Source code for

"""The central module containing all code dealing with importing data from
the pysa-eur-sec scenario parameter creation

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import json
import os
import tarfile

from shapely.geometry import LineString
import geopandas as gpd
import importlib_resources as resources
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pypsa
import yaml

from import __path__, db, logger
from import Dataset
from import get_sector_parameters
import as subproc

[docs]def run_pypsa_eur_sec(): cwd = Path(".") filepath = cwd / "run-pypsa-eur-sec" filepath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pypsa_eur_repos = filepath / "pypsa-eur" pypsa_eur_repos_data = pypsa_eur_repos / "data" technology_data_repos = filepath / "technology-data" pypsa_eur_sec_repos = filepath / "pypsa-eur-sec" pypsa_eur_sec_repos_data = pypsa_eur_sec_repos / "data" if not pypsa_eur_repos.exists(): [ "git", "clone", "--branch", "v0.4.0", "", pypsa_eur_repos, ] ) # # ["git", "checkout", "4e44822514755cdd0289687556547100fba6218b"], # cwd=pypsa_eur_repos, # ) file_to_copy = os.path.join( __path__[0], "datasets", "pypsaeursec", "pypsaeur", "Snakefile" )["cp", file_to_copy, pypsa_eur_repos]) # Read YAML file path_to_env = pypsa_eur_repos / "envs" / "environment.yaml" with open(path_to_env, "r") as stream: env = yaml.safe_load(stream) env["dependencies"].append("gurobi") # Write YAML file with open(path_to_env, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: yaml.dump( env, outfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True ) datafile = "pypsa-eur-data-bundle.tar.xz" datapath = pypsa_eur_repos / datafile if not datapath.exists(): urlretrieve( f"{datafile}", datapath ) tar = tar.extractall(pypsa_eur_repos_data) if not technology_data_repos.exists(): [ "git", "clone", "--branch", "v0.3.0", "", technology_data_repos, ] ) if not pypsa_eur_sec_repos.exists(): [ "git", "clone", "", pypsa_eur_sec_repos, ] ) datafile = "pypsa-eur-sec-data-bundle.tar.gz" datapath = pypsa_eur_sec_repos_data / datafile if not datapath.exists(): urlretrieve( f"{datafile}", datapath ) tar = tar.extractall(pypsa_eur_sec_repos_data) with open(filepath / "Snakefile", "w") as snakefile: snakefile.write( resources.read_text("", "Snakefile") ) [ "snakemake", "-j1", "--directory", filepath, "--snakefile", filepath / "Snakefile", "--use-conda", "--conda-frontend=conda", "Main", ] )
[docs]def read_network(): # Set execute_pypsa_eur_sec to False until optional task is implemented execute_pypsa_eur_sec = False cwd = Path(".") if execute_pypsa_eur_sec: filepath = cwd / "run-pypsa-eur-sec" pypsa_eur_sec_repos = filepath / "pypsa-eur-sec" # Read YAML file pes_egonconfig = pypsa_eur_sec_repos / "config_egon.yaml" with open(pes_egonconfig, "r") as stream: data_config = yaml.safe_load(stream) simpl = data_config["scenario"]["simpl"][0] clusters = data_config["scenario"]["clusters"][0] lv = data_config["scenario"]["lv"][0] opts = data_config["scenario"]["opts"][0] sector_opts = data_config["scenario"]["sector_opts"][0] planning_horizons = data_config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"][0] file = "elec_s{simpl}_{clusters}_lv{lv}_{opts}_{sector_opts}_{planning_horizons}.nc".format( simpl=simpl, clusters=clusters, opts=opts, lv=lv, sector_opts=sector_opts, planning_horizons=planning_horizons, ) target_file = ( pypsa_eur_sec_repos / "results" / data_config["run"] / "postnetworks" / file ) else: target_file = ( cwd / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "pypsa_eur_sec" / "2022-07-26-egondata-integration" / "postnetworks" / "" ) return pypsa.Network(str(target_file))
[docs]def clean_database(): """Remove all components abroad for eGon100RE of the database Remove all components abroad and their associated time series of the datase for the scenario 'eGon100RE'. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ scn_name = "eGon100RE" comp_one_port = ["load", "generator", "store", "storage"] # delete existing components and associated timeseries for comp in comp_one_port: db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp + "_timeseries"} WHERE {comp + "_id"} IN ( SELECT {comp + "_id"} FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' ); DELETE FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}';""" ) comp_2_ports = [ "line", "transformer", "link", ] for comp, id in zip(comp_2_ports, ["line_id", "trafo_id", "link_id"]): db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp + "_timeseries"} WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND {id} IN ( SELECT {id} FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp} WHERE "bus0" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND "bus1" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') ); DELETE FROM {"grid.egon_etrago_" + comp} WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND "bus0" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND "bus1" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') ;""" ) db.execute_sql( "DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus " "WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' " "AND country <> 'DE'" )
