Source code for

Distribute MaStR PV rooftop capacities to OSM and synthetic buildings. Generate
new PV rooftop generators for scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE.

See documentation section :ref:`pv-rooftop-ref` for more information.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from functools import wraps
from time import perf_counter

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from loguru import logger
from numpy.random import RandomState, default_rng
from import CRS
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Column, Float, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import HSTORE
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import (
from import EgonPowerPlantsPv
from import EgonScenarioCapacities
from import Vg250Gem

engine = db.engine()
Base = declarative_base()
SEED = int(config.settings()["egon-data"]["--random-seed"])

# TODO: move to yml
MASTR_INDEX_COL = "gens_id"

EPSG = 4326
SRID = 3035

# data cleaning
MAX_REALISTIC_PV_CAP = 23500 / 10**3
MIN_REALISTIC_PV_CAP = 0.1 / 10**3

# show additional logging information

# Number of quantiles
Q = 5

# Scenario Data
SCENARIOS = ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]
    "eGon2035": pd.Timestamp("2035-01-01", tz="UTC"),
    "eGon100RE": pd.Timestamp("2050-01-01", tz="UTC"),
PV_ROOFTOP_LIFETIME = pd.Timedelta(20 * 365, unit="D")

# Example Modul Trina Vertex S TSM-400DE09M.08 400 Wp
MODUL_CAP = 0.4 / 10**3  # MWp
MODUL_SIZE = 1.096 * 1.754  # m²

# Estimation of usable roof area
# Factor for the conversion of building area to roof area
# estimation mean roof pitch: 35°
# estimation usable roof share: 80%
# estimation that only the south side of the building is used for pv
# see
# AREA_FACTOR = 1.221

