Source code for

The module containing all code allocating power plants of different
conventional technologies (oil, gas, others) based on data from MaStR and NEP.

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

from import db

[docs]def select_nep_power_plants(carrier): """Select power plants with location from NEP's list of power plants Parameters ---------- carrier : str Name of energy carrier Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Waste power plants from NEP list """ cfg =["power_plants"] # Select plants with geolocation from list of conventional power plants nep = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT bnetza_id, name, carrier, capacity, postcode, city, federal_state, c2035_capacity FROM {cfg['sources']['nep_conv']} WHERE carrier = '{carrier}' AND chp = 'Nein' AND c2035_chp = 'Nein' AND c2035_capacity > 0 AND postcode != 'None'; """ ) # Removing plants out of Germany nep["postcode"] = nep["postcode"].astype(str) nep = nep[~nep["postcode"].str.contains("A")] nep = nep[~nep["postcode"].str.contains("L")] nep = nep[~nep["postcode"].str.contains("nan")] # Remove the subunits from the bnetza_id nep["bnetza_id"] = nep["bnetza_id"].str[0:7] return nep
[docs]def select_no_chp_combustion_mastr(carrier): """Select power plants of a certain carrier from MaStR data which excludes all power plants used for allocation of CHP plants. Parameters ---------- carrier : str Name of energy carrier Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Power plants from NEP list """ cfg =["power_plants"] # import data for MaStR mastr = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT "EinheitMastrNummer", el_capacity, ST_setSRID(geometry, 4326) as geometry, carrier, plz, city, federal_state FROM {cfg['sources']['mastr_combustion_without_chp']} WHERE carrier = '{carrier}'; """, index_col=None, geom_col="geometry", epsg=4326, ) return mastr
[docs]def match_nep_no_chp( nep, mastr, matched, buffer_capacity=0.1, consider_location="plz", consider_carrier=True, consider_capacity=True, ): """Match Power plants (no CHP) from MaStR to list of power plants from NEP Parameters ---------- nep : pandas.DataFrame Power plants (no CHP) from NEP which are not matched to MaStR mastr : pandas.DataFrame Power plants (no CHP) from MaStR which are not matched to NEP matched : pandas.DataFrame Already matched power plants buffer_capacity : float, optional Maximum difference in capacity in p.u. The default is 0.1. Returns ------- matched : pandas.DataFrame Matched CHP mastr : pandas.DataFrame CHP plants from MaStR which are not matched to NEP nep : pandas.DataFrame CHP plants from NEP which are not matched to MaStR """ list_federal_states = pd.Series( { "Hamburg": "HH", "Sachsen": "SN", "MecklenburgVorpommern": "MV", "Thueringen": "TH", "SchleswigHolstein": "SH", "Bremen": "HB", "Saarland": "SL", "Bayern": "BY", "BadenWuerttemberg": "BW", "Brandenburg": "BB", "Hessen": "HE", "NordrheinWestfalen": "NW", "Berlin": "BE", "Niedersachsen": "NI", "SachsenAnhalt": "ST", "RheinlandPfalz": "RP", } ) for ET in nep["carrier"].unique(): for index, row in nep[ (nep["carrier"] == ET) & (nep["postcode"] != "None") ].iterrows(): # Select plants from MaStR that match carrier, PLZ # and have a similar capacity # Create a copy of all power plants from MaStR selected = mastr.copy() # Set capacity constraint using buffer if consider_capacity: selected = selected[ ( selected.el_capacity <= row["capacity"] * (1 + buffer_capacity) ) & ( selected.el_capacity >= row["capacity"] * (1 - buffer_capacity) ) ] # Set geographic constraint, either choose power plants # with the same postcode, city or federal state if consider_location == "plz": selected = selected[ selected.plz.astype(int).astype(str) == row["postcode"] ] elif consider_location == "city": selected = selected[ =="\n", " ") ] elif consider_location == "federal_state": selected.loc[:, "federal_state"] = list_federal_states[ selected.federal_state ].values selected = selected[ selected.federal_state == row.federal_state ] # Set capacity constraint if selected if consider_carrier: selected = selected[selected.carrier == ET] # If a plant could be matched, add this to matched if len(selected) > 0: matched = matched.append( gpd.GeoDataFrame( data={ "source": "MaStR scaled with NEP 2021 list", "MaStRNummer": selected.EinheitMastrNummer.head(1), "carrier": ET, "el_capacity": row.c2035_capacity, "scenario": "eGon2035", "geometry": selected.geometry.head(1), "voltage_level": selected.voltage_level.head(1), } ) ) # Drop matched power plant from nep nep = nep.drop(index) # Drop matched powerplant from MaStR list if the location is # accurate if consider_capacity & consider_carrier: mastr = mastr.drop(selected.index) return matched, mastr, nep