[docs]def neighbor_reduction(): network = read_network() network.links.drop("pipe_retrofit", axis="columns", inplace=True) wanted_countries = [ "DE", "AT", "CH", "CZ", "PL", "SE", "NO", "DK", "GB", "NL", "BE", "FR", "LU", ] foreign_buses = network.buses[ ~network.buses.index.str.contains("|".join(wanted_countries)) ] network.buses = network.buses.drop( network.buses.loc[foreign_buses.index].index ) # drop foreign lines and links from the 2nd row network.lines = network.lines.drop( network.lines[ (network.lines["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) & (network.lines["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) # select all lines which have at bus1 the bus which is kept lines_cb_1 = network.lines[ (network.lines["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ] # create a load at bus1 with the line's hourly loading for i, k in zip(lines_cb_1.bus1.values, lines_cb_1.index): network.add( "Load", "slack_fix " + i + " " + k, bus=i, p_set=network.lines_t.p1[k], ) network.loads.carrier.loc[ "slack_fix " + i + " " + k ] = lines_cb_1.carrier[k] # select all lines which have at bus0 the bus which is kept lines_cb_0 = network.lines[ (network.lines["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ] # create a load at bus0 with the line's hourly loading for i, k in zip(lines_cb_0.bus0.values, lines_cb_0.index): network.add( "Load", "slack_fix " + i + " " + k, bus=i, p_set=network.lines_t.p0[k], ) network.loads.carrier.loc[ "slack_fix " + i + " " + k ] = lines_cb_0.carrier[k] # do the same for links network.links = network.links.drop( network.links[ (network.links["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) & (network.links["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) # select all links which have at bus1 the bus which is kept links_cb_1 = network.links[ (network.links["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ] # create a load at bus1 with the link's hourly loading for i, k in zip(links_cb_1.bus1.values, links_cb_1.index): network.add( "Load", "slack_fix_links " + i + " " + k, bus=i, p_set=network.links_t.p1[k], ) network.loads.carrier.loc[ "slack_fix_links " + i + " " + k ] = links_cb_1.carrier[k] # select all links which have at bus0 the bus which is kept links_cb_0 = network.links[ (network.links["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ] # create a load at bus0 with the link's hourly loading for i, k in zip(links_cb_0.bus0.values, links_cb_0.index): network.add( "Load", "slack_fix_links " + i + " " + k, bus=i, p_set=network.links_t.p0[k], ) network.loads.carrier.loc[ "slack_fix_links " + i + " " + k ] = links_cb_0.carrier[k] # drop remaining foreign components network.lines = network.lines.drop( network.lines[ (network.lines["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.lines["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) network.links = network.links.drop( network.links[ (network.links["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.links["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) network.transformers = network.transformers.drop( network.transformers[ (network.transformers["bus0"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.transformers["bus1"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) network.generators = network.generators.drop( network.generators[ (network.generators["bus"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) network.loads = network.loads.drop( network.loads[ (network.loads["bus"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) network.storage_units = network.storage_units.drop( network.storage_units[ (network.storage_units["bus"].isin(network.buses.index) == False) ].index ) components = [ "loads", "generators", "lines", "buses", "transformers", "links", ] for g in components: # loads_t h = g + "_t" nw = getattr(network, h) # network.loads_t for i in nw.keys(): # network.loads_t.p