    (0, 30 / 10**3),
    (30 / 10**3, 100 / 10**3),
    (100 / 10**3, float("inf")),



TEST_RUN = False

[docs]def timer_func(func): @wraps(func) def timeit_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = perf_counter() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = perf_counter() total_time = end_time - start_time logger.debug( f"Function {func.__name__} took {total_time:.4f} seconds." ) return result return timeit_wrapper
[docs]@timer_func def mastr_data( index_col: str | int | list[str] | list[int], ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Read MaStR data from database. Parameters ----------- index_col : str, int or list of str or int Column(s) to use as the row labels of the DataFrame. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing MaStR data. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(EgonPowerPlantsPv).filter( EgonPowerPlantsPv.status == "InBetrieb", EgonPowerPlantsPv.site_type == ("Bauliche Anlagen (Hausdach, Gebäude und Fassade)"), ) gdf = gpd.read_postgis( query.statement, query.session.bind, index_col=index_col ).drop(columns="id") logger.debug("MaStR data loaded.") return gdf
[docs]@timer_func def clean_mastr_data( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, max_realistic_pv_cap: int | float, min_realistic_pv_cap: int | float, seed: int, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Clean the MaStR data from implausible data. * Drop MaStR ID duplicates. * Drop generators with implausible capacities. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing MaStR data. max_realistic_pv_cap : int or float Maximum capacity, which is considered to be realistic. min_realistic_pv_cap : int or float Minimum capacity, which is considered to be realistic. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing cleaned MaStR data. """ init_len = len(mastr_gdf) # drop duplicates mastr_gdf = mastr_gdf.loc[~mastr_gdf.index.duplicated()] # drop generators without any capacity info # and capacity of zero # and if the capacity is > 23.5 MW, because # Germanies largest rooftop PV is 23 MW # mastr_gdf = mastr_gdf.loc[ ~mastr_gdf.capacity.isna() & (mastr_gdf.capacity <= max_realistic_pv_cap) & (mastr_gdf.capacity > min_realistic_pv_cap) ] # get consistent start-up date # randomly and weighted fill missing start-up dates pool = mastr_gdf.loc[ ~mastr_gdf.commissioning_date.isna() ].commissioning_date.to_numpy() size = len(mastr_gdf) - len(pool) if size > 0: rng = default_rng(seed=seed) choice = rng.choice( pool, size=size, replace=False, ) mastr_gdf.loc[mastr_gdf.commissioning_date.isna()] = mastr_gdf.loc[ mastr_gdf.commissioning_date.isna() ].assign(commissioning_date=choice) f"Randomly and weigthed added start-up date to {size} generators." ) mastr_gdf = mastr_gdf.assign( commissioning_date=pd.to_datetime( mastr_gdf.commissioning_date, utc=True ) ) end_len = len(mastr_gdf) logger.debug( f"Dropped {init_len - end_len} " f"({((init_len - end_len) / init_len) * 100:g}%)" f" of {init_len} rows from MaStR DataFrame." ) return mastr_gdf
[docs]@timer_func def municipality_data() -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get municipality data from eGo^n Database. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with municipality data. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(Vg250Gem.ags, Vg250Gem.geometry.label("geom")) return gpd.read_postgis( query.statement, query.session.bind, index_col="ags" )
[docs]@timer_func def add_ags_to_gens( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, municipalities_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Add information about AGS ID to generators. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with valid and cleaned MaStR data. municipalities_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with municipality data. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with valid and cleaned MaStR data with AGS ID added. """ return mastr_gdf.sjoin( municipalities_gdf, how="left", predicate="intersects", ).rename(columns={"index_right": "ags"})
[docs]def drop_gens_outside_muns( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Drop all generators outside of municipalities. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with valid and cleaned MaStR data. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with valid and cleaned MaStR data with generatos without an AGS ID dropped. """ gdf = mastr_gdf.loc[~mastr_gdf.ags.isna()] logger.debug( f"{len(mastr_gdf) - len(gdf)} (" f"{(len(mastr_gdf) - len(gdf)) / len(mastr_gdf) * 100:g}%)" f" of {len(mastr_gdf)} values are outside of the municipalities" " and are therefore dropped." ) return gdf
[docs]def load_mastr_data(): """Read PV rooftop data from MaStR CSV Note: the source will be replaced as soon as the MaStR data is available in DB. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data with geocoded locations. """ mastr_gdf = mastr_data( MASTR_INDEX_COL, ) clean_mastr_gdf = clean_mastr_data( mastr_gdf, max_realistic_pv_cap=MAX_REALISTIC_PV_CAP, min_realistic_pv_cap=MIN_REALISTIC_PV_CAP, seed=SEED, ) municipalities_gdf = municipality_data() clean_mastr_gdf = add_ags_to_gens(clean_mastr_gdf, municipalities_gdf) return drop_gens_outside_muns(clean_mastr_gdf)
[docs]class OsmBuildingsFiltered(Base): """ Class definition of table openstreetmap.osm_buildings_filtered. """ __tablename__ = "osm_buildings_filtered" __table_args__ = {"schema": "openstreetmap"} osm_id = Column(BigInteger) amenity = Column(String) building = Column(String) name = Column(String) geom = Column(Geometry(srid=SRID), index=True) area = Column(Float) geom_point = Column(Geometry(srid=SRID), index=True) tags = Column(HSTORE) id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, index=True)
[docs]@timer_func def osm_buildings( to_crs: CRS, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Read OSM buildings data from eGo^n Database. Parameters ----------- to_crs : CRS to transform geometries to. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(, OsmBuildingsFiltered.area, OsmBuildingsFiltered.geom_point.label("geom"), ) return gpd.read_postgis( query.statement, query.session.bind, index_col="id" ).to_crs(to_crs)
[docs]@timer_func def synthetic_buildings( to_crs: CRS, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Read synthetic buildings data from eGo^n Database. Parameters ----------- to_crs : CRS to transform geometries to. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(, OsmBuildingsSynthetic.area, OsmBuildingsSynthetic.geom_point.label("geom"), ) return gpd.read_postgis( query.statement, query.session.bind, index_col="id" ).to_crs(to_crs)
[docs]@timer_func def add_ags_to_buildings( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, municipalities_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Add information about AGS ID to buildings. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. municipalities_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with municipality data. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with AGS ID added. """ return buildings_gdf.sjoin( municipalities_gdf, how="left", predicate="intersects", ).rename(columns={"index_right": "ags"})
