_settings(scenario)["co2_emissions"]["gas"], "OCGT": read_costs(costs, "OCGT", "VOM"), "biogas": global_settings(scenario)["fuel_costs"]["gas"], "chp_gas": read_costs(costs, "central gas CHP", "VOM"), } # Insert max gas production (generator) over the year parameters["max_gas_generation_overtheyear"] = { "CH4": 36000000, # [MWh] Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2020–2030 "biogas": 10000000, # [MWh] Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2020–2030 } elif scenario == "eGon100RE": costs = read_csv(2050) interest_rate = 0.07 # [p.u.] parameters = { "main_gas_carrier": "H2", "retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share": 0.23, # p-e-s result, this value is overwritten if p-e-s is run } # Insert effciencies in p.u. parameters["efficiency"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "efficiency"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "efficiency"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "efficiency"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "efficiency"), "OCGT": read_costs(costs, "OCGT", "efficiency"), } # Insert FOM in % parameters["FOM"] = { "H2_underground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage underground", "FOM" ), "H2_overground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor", "FOM" ), "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "FOM"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "FOM"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "FOM"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "FOM"), "H2_pipeline": read_costs(costs, "H2 (g) pipeline", "FOM"), "H2_pipeline_retrofit": read_costs( costs, "H2 (g) pipeline repurposed", "FOM" ), } # Insert overnight investment costs parameters["overnight_cost"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "investment"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "investment"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "investment"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "investment"), "H2_underground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage underground", "investment" ), "H2_overground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor", "investment" ), "H2_pipeline": read_costs( costs, "H2 (g) pipeline", "investment" ), # [EUR/MW/km] "H2_pipeline_retrofit": read_costs( costs, "H2 (g) pipeline repurposed", "investment" ), # [EUR/MW/km] } # Insert lifetime parameters["lifetime"] = { "power_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "electrolysis", "lifetime"), "H2_to_power": read_costs(costs, "fuel cell", "lifetime"), "CH4_to_H2": read_costs(costs, "SMR", "lifetime"), "H2_to_CH4": read_costs(costs, "methanation", "lifetime"), "H2_underground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage underground", "lifetime" ), "H2_overground": read_costs( costs, "hydrogen storage tank incl. compressor", "lifetime" ), "H2_pipeline": read_costs(costs, "H2 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"), "H2_pipeline_retrofit": read_costs( costs, "H2 (g) pipeline repurposed", "lifetime" ), } # Insert costs parameters["capital_cost"] = {} for comp in parameters["overnight_cost"].keys(): parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = ( annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], interest_rate, ) + parameters["overnight_cost"][comp] * (parameters["FOM"][comp] / 100) ) for comp in ["H2_to_power", "H2_to_CH4"]: parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = ( annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], interest_rate, ) + parameters["overnight_cost"][comp] * (parameters["FOM"][comp] / 100) ) * parameters["efficiency"][comp] parameters["marginal_cost"] = { "OCGT": read_costs(costs, "OCGT", "VOM"), "biogas": read_costs(costs, "biogas", "fuel"), "chp_gas": read_costs(costs, "central gas CHP", "VOM"), } elif scenario == "eGon2021": parameters = {} else: print(f"Scenario name {scenario} is not valid.") return parameters