cols = [ j for j in getattr(nw, i).columns if j not in getattr(network, g).index ] for k in cols: del getattr(nw, i)[k] # writing components of neighboring countries to etrago tables # Set country tag for all buses = network.buses.index.str[:2] neighbors = network.buses[ != "DE"] neighbors["new_index"] = ( db.next_etrago_id("bus") + neighbors.reset_index().index ) # lines, the foreign crossborder lines # (without crossborder lines to Germany!) neighbor_lines = network.lines[ network.lines.bus0.isin(neighbors.index) & network.lines.bus1.isin(neighbors.index) ] if not network.lines_t["s_max_pu"].empty: neighbor_lines_t = network.lines_t["s_max_pu"][neighbor_lines.index] neighbor_lines.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_lines.bus0 = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_lines.bus0, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_lines.bus1 = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_lines.bus1, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_lines.index += db.next_etrago_id("line") if not network.lines_t["s_max_pu"].empty: for i in neighbor_lines_t.columns: new_index = neighbor_lines[neighbor_lines["name"] == i].index neighbor_lines_t.rename(columns={i: new_index[0]}, inplace=True) # links neighbor_links = network.links[ network.links.bus0.isin(neighbors.index) & network.links.bus1.isin(neighbors.index) ] neighbor_links.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_links.bus0 = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_links.bus0, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_links.bus1 = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_links.bus1, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_links.index += db.next_etrago_id("link") # generators neighbor_gens = network.generators[ network.generators.bus.isin(neighbors.index) ] neighbor_gens_t = network.generators_t["p_max_pu"][ neighbor_gens[ neighbor_gens.index.isin(network.generators_t["p_max_pu"].columns) ].index ] neighbor_gens.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_gens.bus = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_gens.bus, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_gens.index += db.next_etrago_id("generator") for i in neighbor_gens_t.columns: new_index = neighbor_gens[neighbor_gens["name"] == i].index neighbor_gens_t.rename(columns={i: new_index[0]}, inplace=True) # loads neighbor_loads = network.loads[network.loads.bus.isin(neighbors.index)] neighbor_loads_t_index = neighbor_loads.index[ neighbor_loads.index.isin(network.loads_t.p_set.columns) ] neighbor_loads_t = network.loads_t["p_set"][neighbor_loads_t_index] neighbor_loads.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_loads.bus = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_loads.bus, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_loads.index += db.next_etrago_id("load") for i in neighbor_loads_t.columns: new_index = neighbor_loads[neighbor_loads["index"] == i].index neighbor_loads_t.rename(columns={i: new_index[0]}, inplace=True) # stores neighbor_stores = network.stores[network.stores.bus.isin(neighbors.index)] neighbor_stores_t_index = neighbor_stores.index[ neighbor_stores.index.isin(network.stores_t.e_min_pu.columns) ] neighbor_stores_t = network.stores_t["e_min_pu"][neighbor_stores_t_index] neighbor_stores.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_stores.bus = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_stores.bus, "new_index"].reset_index().new_index ) neighbor_stores.index += db.next_etrago_id("store") for i in neighbor_stores_t.columns: new_index = neighbor_stores[neighbor_stores["name"] == i].index neighbor_stores_t.rename(columns={i: new_index[0]}, inplace=True) # storage_units neighbor_storage = network.storage_units[ network.storage_units.bus.isin(neighbors.index) ] neighbor_storage_t_index = neighbor_storage.index[ neighbor_storage.index.isin(network.storage_units_t.inflow.columns) ] neighbor_storage_t = network.storage_units_t["inflow"][ neighbor_storage_t_index ] neighbor_storage.reset_index(inplace=True) neighbor_storage.bus = ( neighbors.loc[neighbor_storage.bus, "new_index"] .reset_index() .new_index ) neighbor_storage.index += db.next_etrago_id("storage") for i in neighbor_storage_t.columns: new_index = neighbor_storage[neighbor_storage["name"] == i].index neighbor_storage_t.rename(columns={i: new_index[0]}, inplace=True) # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() neighbors["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbors.index = neighbors["new_index"] # Correct geometry for non AC buses carriers = set(neighbors.carrier.to_list()) carriers = [e for e in carriers if e not in ("AC", "biogas")] non_AC_neighbors = pd.DataFrame() for c in carriers: c_neighbors = neighbors[neighbors.carrier == c].set_index( "location", drop=False ) for i in ["x", "y"]: c_neighbors = c_neighbors.drop(i, axis=1) coordinates = neighbors[neighbors.carrier == "AC"][ ["location", "x", "y"] ].set_index("location") c_neighbors = pd.concat([coordinates, c_neighbors], axis=1).set_index( "new_index", drop=False ) non_AC_neighbors = non_AC_neighbors.append(c_neighbors) neighbors = neighbors[neighbors.carrier == "AC"].append(non_AC_neighbors) for i in ["new_index", "control", "generator", "location", "sub_network"]: neighbors = neighbors.drop(i, axis=1) # Add geometry column neighbors = ( gpd.GeoDataFrame( neighbors, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(neighbors.x, neighbors.y) ) .rename_geometry("geom") .set_crs(4326) ) # Unify carrier names neighbors.carrier = neighbors.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbors.carrier.replace( { "gas": "CH4", "gas_for_industry": "CH4_for_industry", "H2": "H2_grid", }, inplace=True, ) neighbors.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_bus", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="bus_id", ) # prepare and write neighboring crossborder lines to etrago tables def lines_to_etrago(neighbor_lines=neighbor_lines, scn="eGon100RE"): neighbor_lines["scn_name"] = scn neighbor_lines["cables"] = 3 * neighbor_lines["num_parallel"].astype( int ) neighbor_lines["s_nom"] = neighbor_lines["s_nom_min"] for i in [ "name", "x_pu_eff", "r_pu_eff", "sub_network", "x_pu", "r_pu", "g_pu", "b_pu", "s_nom_opt", ]: neighbor_lines = neighbor_lines.drop(i, axis=1) # Define geometry and add to lines dataframe as 'topo' gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=neighbor_lines.index) gdf["geom_bus0"] = neighbors.geom[neighbor_lines.bus0].values gdf["geom_bus1"] = neighbors.geom[neighbor_lines.bus1].values gdf["geometry"] = gdf.apply( lambda x: LineString([x["geom_bus0"], x["geom_bus1"]]), axis=1 ) neighbor_lines = ( gpd.GeoDataFrame(neighbor_lines, geometry=gdf["geometry"]) .rename_geometry("topo") .set_crs(4326) ) neighbor_lines["lifetime"] = get_sector_parameters("electricity", scn)[ "lifetime" ]["ac_ehv_overhead_line"] neighbor_lines.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_line", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="line_id", ) lines_to_etrago(neighbor_lines=neighbor_lines, scn="eGon100RE") lines_to_etrago(neighbor_lines=neighbor_lines, scn="eGon2035") def links_to_etrago(neighbor_links, scn="eGon100RE", extendable=True): """Prepare and write neighboring crossborder links to eTraGo table This function prepare the neighboring crossborder links generated the PyPSA-eur-sec (p-e-s) run by: * Delete the useless columns * If extendable is false only (non default case): * Replace p_nom = 0 with the p_nom_op values (arrising from the p-e-s optimisation) * Setting p_nom_extendable to false * Add geomtry to the links: 'geom' and 'topo' columns * Change the name of the carriers to have the consistent in eGon-data The function insert then the link to the eTraGo table and has no return. Parameters ---------- neighbor_links : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the neighboring crossborder links scn_name : str Name of the scenario extendable : bool Boolean expressing if the links should be extendable or not Returns ------- None """ neighbor_links["scn_name"] = scn if extendable is True: neighbor_links = neighbor_links.drop( columns=[ "name", "geometry", "tags", "under_construction", "underground", "underwater_fraction", "bus2", "bus3", "bus4", "efficiency2", "efficiency3", "efficiency4", "lifetime", "p_nom_opt", "pipe_retrofit", ], errors="ignore", ) elif extendable is False: neighbor_links = neighbor_links.drop( columns=[ "name", "geometry", "tags", "under_construction", "underground", "underwater_fraction", "bus2", "bus3", "bus4", "efficiency2", "efficiency3", "efficiency4", "lifetime", "p_nom", "p_nom_extendable", "pipe_retrofit", ], errors="ignore", ) neighbor_links = neighbor_links.rename( columns={"p_nom_opt": "p_nom"} ) neighbor_links["p_nom_extendable"] = False # Define geometry and add to lines dataframe as 'topo' gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=neighbor_links.index) gdf["geom_bus0"] = neighbors.geom[neighbor_links.bus0].values gdf["geom_bus1"] = neighbors.geom[neighbor_links.bus1].values gdf["geometry"] = gdf.apply( lambda x: LineString([x["geom_bus0"], x["geom_bus1"]]), axis=1 ) neighbor_links = ( gpd.GeoDataFrame(neighbor_links, geometry=gdf["geometry"]) .rename_geometry("topo") .set_crs(4326) ) # Unify carrier names neighbor_links.carrier = neighbor_links.