[docs]def drop_buildings_outside_muns( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Drop all buildings outside of municipalities. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with buildings without an AGS ID dropped. """ gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[~buildings_gdf.ags.isna()] logger.debug( f"{len(buildings_gdf) - len(gdf)} " f"({(len(buildings_gdf) - len(gdf)) / len(buildings_gdf) * 100:g}%) " f"of {len(buildings_gdf)} values are outside of the municipalities " "and are therefore dropped." ) return gdf
[docs]def egon_building_peak_loads(): sql = """ SELECT building_id FROM demand.egon_building_electricity_peak_loads WHERE scenario = 'eGon2035' """ return ( db.select_dataframe(sql).building_id.astype(int).sort_values().unique() )
[docs]@timer_func def load_building_data(): """ Read buildings from DB Tables: * `openstreetmap.osm_buildings_filtered` (from OSM) * `openstreetmap.osm_buildings_synthetic` (synthetic, created by us) Use column `id` for both as it is unique hence you concat both datasets. If INCLUDE_SYNTHETIC_BUILDINGS is False synthetic buildings will not be loaded. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with buildings without an AGS ID dropped. """ municipalities_gdf = municipality_data() osm_buildings_gdf = osm_buildings( if INCLUDE_SYNTHETIC_BUILDINGS: synthetic_buildings_gdf = synthetic_buildings( buildings_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat( [ osm_buildings_gdf, synthetic_buildings_gdf, ] ), geometry="geom",, ).rename(columns={"area": "building_area"}) buildings_gdf.index = buildings_gdf.index.astype(int) else: buildings_gdf = osm_buildings_gdf.rename( columns={"area": "building_area"} ) if ONLY_BUILDINGS_WITH_DEMAND: building_ids = egon_building_peak_loads() init_len = len(building_ids) building_ids = np.intersect1d( list(map(int, building_ids)), list(map(int, buildings_gdf.index.to_numpy())), ) end_len = len(building_ids) logger.debug( f"{end_len/init_len * 100: g} % ({end_len} / {init_len}) " f"of buildings have peak load." ) buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[building_ids] buildings_ags_gdf = add_ags_to_buildings(buildings_gdf, municipalities_gdf) buildings_ags_gdf = drop_buildings_outside_muns(buildings_ags_gdf) grid_districts_gdf = grid_districts(EPSG) federal_state_gdf = federal_state_data( grid_federal_state_gdf = overlay_grid_districts_with_counties( grid_districts_gdf, federal_state_gdf, ) buildings_overlay_gdf = add_overlay_id_to_buildings( buildings_ags_gdf, grid_federal_state_gdf, ) logger.debug("Loaded buildings.") buildings_overlay_gdf = drop_buildings_outside_grids(buildings_overlay_gdf) # overwrite bus_id with data from new table sql = ( "SELECT building_id, bus_id FROM " "boundaries.egon_map_zensus_mvgd_buildings" ) map_building_bus_df = db.select_dataframe(sql) building_ids = np.intersect1d( list(map(int, map_building_bus_df.building_id.unique())), list(map(int, buildings_overlay_gdf.index.to_numpy())), ) buildings_within_gdf = buildings_overlay_gdf.loc[building_ids] gdf = ( buildings_within_gdf.reset_index() .drop(columns=["bus_id"]) .merge( how="left", right=map_building_bus_df, left_on="id", right_on="building_id", ) .drop(columns=["building_id"]) .set_index("id") .sort_index() ) return gdf[~gdf.index.duplicated(keep="first")]
[docs]@timer_func def sort_and_qcut_df( df: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, col: str, q: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Determine the quantile of a given attribute in a (Geo)DataFrame. Sort the (Geo)DataFrame in ascending order for the given attribute. Parameters ----------- df : pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame (Geo)DataFrame to sort and qcut. col : str Name of the attribute to sort and qcut the (Geo)DataFrame on. q : int Number of quantiles. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or gepandas.GeoDataFrame Sorted and qcut (Geo)DataFrame. """ df = df.sort_values(col, ascending=True) return df.assign( quant=pd.qcut( df[col], q=q, labels=range(q), ) )
[docs]@timer_func def allocate_pv( q_mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, q_buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, seed: int, ) -> tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoDataFrame]: """ Allocate the MaStR pv generators to the OSM buildings. This will determine a building for each pv generator if there are more buildings than generators within a given AGS. Primarily generators are distributed with the same qunatile as the buildings. Multiple assignment is excluded. Parameters ----------- q_mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded and qcut MaStR data. q_buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing qcut OSM buildings data. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. Returns ------- tuple with two geopandas.GeoDataFrame s GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data allocated to building IDs. GeoDataFrame containing building data allocated to MaStR IDs. """ rng = default_rng(seed=seed) q_buildings_gdf = q_buildings_gdf.assign(gens_id=np.nan).sort_values( by=["ags", "quant"] ) q_mastr_gdf = q_mastr_gdf.assign(building_id=np.nan).sort_values( by=["ags", "quant"] ) ags_list = q_buildings_gdf.ags.unique() if TEST_RUN: ags_list = ags_list[:250] num_ags = len(ags_list) t0 = perf_counter() for count, ags in enumerate(ags_list): buildings = q_buildings_gdf.loc[q_buildings_gdf.ags == ags] gens = q_mastr_gdf.loc[q_mastr_gdf.ags == ags] len_build = len(buildings) len_gens = len(gens) if len_build < len_gens: gens = gens.sample(len_build, random_state=RandomState(seed=seed)) logger.error( f"There are {len_gens} generators and only {len_build}" f" buildings in AGS {ags}. {len_gens - len(gens)} " "generators were truncated to match the amount of buildings." ) assert len_build == len(gens) for quant in gens.quant.unique(): q_buildings = buildings.loc[buildings.quant == quant] q_gens = gens.loc[gens.quant == quant] len_build = len(q_buildings) len_gens = len(q_gens) if len_build < len_gens: delta = len_gens - len_build logger.warning( f"There are {len_gens} generators and only {len_build} " f"buildings in AGS {ags} and quantile {quant}. {delta} " f"buildings from AGS {ags} will be added randomly." ) add_buildings = pd.Index( rng.choice( list(set(buildings.index) - set(q_buildings.index)), size=delta, replace=False, ) ) chosen_buildings = q_buildings.index.append(add_buildings) else: chosen_buildings = rng.choice( q_buildings.index, size=len_gens, replace=False, ) q_buildings_gdf.loc[chosen_buildings, "gens_id"] = q_gens.index buildings = buildings.drop(chosen_buildings) if count % 500 == 0: logger.debug( f"Allocation of {count / num_ags * 100:g} % of AGS done. " f"It took {perf_counter() - t0:g} seconds." ) t0 = perf_counter() assigned_buildings = q_buildings_gdf.loc[~q_buildings_gdf.gens_id.isna()] assert len(assigned_buildings) == len(assigned_buildings.gens_id.unique()) q_mastr_gdf.loc[ assigned_buildings.gens_id, "building_id" ] = assigned_buildings.index assigned_gens = q_mastr_gdf.loc[~q_mastr_gdf.building_id.isna()] assert len(assigned_buildings) == len(assigned_gens) logger.debug("Allocated status quo generators to buildings.") return frame_to_numeric(q_mastr_gdf), frame_to_numeric(q_buildings_gdf)