[docs]def mobility(scenario): """Returns parameters of the mobility sector for the selected scenario. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- parameters : dict List of parameters of mobility sector Notes ----- For a detailed description of the parameters see module :mod:``. """ if scenario == "eGon2035": parameters = { "motorized_individual_travel": { "NEP C 2035": { "ev_count": 15100000, "bev_mini_share": 0.1589, "bev_medium_share": 0.3533, "bev_luxury_share": 0.1053, "phev_mini_share": 0.0984, "phev_medium_share": 0.2189, "phev_luxury_share": 0.0652, "model_parameters": {}, } } } elif scenario == "eGon100RE": # eGon100RE has 3 Scenario variations # * allocation will always be done for all scenarios # * model data will be written to tables `egon_etrago_*` only # for the variation as speciefied in `datasets.yml` parameters = { "motorized_individual_travel": { "Reference 2050": { "ev_count": 25065000, "bev_mini_share": 0.1589, "bev_medium_share": 0.3533, "bev_luxury_share": 0.1053, "phev_mini_share": 0.0984, "phev_medium_share": 0.2189, "phev_luxury_share": 0.0652, "model_parameters": {}, }, "Mobility Transition 2050": { "ev_count": 37745000, "bev_mini_share": 0.1589, "bev_medium_share": 0.3533, "bev_luxury_share": 0.1053, "phev_mini_share": 0.0984, "phev_medium_share": 0.2189, "phev_luxury_share": 0.0652, "model_parameters": {}, }, "Electrification 2050": { "ev_count": 47700000, "bev_mini_share": 0.1589, "bev_medium_share": 0.3533, "bev_luxury_share": 0.1053, "phev_mini_share": 0.0984, "phev_medium_share": 0.2189, "phev_luxury_share": 0.0652, "model_parameters": {}, }, } } elif scenario == "eGon2021": parameters = {} else: print(f"Scenario name {scenario} is not valid.") parameters = dict() return parameters
[docs]def heat(scenario): """Returns paramaters of the heat sector for the selected scenario. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- parameters : dict List of parameters of heat sector """ if scenario == "eGon2035": costs = read_csv(2035) parameters = { "DE_demand_reduction_residential": 0.854314018923104, "DE_demand_reduction_service": 0.498286864771128, "DE_district_heating_share": 0.14, } # Insert efficiency in p.u. parameters["efficiency"] = { "water_tank_charger": read_costs( costs, "water tank charger", "efficiency" ), "water_tank_discharger": read_costs( costs, "water tank discharger", "efficiency" ), "central_resistive_heater": read_costs( costs, "central resistive heater", "efficiency" ), "central_gas_boiler": read_costs( costs, "central gas boiler", "efficiency" ), "rural_resistive_heater": read_costs( costs, "decentral resistive heater", "efficiency" ), "rural_gas_boiler": read_costs( costs, "decentral gas boiler", "efficiency" ), } # Insert overnight investment costs, in EUR/MWh parameters["overnight_cost"] = { "central_water_tank": read_costs( costs, "central water tank storage", "investment" ), "rural_water_tank": read_costs( costs, "decentral water tank storage", "investment" ), } # Insert lifetime parameters["lifetime"] = { "central_water_tank": read_costs( costs, "central water tank storage", "lifetime" ), "rural_water_tank": read_costs( costs, "decentral water tank storage", "lifetime" ), } # Insert annualized capital costs parameters["capital_cost"] = {} for comp in parameters["overnight_cost"].keys(): parameters["capital_cost"][comp] = annualize_capital_costs( parameters["overnight_cost"][comp], parameters["lifetime"][comp], global_settings("eGon2035")["interest_rate"], ) # Insert marginal_costs in EUR/MWh # marginal cost can include fuel, C02 and operation and maintenance costs parameters["marginal_cost"] = { "central_heat_pump": read_costs( costs, "central air-sourced heat pump", "VOM" ), "central_gas_chp": read_costs(costs, "central gas CHP", "VOM"), "central_gas_boiler": read_costs( costs, "central gas boiler", "VOM" ), "central_resistive_heater": read_costs( costs, "central resistive heater", "VOM" ), "geo_thermal": 2.9, # Danish Energy Agency "water_tank_charger": 0, # Danish Energy Agency "water_tank_discharger": 0, # Danish Energy Agency "rural_heat_pump": 0, # Danish Energy Agency, Technology Data for Individual Heating Plants } elif scenario == "eGon100RE": parameters = { "DE_demand_reduction_residential": 0.640720648501849, "DE_demand_reduction_service": 0.390895195300713, "DE_district_heating_share": 0.19, } elif scenario == "eGon2021": parameters = {} else: print(f"Scenario name {scenario} is not valid.") return parameters