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbor_links.carrier.replace( { "H2_Electrolysis": "power_to_H2", "H2_Fuel_Cell": "H2_to_power", "H2_pipeline_retrofitted": "H2_retrofit", "SMR": "CH4_to_H2", "Sabatier": "H2_to_CH4", "gas_for_industry": "CH4_for_industry", "gas_pipeline": "CH4", }, inplace=True, ) for c in [ "H2_to_CH4", "H2_to_power", "power_to_H2", "CH4_to_H2", ]: neighbor_links.loc[ (neighbor_links.carrier == c), "lifetime", ] = get_sector_parameters("gas", "eGon100RE")["lifetime"][c] neighbor_links.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_link", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="link_id", ) non_extendable_links_carriers = [ "H2 pipeline retrofitted", "gas pipeline", "biogas to gas", ] # delete unwanted carriers for eTraGo excluded_carriers = ["gas for industry CC", "SMR CC", "biogas to gas"] neighbor_links = neighbor_links[ ~neighbor_links.carrier.isin(excluded_carriers) ] links_to_etrago( neighbor_links[ ~neighbor_links.carrier.isin(non_extendable_links_carriers) ], "eGon100RE", ) links_to_etrago( neighbor_links[ neighbor_links.carrier.isin(non_extendable_links_carriers) ], "eGon100RE", extendable=False, ) links_to_etrago(neighbor_links[neighbor_links.carrier == "DC"], "eGon2035") # prepare neighboring generators for etrago tables neighbor_gens["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbor_gens["p_nom"] = neighbor_gens["p_nom_opt"] neighbor_gens["p_nom_extendable"] = False # Unify carrier names neighbor_gens.carrier = neighbor_gens.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbor_gens.carrier.replace( { "onwind": "wind_onshore", "ror": "run_of_river", "offwind-ac": "wind_offshore", "offwind-dc": "wind_offshore", "urban_central_solar_thermal": "urban_central_solar_thermal_collector", "residential_rural_solar_thermal": "residential_rural_solar_thermal_collector", "services_rural_solar_thermal": "services_rural_solar_thermal_collector", }, inplace=True, ) for i in ["name", "weight", "lifetime", "p_set", "q_set", "p_nom_opt"]: neighbor_gens = neighbor_gens.drop(i, axis=1) neighbor_gens.to_sql( "egon_etrago_generator", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="generator_id", ) # prepare neighboring loads for etrago tables neighbor_loads["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" # Unify carrier names neighbor_loads.carrier = neighbor_loads.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbor_loads.carrier.replace( { "electricity": "AC", "DC": "AC", "industry_electricity": "AC", "H2_pipeline_retrofitted": "H2_system_boundary", "gas_pipeline": "CH4_system_boundary", "gas_for_industry": "CH4_for_industry", }, inplace=True, ) neighbor_loads = neighbor_loads.drop( columns=["index"], errors="ignore", ) neighbor_loads.to_sql( "egon_etrago_load", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="load_id", ) # prepare neighboring stores for etrago tables neighbor_stores["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" # Unify carrier names neighbor_stores.carrier = neighbor_stores.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbor_stores.carrier.replace( { "Li_ion": "battery", "gas": "CH4", }, inplace=True, ) neighbor_stores.loc[ ( (neighbor_stores.e_nom_max <= 1e9) & (neighbor_stores.carrier == "H2") ), "carrier", ] = "H2_underground" neighbor_stores.loc[ ( (neighbor_stores.e_nom_max > 1e9) & (neighbor_stores.carrier == "H2") ), "carrier", ] = "H2_overground" for i in ["name", "p_set", "q_set", "e_nom_opt", "lifetime"]: neighbor_stores = neighbor_stores.drop(i, axis=1) for c in ["H2_underground", "H2_overground"]: neighbor_stores.loc[ (neighbor_stores.carrier == c), "lifetime", ] = get_sector_parameters("gas", "eGon100RE")["lifetime"][c] neighbor_stores.to_sql( "egon_etrago_store", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="store_id", ) # prepare neighboring storage_units for etrago tables neighbor_storage["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" # Unify carrier names neighbor_storage.carrier = neighbor_storage.carrier.str.replace(" ", "_") neighbor_storage.carrier.replace( {"PHS": "pumped_hydro", "hydro": "reservoir"}, inplace=True ) for i in ["name", "p_nom_opt"]: neighbor_storage = neighbor_storage.drop(i, axis=1) neighbor_storage.to_sql( "egon_etrago_storage", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="storage_id", ) # writing neighboring loads_t p_sets to etrago tables neighbor_loads_t_etrago = pd.DataFrame( columns=["scn_name", "temp_id", "p_set"], index=neighbor_loads_t.columns, ) neighbor_loads_t_etrago["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbor_loads_t_etrago["temp_id"] = 1 for i in neighbor_loads_t.columns: neighbor_loads_t_etrago["p_set"][i] = neighbor_loads_t[ i ].values.tolist() neighbor_loads_t_etrago.to_sql( "egon_etrago_load_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="load_id", ) # writing neighboring generator_t p_max_pu to etrago tables neighbor_gens_t_etrago = pd.DataFrame( columns=["scn_name", "temp_id", "p_max_pu"], index=neighbor_gens_t.columns, ) neighbor_gens_t_etrago["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbor_gens_t_etrago["temp_id"] = 1 for i in neighbor_gens_t.columns: neighbor_gens_t_etrago["p_max_pu"][i] = neighbor_gens_t[ i ].values.tolist() neighbor_gens_t_etrago.to_sql( "egon_etrago_generator_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="generator_id", ) # writing neighboring stores_t e_min_pu to etrago tables neighbor_stores_t_etrago = pd.DataFrame( columns=["scn_name", "temp_id", "e_min_pu"], index=neighbor_stores_t.columns, ) neighbor_stores_t_etrago["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbor_stores_t_etrago["temp_id"] = 1 for i in neighbor_stores_t.columns: neighbor_stores_t_etrago["e_min_pu"][i] = neighbor_stores_t[ i ].values.tolist() neighbor_stores_t_etrago.to_sql( "egon_etrago_store_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="store_id", ) # writing neighboring storage_units inflow to etrago tables neighbor_storage_t_etrago = pd.DataFrame( columns=["scn_name", "temp_id", "inflow"], index=neighbor_storage_t.columns, ) neighbor_storage_t_etrago["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" neighbor_storage_t_etrago["temp_id"] = 1 for i in neighbor_storage_t.columns: neighbor_storage_t_etrago["inflow"][i] = neighbor_storage_t[ i ].values.tolist() neighbor_storage_t_etrago.to_sql( "egon_etrago_storage_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="storage_id", ) # writing neighboring lines_t s_max_pu to etrago tables if not network.lines_t["s_max_pu"].empty: neighbor_lines_t_etrago = pd.DataFrame( columns=["scn_name", "s_max_pu"], index=neighbor_lines_t.columns ) neighbor_lines_t_etrago["scn_name"] = "eGon100RE" for i in neighbor_lines_t.columns: neighbor_lines_t_etrago["s_max_pu"][i] = neighbor_lines_t[ i ].values.tolist() neighbor_lines_t_etrago.to_sql( "egon_etrago_line_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", if_exists="append", index=True, index_label="line_id", )
[docs]def overwrite_H2_pipeline_share(): """Overwrite retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share value Overwrite retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share in the scenario parameter table if p-e-s is run. This function write in the database and has no return. """ scn_name = "eGon100RE" # Select source and target from dataset configuration target =["pypsa-eur-sec"]["target"] n = read_network() H2_pipelines = n.links[n.links["carrier"] == "H2 pipeline retrofitted"] CH4_pipelines = n.links[n.links["carrier"] == "gas pipeline"] H2_pipes_share = np.mean( [ (i / j) for i, j in zip( H2_pipelines.p_nom_opt.to_list(), CH4_pipelines.p_nom.to_list() ) ] ) "retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share = " + str(H2_pipes_share) ) parameters = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM {target['scenario_parameters']['schema']}.{target['scenario_parameters']['table']} WHERE name = '{scn_name}' """ ) gas_param = parameters.loc[0, "gas_parameters"] gas_param["retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share"] = H2_pipes_share gas_param = json.dumps(gas_param) # Update data in db db.execute_sql( f""" UPDATE {target['scenario_parameters']['schema']}.{target['scenario_parameters']['table']} SET gas_parameters = '{gas_param}' WHERE name = '{scn_name}'; """ )
# Skip execution of pypsa-eur-sec by default until optional task is implemented execute_pypsa_eur_sec = False if execute_pypsa_eur_sec: tasks = ( run_pypsa_eur_sec, clean_database, neighbor_reduction, overwrite_H2_pipeline_share, ) else: tasks = ( clean_database, neighbor_reduction, )
[docs]class PypsaEurSec(Dataset): def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__( name="PypsaEurSec", version="0.0.10", dependencies=dependencies, tasks=tasks, )