[docs]def frame_to_numeric( df: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Try to convert all columns of a DataFrame to numeric ignoring errors. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or geopandas.GeoDataFrame """ if str(df.index.dtype) == "object": df.index = pd.to_numeric(df.index, errors="ignore") for col in df.columns: if str(df[col].dtype) == "object": df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="ignore") return df
[docs]def validate_output( desagg_mastr_gdf: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, desagg_buildings_gdf: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> None: """ Validate output. * Validate that there are exactly as many buildings with a pv system as there are pv systems with a building * Validate that the building IDs with a pv system are the same building IDs as assigned to the pv systems * Validate that the pv system IDs with a building are the same pv system IDs as assigned to the buildings Parameters ----------- desagg_mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data allocated to building IDs. desagg_buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing building data allocated to MaStR IDs. """ assert len( desagg_mastr_gdf.loc[~desagg_mastr_gdf.building_id.isna()] ) == len(desagg_buildings_gdf.loc[~desagg_buildings_gdf.gens_id.isna()]) assert ( np.sort( desagg_mastr_gdf.loc[ ~desagg_mastr_gdf.building_id.isna() ].building_id.unique() ) == np.sort( desagg_buildings_gdf.loc[ ~desagg_buildings_gdf.gens_id.isna() ].index.unique() ) ).all() assert ( np.sort( desagg_mastr_gdf.loc[ ~desagg_mastr_gdf.building_id.isna() ].index.unique() ) == np.sort( desagg_buildings_gdf.loc[ ~desagg_buildings_gdf.gens_id.isna() ].gens_id.unique() ) ).all() logger.debug("Validated output.")
[docs]def drop_unallocated_gens( gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Drop generators which did not get allocated. Parameters ----------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data allocated to building IDs. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data with generators dropped which did not get allocated. """ init_len = len(gdf) gdf = gdf.loc[~gdf.building_id.isna()] end_len = len(gdf) logger.debug( f"Dropped {init_len - end_len} " f"({((init_len - end_len) / init_len) * 100:g}%)" f" of {init_len} unallocated rows from MaStR DataFrame." ) return gdf
[docs]@timer_func def allocate_to_buildings( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, gpd.GeoDataFrame]: """ Allocate status quo pv rooftop generators to buildings. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data with geocoded locations. buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with buildings without an AGS ID dropped. Returns ------- tuple with two geopandas.GeoDataFrame s GeoDataFrame containing MaStR data allocated to building IDs. GeoDataFrame containing building data allocated to MaStR IDs. """ logger.debug("Starting allocation of status quo.") q_mastr_gdf = sort_and_qcut_df(mastr_gdf, col="capacity", q=Q) q_buildings_gdf = sort_and_qcut_df(buildings_gdf, col="building_area", q=Q) desagg_mastr_gdf, desagg_buildings_gdf = allocate_pv( q_mastr_gdf, q_buildings_gdf, SEED ) validate_output(desagg_mastr_gdf, desagg_buildings_gdf) return drop_unallocated_gens(desagg_mastr_gdf), desagg_buildings_gdf
[docs]@timer_func def grid_districts( epsg: int, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Load mv grid district geo data from eGo^n Database as geopandas.GeoDataFrame. Parameters ----------- epsg : int EPSG ID to use as CRS. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing mv grid district ID and geo shapes data. """ gdf = db.select_geodataframe( """ SELECT bus_id, geom FROM grid.egon_mv_grid_district ORDER BY bus_id """, index_col="bus_id", geom_col="geom", epsg=epsg, ) gdf.index = gdf.index.astype(int) logger.debug("Grid districts loaded.") return gdf
[docs]def scenario_data( carrier: str = "solar_rooftop", scenario: str = "eGon2035", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get scenario capacity data from eGo^n Database. Parameters ----------- carrier : str Carrier type to filter table by. scenario : str Scenario to filter table by. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with scenario capacity data in GW. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(EgonScenarioCapacities).filter( EgonScenarioCapacities.carrier == carrier, EgonScenarioCapacities.scenario_name == scenario, ) df = pd.read_sql( query.statement, query.session.bind, index_col="index" ).sort_index() logger.debug("Scenario capacity data loaded.") return df
[docs]class Vg250Lan(Base): """ Class definition of table boundaries.vg250_lan. """ __tablename__ = "vg250_lan" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, index=True) ade = Column(BigInteger) gf = Column(BigInteger) bsg = Column(BigInteger) ars = Column(String) ags = Column(String) sdv_ars = Column(String) gen = Column(String) bez = Column(String) ibz = Column(BigInteger) bem = Column(String) nbd = Column(String) sn_l = Column(String) sn_r = Column(String) sn_k = Column(String) sn_v1 = Column(String) sn_v2 = Column(String) sn_g = Column(String) fk_s3 = Column(String) nuts = Column(String) ars_0 = Column(String) ags_0 = Column(String) wsk = Column(String) debkg_id = Column(String) rs = Column(String) sdv_rs = Column(String) rs_0 = Column(String) geometry = Column(Geometry(srid=EPSG), index=True)
[docs]def federal_state_data(to_crs: CRS) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get feder state data from eGo^n Database. Parameters ----------- to_crs : CRS to transform geometries to. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with federal state data. """ with db.session_scope() as session: query = session.query(, Vg250Lan.nuts, Vg250Lan.geometry.label("geom") ) gdf = gpd.read_postgis( query.statement, session.connection(), index_col="id" ).to_crs(to_crs) logger.debug("Federal State data loaded.") return gdf
[docs]@timer_func def overlay_grid_districts_with_counties( mv_grid_district_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, federal_state_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Calculate the intersections of mv grid districts and counties. Parameters ----------- mv_grid_district_gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing mv grid district ID and geo shapes data. federal_state_gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with federal state data. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. """ logger.debug( "Calculating intersection overlay between mv grid districts and " "counties. This may take a while..." ) gdf = gpd.overlay( federal_state_gdf.to_crs(, mv_grid_district_gdf.reset_index(), how="intersection", keep_geom_type=True, ) logger.debug("Done!") return gdf
