Source code for

from pathlib import Path

from shapely.geometry import Point
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import db

[docs]def insert(): """ Include the offshore wind parks in egon-data. locations and installed capacities based on: NEP2035_V2021_scnC2035 Parameters ---------- *No parameters required """ # Read file with all required input/output tables' names cfg =["power_plants"] # load NEP2035_V2021_scnC2035 file offshore_path = ( Path(".") / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "nep2035_version2021" / cfg["sources"]["nep_2035"] ) offshore = pd.read_excel( offshore_path, sheet_name="WInd_Offshore_NEP", usecols=[ "Netzverknuepfungspunkt", "Spannungsebene in kV", "C 2035", "B 2040 ", ], ) offshore.dropna(subset=["Netzverknuepfungspunkt"], inplace=True) # Import manually generated list of wind offshore farms with their # connection points (OSM_id) id_bus = { "Büttel": "136034396", "Heide/West": "603661085", "Suchraum Gemeinden Ibbenbüren/Mettingen/Westerkappeln": "114319248", "Suchraum Zensenbusch": "76185022", "Rommerskirchen": "24839976", "Oberzier": "26593929", "Garrel/Ost": "23837631", "Diele": "177829920", "Dörpen/West": "142487746", "Emden/Borßum": "34835258", "Emden/Ost": "34835258", "Hagermarsch": "79316833", "Hanekenfähr": "61918154", "Inhausen": "29420322", "Unterweser": "32076853", "Wehrendorf": "33411203", "Wilhelmshaven 2": "23744346", "Rastede": "23837631", "Bentwisch": "32063539", "Lubmin": "460134233", "Suchraum Gemeinde Papendorf": "32063539", "Suchraum Gemeinden Brünzow/Kemnitz": "460134233", } w_id = { "Büttel": "16331", "Heide/West": "16516", "Suchraum Gemeinden Ibbenbüren/Mettingen/Westerkappeln": "16326", "Suchraum Zensenbusch": "16139", "Rommerskirchen": "16139", "Oberzier": "16139", "Garrel/Ost": "16139", "Diele": "16138", "Dörpen/West": "15952", "Emden/Borßum": "15762", "Emden/Ost": "16140", "Hagermarsch": "15951", "Hanekenfähr": "16139", "Inhausen": "15769", "Unterweser": "16517", "Wehrendorf": "16139", "Wilhelmshaven 2": "16517", "Rastede": "16139", "Bentwisch": "16734", "Lubmin": "16548", "Suchraum Gemeinde Papendorf": "16352", "Suchraum Gemeinden Brünzow/Kemnitz": "16548", } # Match wind offshore table with the corresponding OSM_id offshore["osm_id"] = offshore["Netzverknuepfungspunkt"].map(id_bus) # Connect to the data-base con = db.engine() # Import table with all the busses of the grid sql = f""" SELECT bus_i as bus_id, geom as point, CAST(osm_substation_id AS text) as osm_id FROM {cfg["sources"]["buses_data"]} """ busses = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_postgis( sql, con, crs="EPSG:4326", geom_col="point" ) # Drop NANs in column osm_id busses.dropna(subset=["osm_id"], inplace=True) # Create columns for bus_id and geometry in the offshore df offshore["bus_id"] = np.nan offshore["geom"] = Point(0, 0) # Match bus_id and geometry for index, wind_park in offshore.iterrows(): if len(busses[busses["osm_id"] == wind_park["osm_id"]].index) > 0: bus_ind = busses[busses["osm_id"] == wind_park["osm_id"]].index[0][index, "bus_id"] =[bus_ind, "bus_id"][index, "geom"] =[bus_ind, "point"] else: print(f'Wind offshore farm not found: {wind_park["osm_id"]}') offshore["weather_cell_id"] = offshore["Netzverknuepfungspunkt"].map(w_id) offshore["weather_cell_id"] = offshore["weather_cell_id"].apply(int) # Drop offshore wind farms without found connexion point offshore.dropna(subset=["bus_id"], inplace=True) # Assign voltage levels to wind offshore parks offshore["voltage_level"] = np.nan offshore.loc[ offshore[offshore["Spannungsebene in kV"] == 110].index, "voltage_level", ] = 3 offshore.loc[ offshore[offshore["Spannungsebene in kV"] > 110].index, "voltage_level" ] = 1 # Delete unnecessary columns offshore.drop( [ "Netzverknuepfungspunkt", "Spannungsebene in kV", "osm_id", ], axis=1, inplace=True, ) # Assign static values offshore["carrier"] = "wind_offshore" # Create wind farms for the different scenarios offshore_2035 = offshore.drop(columns=["B 2040 "]).copy() offshore_2035["scenario"] = "eGon2035" offshore_2035.rename(columns={"C 2035": "el_capacity"}, inplace=True) offshore_100RE = offshore.drop(columns=["C 2035"]).copy() offshore_100RE["scenario"] = "eGon100RE" offshore_100RE.rename(columns={"B 2040 ": "el_capacity"}, inplace=True) # Import capacity targets for wind_offshore per scenario sql = f""" SELECT * FROM {cfg["sources"]["capacities"]} WHERE scenario_name = 'eGon100RE' AND carrier = 'wind_offshore' """ capacities = pd.read_sql(sql, con) cap_100RE = capacities.capacity.sum() # Scale capacities to match target scale_factor = cap_100RE / offshore_100RE.el_capacity.sum() offshore_100RE["el_capacity"] = ( offshore_100RE["el_capacity"] * scale_factor ) # Join power plants from the different scenarios offshore = pd.concat([offshore_2035, offshore_100RE], axis=0) # convert column "bus_id" and "voltage_level" to integer offshore["bus_id"] = offshore["bus_id"].apply(int) offshore["voltage_level"] = offshore["voltage_level"].apply(int) # Delete, in case of existing, previous wind offshore parks db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {cfg['target']['schema']}.{cfg['target']['table']} WHERE carrier IN ('wind_offshore') """ ) # Look for the maximum id in the table egon_power_plants sql = ( "SELECT MAX(id) FROM " + cfg["target"]["schema"] + "." + cfg["target"]["table"] ) max_id = pd.read_sql(sql, con) max_id = max_id["max"].iat[0] if max_id is None: ini_id = 1 else: ini_id = int(max_id + 1) offshore = gpd.GeoDataFrame(offshore, geometry="geom", crs=4326) # write_table in egon-data database: # Reset index offshore.index = pd.RangeIndex( start=ini_id, stop=ini_id + len(offshore), name="id" ) # Insert into database offshore.reset_index().to_postgis( cfg["target"]["table"], schema=cfg["target"]["schema"], con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", ) return "Off shore wind farms successfully created"