Source code for

"""The central module containing all code dealing with bgr data.

This module either directly contains the code dealing with importing bgr
data, or it re-exports everything needed to handle it. Please refrain
from importing code from any modules below this one, because it might
lead to unwanted behaviour.

If you have to import code from a module below this one because the code
isn't exported from this module, please file a bug, so we can fix this.

from pathlib import Path

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
import geopandas as gpd

from import db
from import Dataset

[docs]def to_postgres(): """Write BGR saline structures to database.""" # Get information from data configuraiton file data_config = bgr_processed = data_config["bgr"]["processed"] # Create target schema db.execute_sql(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {bgr_processed['schema']};") engine_local_db = db.engine() # Extract shapefiles from zip archive and send it to postgres db for filename, table in bgr_processed["file_table_map"].items(): # Open files and read .shp (within .zip) with geopandas shp_file_path = ( Path(".") / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "hydrogen_storage_potential_saltstructures" / filename ) data = gpd.read_file(shp_file_path).to_crs(epsg=4326) data = ( data[ (data["Bewertung"] == "Eignung InSpEE-DS") | (data["Bewertung"] == "geeignet") ] .drop(columns=["Bewertung", "Typ", "Salzstrukt"]) .rename( columns={ "Shape_Area": "shape_star", "Shape_Leng": "shape_stle", } ) ) # Set index column and format column headings data.index.set_names("saltstructure_id", inplace=True) data.columns = [x.lower() for x in data.columns] # Drop table before inserting data db.execute_sql( f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " f"{bgr_processed['schema']}.{table} CASCADE;" ) # create database table from geopandas dataframe data.to_postgis( table, engine_local_db, schema=bgr_processed["schema"], index=True, if_exists="replace", dtype={"geometry": Geometry()}, ) # add primary key db.execute_sql( f"ALTER TABLE {bgr_processed['schema']}.{table} " f"ADD PRIMARY KEY (saltstructure_id);" ) # Add index on geometry column db.execute_sql( f"CREATE INDEX {table}_geometry_idx ON " f"{bgr_processed['schema']}.{table} USING gist (geometry);" )
[docs]class SaltcavernData(Dataset): def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__( name="SaltcavernData", version="0.0.1", dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(to_postgres,), )