[docs]@timer_func def add_overlay_id_to_buildings( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, grid_federal_state_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Add information about overlay ID to buildings. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. grid_federal_state_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with intersection shapes between counties and grid districts. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with overlay ID added. """ gdf = ( buildings_gdf.to_crs( .sjoin( grid_federal_state_gdf, how="left", predicate="intersects", ) .rename(columns={"index_right": "overlay_id"}) ) logger.debug("Added overlay ID to OSM buildings.") return gdf
[docs]def drop_buildings_outside_grids( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Drop all buildings outside of grid areas. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. Returns ------- gepandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with buildings without an bus ID dropped. """ gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[~buildings_gdf.bus_id.isna()] logger.debug( f"{len(buildings_gdf) - len(gdf)} " f"({(len(buildings_gdf) - len(gdf)) / len(buildings_gdf) * 100:g}%) " f"of {len(buildings_gdf)} values are outside of the grid areas " "and are therefore dropped." ) return gdf
[docs]def cap_per_bus_id( scenario: str, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get table with total pv rooftop capacity per grid district. Parameters ----------- scenario : str Scenario name. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with total rooftop capacity per mv grid. """ targets = config.datasets()["solar_rooftop"]["targets"] sql = f""" SELECT bus as bus_id, control, p_nom as capacity FROM {targets['generators']['schema']}.{targets['generators']['table']} WHERE carrier = 'solar_rooftop' AND scn_name = '{scenario}' """ df = db.select_dataframe(sql, index_col="bus_id") return df.loc[df.control != "Slack"]
[docs]def determine_end_of_life_gens( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, scenario_timestamp: pd.Timestamp, pv_rooftop_lifetime: pd.Timedelta, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Determine if an old PV system has reached its end of life. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. scenario_timestamp : pandas.Timestamp Timestamp at which the scenario takes place. pv_rooftop_lifetime : pandas.Timedelta Average expected lifetime of PV rooftop systems. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data and info if the system has reached its end of life. """ before = mastr_gdf.capacity.sum() mastr_gdf = mastr_gdf.assign( age=scenario_timestamp - mastr_gdf.commissioning_date ) mastr_gdf = mastr_gdf.assign( end_of_life=pv_rooftop_lifetime < mastr_gdf.age ) after = mastr_gdf.loc[~mastr_gdf.end_of_life].capacity.sum() logger.debug( f"Determined if pv rooftop systems reached their end of life.\nTotal " f"capacity: {before}\nActive capacity: {after}" ) return mastr_gdf
[docs]def calculate_max_pv_cap_per_building( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, pv_cap_per_sq_m: float | int, roof_factor: float | int, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Calculate the estimated maximum possible PV capacity per building. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. pv_cap_per_sq_m : float, int Average expected, installable PV capacity per square meter. roof_factor : float, int Average for PV usable roof area share. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with estimated maximum PV capacity. """ gdf = ( buildings_gdf.reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "id"}) .merge( mastr_gdf[ [ "capacity", "end_of_life", "building_id", "orientation_uniform", "orientation_primary", "orientation_primary_angle", ] ], how="left", left_on="id", right_on="building_id", ) .set_index("id") .drop(columns="building_id") ) return gdf.assign( max_cap=gdf.building_area.multiply(roof_factor * pv_cap_per_sq_m), end_of_life=gdf.end_of_life.fillna(True).astype(bool), bus_id=gdf.bus_id.astype(int), )
[docs]def calculate_building_load_factor( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, rounding: int = 4, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Calculate the roof load factor from existing PV systems. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. rounding : int Rounding to use for load factor. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data with calculated load factor. """ gdf = mastr_gdf.merge( buildings_gdf[["max_cap", "building_area"]] .loc[~buildings_gdf["max_cap"].isna()] .reset_index(), how="left", left_on="building_id", right_on="id", ).set_index("id") return gdf.assign(load_factor=(gdf.capacity / gdf.max_cap).round(rounding))
[docs]def get_probability_for_property( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_range: tuple[int | float, int | float], prop: str, ) -> tuple[np.array, np.array]: """ Calculate the probability of the different options of a property of the existing PV plants. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. cap_range : tuple(int, int) Capacity range of PV plants to look at. prop : str Property to calculate probabilities for. String needs to be in columns of mastr_gdf. Returns ------- tuple numpy.array Unique values of property. numpy.array Probabilties per unique value. """ cap_range_gdf = mastr_gdf.loc[ (mastr_gdf.capacity > cap_range[0]) & (mastr_gdf.capacity <= cap_range[1]) ] if prop == "load_factor": cap_range_gdf = cap_range_gdf.loc[cap_range_gdf[prop] <= 1] count = Counter( cap_range_gdf[prop].loc[ ~cap_range_gdf[prop].isna() & ~cap_range_gdf[prop].isnull() & ~(cap_range_gdf[prop] == "None") ] ) values = np.array(list(count.keys())) probabilities = np.fromiter(count.values(), dtype=float) probabilities = probabilities / np.sum(probabilities) return values, probabilities
[docs]@timer_func def probabilities( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_ranges: list[tuple[int | float, int | float]] | None = None, properties: list[str] | None = None, ) -> dict: """ Calculate the probability of the different options of properties of the existing PV plants. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. cap_ranges : list(tuple(int, int)) List of capacity ranges to distinguish between. The first tuple should start with a zero and the last one should end with infinite. properties : list(str) List of properties to calculate probabilities for. Strings need to be in columns of mastr_gdf. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with values and probabilities per capacity range. """ if cap_ranges is None: cap_ranges = [ (0, 30 / 10**3), (30 / 10**3, 100 / 10**3), (100 / 10**3, float("inf")), ] if properties is None: properties = [ "orientation_uniform", "orientation_primary", "orientation_primary_angle", "load_factor", ] prob_dict = {} for cap_range in cap_ranges: prob_dict[cap_range] = { "values": {}, "probabilities": {}, } for prop in properties: v, p = get_probability_for_property( mastr_gdf, cap_range, prop, ) prob_dict[cap_range]["values"][prop] = v prob_dict[cap_range]["probabilities"][prop] = p return prob_dict
[docs]def cap_share_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_ranges: list[tuple[int | float, int | float]] | None = None, ) -> dict[tuple[int | float, int | float], float]: """ Calculate the share of PV capacity from the total PV capacity within capacity ranges. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. cap_ranges : list(tuple(int, int)) List of capacity ranges to distinguish between. The first tuple should start with a zero and the last one should end with infinite. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with share of PV capacity from the total PV capacity within capacity ranges. """ if cap_ranges is None: cap_ranges = [ (0, 30 / 10**3), (30 / 10**3, 100 / 10**3), (100 / 10**3, float("inf")), ] cap_share_dict = {} total_cap = mastr_gdf.capacity.sum() for cap_range in cap_ranges: cap_share = ( mastr_gdf.loc[ (mastr_gdf.capacity > cap_range[0]) & (mastr_gdf.capacity <= cap_range[1]) ].capacity.sum() / total_cap ) cap_share_dict[cap_range] = cap_share return cap_share_dict
[docs]def mean_load_factor_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_ranges: list[tuple[int | float, int | float]] | None = None, ) -> dict[tuple[int | float, int | float], float]: """ Calculate the mean roof load factor per capacity range from existing PV plants. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. cap_ranges : list(tuple(int, int)) List of capacity ranges to distinguish between. The first tuple should start with a zero and the last one should end with infinite. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with mean roof load factor per capacity range. """ if cap_ranges is None: cap_ranges = [ (0, 30 / 10**3), (30 / 10**3, 100 / 10**3), (100 / 10**3, float("inf")), ] load_factor_dict = {} for cap_range in cap_ranges: load_factor = mastr_gdf.loc[ (mastr_gdf.load_factor <= 1) & (mastr_gdf.capacity > cap_range[0]) & (mastr_gdf.capacity <= cap_range[1]) ].load_factor.mean() load_factor_dict[cap_range] = load_factor return load_factor_dict
[docs]def building_area_range_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_ranges: list[tuple[int | float, int | float]] | None = None, min_building_size: int | float = 10.0, upper_quantile: float = 0.95, lower_quantile: float = 0.05, ) -> dict[tuple[int | float, int | float], tuple[int | float, int | float]]: """ Estimate normal building area range per capacity range. Calculate the mean roof load factor per capacity range from existing PV plants. Parameters ----------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. cap_ranges : list(tuple(int, int)) List of capacity ranges to distinguish between. The first tuple should start with a zero and the last one should end with infinite. min_building_size : int, float Minimal building size to consider for PV plants. upper_quantile : float Upper quantile to estimate maximum building size per capacity range. lower_quantile : float Lower quantile to estimate minimum building size per capacity range. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with estimated normal building area range per capacity range. """ if cap_ranges is None: cap_ranges = [ (0, 30 / 10**3), (30 / 10**3, 100 / 10**3), (100 / 10**3, float("inf")), ] building_area_range_dict = {} n_ranges = len(cap_ranges) for count, cap_range in enumerate(cap_ranges): cap_range_gdf = mastr_gdf.loc[ (mastr_gdf.capacity > cap_range[0]) & (mastr_gdf.capacity <= cap_range[1]) ] if count == 0: building_area_range_dict[cap_range] = ( min_building_size, cap_range_gdf.building_area.quantile(upper_quantile), ) elif count == n_ranges - 1: building_area_range_dict[cap_range] = ( cap_range_gdf.building_area.quantile(lower_quantile), float("inf"), ) else: building_area_range_dict[cap_range] = ( cap_range_gdf.building_area.quantile(lower_quantile), cap_range_gdf.building_area.quantile(upper_quantile), ) values = list(building_area_range_dict.values()) building_area_range_normed_dict = {} for count, (cap_range, (min_area, max_area)) in enumerate( building_area_range_dict.items() ): if count == 0: building_area_range_normed_dict[cap_range] = ( min_area, np.mean((values[count + 1][0], max_area)), ) elif count == n_ranges - 1: building_area_range_normed_dict[cap_range] = ( np.mean((values[count - 1][1], min_area)), max_area, ) else: building_area_range_normed_dict[cap_range] = ( np.mean((values[count - 1][1], min_area)), np.mean((values[count + 1][0], max_area)), ) return building_area_range_normed_dict
[docs]@timer_func def desaggregate_pv_in_mv_grid( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, pv_cap: float | int, **kwargs, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Desaggregate PV capacity on buildings within a given grid district. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing buildings within the grid district. pv_cap : float, int PV capacity to desaggregate. Other Parameters ----------- prob_dict : dict Dictionary with values and probabilities per capacity range. cap_share_dict : dict Dictionary with share of PV capacity from the total PV capacity within capacity ranges. building_area_range_dict : dict Dictionary with estimated normal building area range per capacity range. load_factor_dict : dict Dictionary with mean roof load factor per capacity range. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. pv_cap_per_sq_m : float, int Average expected, installable PV capacity per square meter. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM building data with desaggregated PV plants. """ bus_id = int(buildings_gdf.bus_id.iat[0]) rng = default_rng(seed=kwargs["seed"]) random_state = RandomState(seed=kwargs["seed"]) results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=buildings_gdf.columns) for cap_range, share in kwargs["cap_share_dict"].items(): pv_cap_range = pv_cap * share b_area_min, b_area_max = kwargs["building_area_range_dict"][cap_range] cap_range_buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[ ~buildings_gdf.index.isin(results_df.index) & (buildings_gdf.building_area > b_area_min) & (buildings_gdf.building_area <= b_area_max) ] mean_load_factor = kwargs["load_factor_dict"][cap_range] cap_range_buildings_gdf = cap_range_buildings_gdf.assign( mean_cap=cap_range_buildings_gdf.max_cap * mean_load_factor, load_factor=np.nan, capacity=np.nan, ) total_mean_cap = cap_range_buildings_gdf.mean_cap.sum() if total_mean_cap == 0: logger.warning( f"There are no matching roof for capacity range {cap_range} " f"kW in grid {bus_id}. Using all buildings as fallback." ) cap_range_buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[ ~buildings_gdf.index.isin(results_df.index) ] if len(cap_range_buildings_gdf) == 0: logger.warning( "There are no roofes available for capacity range " f"{cap_range} kW in grid {bus_id}. Allowing dual use." ) cap_range_buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.copy() cap_range_buildings_gdf = cap_range_buildings_gdf.assign( mean_cap=cap_range_buildings_gdf.max_cap * mean_load_factor, load_factor=np.nan, capacity=np.nan, ) total_mean_cap = cap_range_buildings_gdf.mean_cap.sum() elif total_mean_cap < pv_cap_range: logger.warning( f"Average roof utilization of the roof area in grid {bus_id} " f"and capacity range {cap_range} kW is not sufficient. The " "roof utilization will be above average." ) frac = max( pv_cap_range / total_mean_cap, 1 / len(cap_range_buildings_gdf), ) samples_gdf = cap_range_buildings_gdf.sample( frac=min(1, frac), random_state=random_state, ) cap_range_dict = kwargs["prob_dict"][cap_range] values_dict = cap_range_dict["values"] p_dict = cap_range_dict["probabilities"] load_factors = rng.choice( a=values_dict["load_factor"], size=len(samples_gdf), p=p_dict["load_factor"], ) samples_gdf = samples_gdf.assign( load_factor=load_factors, capacity=( samples_gdf.building_area * load_factors * kwargs["pv_cap_per_sq_m"] ).clip(lower=0.4), ) missing_factor = pv_cap_range / samples_gdf.capacity.sum() samples_gdf = samples_gdf.assign( capacity=(samples_gdf.capacity * missing_factor), load_factor=(samples_gdf.load_factor * missing_factor), ) assert np.isclose( samples_gdf.capacity.sum(), pv_cap_range, rtol=1e-03, ), f"{samples_gdf.capacity.sum()} != {pv_cap_range}" results_df = pd.concat( [ results_df, samples_gdf, ], ) total_missing_factor = pv_cap / results_df.capacity.sum() results_df = results_df.assign( capacity=(results_df.capacity * total_missing_factor), ) assert np.isclose( results_df.capacity.sum(), pv_cap, rtol=1e-03, ), f"{results_df.capacity.sum()} != {pv_cap}" return gpd.GeoDataFrame( results_df,, geometry="geom", )
[docs]@timer_func def desaggregate_pv( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, cap_df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Desaggregate PV capacity on buildings within a given grid district. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. cap_df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with total rooftop capacity per mv grid. Other Parameters ----------- prob_dict : dict Dictionary with values and probabilities per capacity range. cap_share_dict : dict Dictionary with share of PV capacity from the total PV capacity within capacity ranges. building_area_range_dict : dict Dictionary with estimated normal building area range per capacity range. load_factor_dict : dict Dictionary with mean roof load factor per capacity range. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. pv_cap_per_sq_m : float, int Average expected, installable PV capacity per square meter. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM building data with desaggregated PV plants. """ allocated_buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[~buildings_gdf.end_of_life] building_bus_ids = set(buildings_gdf.bus_id) cap_bus_ids = set(cap_df.index) logger.debug( f"Bus IDs from buildings: {len(building_bus_ids)}\nBus IDs from " f"capacity: {len(cap_bus_ids)}" ) if len(building_bus_ids) > len(cap_bus_ids): missing = building_bus_ids - cap_bus_ids else: missing = cap_bus_ids - building_bus_ids logger.debug(str(missing)) bus_ids = np.intersect1d(list(building_bus_ids), list(cap_bus_ids)) # assert set(buildings_gdf.bus_id.unique()) == set(cap_df.index) for bus_id in bus_ids: buildings_grid_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[buildings_gdf.bus_id == bus_id] pv_installed_gdf = buildings_grid_gdf.loc[ ~buildings_grid_gdf.end_of_life ] pv_installed = pv_installed_gdf.capacity.sum() pot_buildings_gdf = buildings_grid_gdf.drop( index=pv_installed_gdf.index ) if len(pot_buildings_gdf) == 0: logger.error( f"In grid {bus_id} there are no potential buildings to " f"allocate PV capacity to. The grid is skipped. This message " f"should only appear doing test runs with few buildings." ) continue pv_target =[bus_id, "capacity"] logger.debug(f"pv_target: {pv_target}") pv_missing = pv_target - pv_installed if pv_missing <= 0: logger.warning( f"In grid {bus_id} there is more PV installed " f"({pv_installed: g} kW) in status Quo than allocated within " f"the scenario ({pv_target: g} kW). " f"No new generators are added." ) continue if pot_buildings_gdf.max_cap.sum() < pv_missing: logger.error( f"In grid {bus_id} there is less PV potential (" f"{pot_buildings_gdf.max_cap.sum():g} MW) than allocated PV " f"capacity ({pv_missing:g} MW). The average roof utilization " f"will be very high." ) gdf = desaggregate_pv_in_mv_grid( buildings_gdf=pot_buildings_gdf, pv_cap=pv_missing, **kwargs, ) logger.debug(f"New cap in grid {bus_id}: {gdf.capacity.sum()}") logger.debug(f"Installed cap in grid {bus_id}: {pv_installed}") logger.debug( f"Total cap in grid {bus_id}: {gdf.capacity.sum() + pv_installed}" ) if not np.isclose( gdf.capacity.sum() + pv_installed, pv_target, rtol=1e-3 ): logger.warning( f"The desired capacity and actual capacity in grid {bus_id} " f"differ.\n" f"Desired cap: {pv_target}\nActual cap: " f"{gdf.capacity.sum() + pv_installed}" ) pre_cap = allocated_buildings_gdf.capacity.sum() new_cap = gdf.capacity.sum() allocated_buildings_gdf = pd.concat( [ allocated_buildings_gdf, gdf, ] ) total_cap = allocated_buildings_gdf.capacity.sum() assert np.isclose(pre_cap + new_cap, total_cap) logger.debug("Desaggregated scenario.") logger.debug(f"Scenario capacity: {cap_df.capacity.sum(): g}") logger.debug( f"Generator capacity: " f"{allocated_buildings_gdf.capacity.sum(): g}" ) return gpd.GeoDataFrame( allocated_buildings_gdf,, geometry="geom", )
[docs]@timer_func def add_buildings_meta_data( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, prob_dict: dict, seed: int, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Randomly add additional metadata to desaggregated PV plants. Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with desaggregated PV plants. prob_dict : dict Dictionary with values and probabilities per capacity range. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM building data with desaggregated PV plants. """ rng = default_rng(seed=seed) buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.reset_index().rename( columns={ "index": "building_id", } ) for (min_cap, max_cap), cap_range_prob_dict in prob_dict.items(): cap_range_gdf = buildings_gdf.loc[ (buildings_gdf.capacity >= min_cap) & (buildings_gdf.capacity < max_cap) ] for key, values in cap_range_prob_dict["values"].items(): if key == "load_factor": continue gdf = cap_range_gdf.loc[ cap_range_gdf[key].isna() | cap_range_gdf[key].isnull() | (cap_range_gdf[key] == "None") ] key_vals = rng.choice( a=values, size=len(gdf), p=cap_range_prob_dict["probabilities"][key], ) buildings_gdf.loc[gdf.index, key] = key_vals return buildings_gdf
[docs]def add_commissioning_date( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, start: pd.Timestamp, end: pd.Timestamp, seed: int, ): """ Randomly and linear add start-up date to new pv generators. Parameters ---------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with desaggregated PV plants. start : pandas.Timestamp Minimum Timestamp to use. end : pandas.Timestamp Maximum Timestamp to use. seed : int Seed to use for random operations with NumPy and pandas. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with start-up date added. """ rng = default_rng(seed=seed) date_range = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq="1D") return buildings_gdf.assign( commissioning_date=rng.choice(date_range, size=len(buildings_gdf)) )
[docs]@timer_func def allocate_scenarios( mastr_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, valid_buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, last_scenario_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, scenario: str, ): """ Desaggregate and allocate scenario pv rooftop ramp-ups onto buildings. Parameters ---------- mastr_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing geocoded MaStR data. valid_buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data. last_scenario_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings matched with pv generators from temporally preceding scenario. scenario : str Scenario to desaggrgate and allocate. Returns ------- tuple geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings matched with pv generators. pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing pv rooftop capacity per grid id. """ cap_per_bus_id_df = cap_per_bus_id(scenario) logger.debug( f"cap_per_bus_id_df total capacity: {cap_per_bus_id_df.capacity.sum()}" ) last_scenario_gdf = determine_end_of_life_gens( last_scenario_gdf, SCENARIO_TIMESTAMP[scenario], PV_ROOFTOP_LIFETIME, ) buildings_gdf = calculate_max_pv_cap_per_building( valid_buildings_gdf, last_scenario_gdf, PV_CAP_PER_SQ_M, ROOF_FACTOR, ) mastr_gdf = calculate_building_load_factor( mastr_gdf, buildings_gdf, ) probabilities_dict = probabilities( mastr_gdf, cap_ranges=CAP_RANGES, ) cap_share_dict = cap_share_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf, cap_ranges=CAP_RANGES, ) load_factor_dict = mean_load_factor_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf, cap_ranges=CAP_RANGES, ) building_area_range_dict = building_area_range_per_cap_range( mastr_gdf, cap_ranges=CAP_RANGES, min_building_size=MIN_BUILDING_SIZE, upper_quantile=UPPER_QUANTILE, lower_quantile=LOWER_QUANTILE, ) allocated_buildings_gdf = desaggregate_pv( buildings_gdf=buildings_gdf, cap_df=cap_per_bus_id_df, prob_dict=probabilities_dict, cap_share_dict=cap_share_dict, building_area_range_dict=building_area_range_dict, load_factor_dict=load_factor_dict, seed=SEED, pv_cap_per_sq_m=PV_CAP_PER_SQ_M, ) allocated_buildings_gdf = allocated_buildings_gdf.assign(scenario=scenario) meta_buildings_gdf = frame_to_numeric( add_buildings_meta_data( allocated_buildings_gdf, probabilities_dict, SEED, ) ) return ( add_commissioning_date( meta_buildings_gdf, start=last_scenario_gdf.commissioning_date.max(), end=SCENARIO_TIMESTAMP[scenario], seed=SEED, ), cap_per_bus_id_df, )
[docs]class EgonPowerPlantPvRoofBuilding(Base): """ Class definition of table supply.egon_power_plants_pv_roof_building. """ __tablename__ = "egon_power_plants_pv_roof_building" __table_args__ = {"schema": "supply"} index = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scenario = Column(String) bus_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) building_id = Column(Integer) gens_id = Column(String, nullable=True) capacity = Column(Float) orientation_uniform = Column(Float) orientation_primary = Column(String) orientation_primary_angle = Column(String) voltage_level = Column(Integer) weather_cell_id = Column(Integer)
[docs]def create_scenario_table(buildings_gdf): """Create mapping table pv_unit <-> building for scenario""" EgonPowerPlantPvRoofBuilding.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonPowerPlantPvRoofBuilding.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) buildings_gdf[COLS_TO_EXPORT].reset_index().to_sql(, schema=EgonPowerPlantPvRoofBuilding.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", index=False, )
[docs]def add_weather_cell_id(buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: sql = """ SELECT building_id, zensus_population_id FROM boundaries.egon_map_zensus_mvgd_buildings """ buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.merge( right=db.select_dataframe(sql).drop_duplicates(subset="building_id"), how="left", on="building_id", ) sql = """ SELECT zensus_population_id, w_id as weather_cell_id FROM boundaries.egon_map_zensus_weather_cell """ buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.merge( right=db.select_dataframe(sql).drop_duplicates( subset="zensus_population_id" ), how="left", on="zensus_population_id", ) if buildings_gdf.weather_cell_id.isna().any(): missing = buildings_gdf.loc[ buildings_gdf.weather_cell_id.isna(), "building_id" ].tolist() raise ValueError( f"Following buildings don't have a weather cell id: {missing}" ) return buildings_gdf
[docs]def add_bus_ids_sq( buildings_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Add bus ids for status_quo units Parameters ----------- buildings_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM buildings data with desaggregated PV plants. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing OSM building data with bus_id per generator. """ grid_districts_gdf = grid_districts(EPSG) mask = buildings_gdf.scenario == "status_quo" buildings_gdf.loc[mask, "bus_id"] = ( buildings_gdf.loc[mask] .sjoin(grid_districts_gdf, how="left") .index_right ) return buildings_gdf
[docs]def infer_voltage_level( units_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Infer nan values in voltage level derived from generator capacity to the power plants. Parameters ----------- units_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing units with voltage levels from MaStR Returnsunits_gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing units all having assigned a voltage level. """ def voltage_levels(p: float) -> int: if p <= 0.1: return 7 elif p <= 0.2: return 6 elif p <= 5.5: return 5 elif p <= 20: return 4 elif p <= 120: return 3 return 1 units_gdf["voltage_level_inferred"] = False mask = units_gdf.voltage_level.isna() units_gdf.loc[mask, "voltage_level_inferred"] = True units_gdf.loc[mask, "voltage_level"] = units_gdf.loc[mask].capacity.apply( voltage_levels ) return units_gdf
[docs]def pv_rooftop_to_buildings(): """Main script, executed as task""" mastr_gdf = load_mastr_data() buildings_gdf = load_building_data() desagg_mastr_gdf, desagg_buildings_gdf = allocate_to_buildings( mastr_gdf, buildings_gdf ) all_buildings_gdf = ( desagg_mastr_gdf.assign(scenario="status_quo") .reset_index() .rename(columns={"geometry": "geom"}) ) scenario_buildings_gdf = all_buildings_gdf.copy() cap_per_bus_id_df = pd.DataFrame() for scenario in SCENARIOS: logger.debug(f"Desaggregating scenario {scenario}.") ( scenario_buildings_gdf, cap_per_bus_id_scenario_df, ) = allocate_scenarios( # noqa: F841 desagg_mastr_gdf, desagg_buildings_gdf, scenario_buildings_gdf, scenario, ) all_buildings_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat( [all_buildings_gdf, scenario_buildings_gdf], ignore_index=True ),, geometry="geom", ) cap_per_bus_id_df = pd.concat( [cap_per_bus_id_df, cap_per_bus_id_scenario_df] ) # add weather cell all_buildings_gdf = add_weather_cell_id(all_buildings_gdf) # add bus IDs for status quo scenario all_buildings_gdf = add_bus_ids_sq(all_buildings_gdf) # export scenario create_scenario_table(infer_voltage_level(all_buildings_gdf))