Source code for

"""The central module containing all code dealing with the spatial
   distribution of industrial electricity demands.
   Industrial demands from DemandRegio are distributed from nuts3 level down
   to osm landuse polygons and/or industrial sites also identified within this
   processing step bringing three different inputs together.


from sqlalchemy import ARRAY, Column, Float, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geopandas as gpd

from import db
from import Dataset
from import (

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EgonDemandRegioOsmIndElectricity(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_demandregio_osm_ind_electricity" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) osm_id = Column(Integer) scenario = Column(String(20), primary_key=True) wz = Column(Integer) demand = Column(Float)
[docs]class EgonDemandRegioSitesIndElectricity(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_demandregio_sites_ind_electricity" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} industrial_sites_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) scenario = Column(String(20), primary_key=True) wz = Column(Integer) demand = Column(Float)
[docs]class DemandCurvesOsmIndustry(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_osm_ind_load_curves" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} bus = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float))
[docs]class DemandCurvesOsmIndustryIndividual(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_osm_ind_load_curves_individual" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} osm_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) bus_id = Column(Integer) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) peak_load = Column(Float) demand = Column(Float) voltage_level = Column(Integer)
[docs]class DemandCurvesSitesIndustry(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_sites_ind_load_curves" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} bus = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True) wz = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float))
[docs]class DemandCurvesSitesIndustryIndividual(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_sites_ind_load_curves_individual" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} site_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) bus_id = Column(Integer) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) peak_load = Column(Float) demand = Column(Float) voltage_level = Column(Integer) wz = Column(Integer)
[docs]def create_tables(): """Create tables for industrial sites and distributed industrial demands Returns ------- None. """ # Get data config targets_spatial =[ "distributed_industrial_demand" ]["targets"] targets_temporal =[ "electrical_load_curves_industry" ]["targets"] # Create target schema db.execute_sql("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS demand;") # Drop tables and sequences before recreating them db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_spatial['sites']['schema']}. {targets_spatial['sites']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_spatial['osm']['schema']}. {targets_spatial['osm']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_temporal['osm_load']['schema']}. {targets_temporal['osm_load']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_temporal['osm_load_individual']['schema']}. {targets_temporal['osm_load_individual']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_temporal['sites_load']['schema']}. {targets_temporal['sites_load']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {targets_temporal['sites_load_individual']['schema']}. {targets_temporal['sites_load_individual']['table']} CASCADE;""" ) engine = db.engine() EgonDemandRegioSitesIndElectricity.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) EgonDemandRegioOsmIndElectricity.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) DemandCurvesOsmIndustry.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) DemandCurvesOsmIndustryIndividual.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) DemandCurvesSitesIndustry.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) DemandCurvesSitesIndustryIndividual.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True )
[docs]def industrial_demand_distr(): """Distribute electrical demands for industry to osm landuse polygons and/or industrial sites, identified earlier in the process. The demands per subsector on nuts3-level from demandregio are distributed linearly to the area of the corresponding landuse polygons or evenly to identified industrial sites. Returns ------- None. """ # Read information from configuration file sources =["distributed_industrial_demand"][ "sources" ] target_sites =[ "distributed_industrial_demand" ]["targets"]["sites"] target_osm =["distributed_industrial_demand"][ "targets" ]["osm"] # Delete data from table db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM {target_sites['schema']}.{target_sites['table']}""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM {target_osm['schema']}.{target_osm['table']}""" ) for scn in sources["demandregio"]["scenarios"]: # Select spatial information from local database # Select administrative districts (Landkreise) including its boundaries boundaries = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT nuts, geometry FROM {sources['vg250_krs']['schema']}. {sources['vg250_krs']['table']}""", index_col="nuts", geom_col="geometry", epsg=3035, ) # Select industrial landuse polygons landuse = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT id, area_ha, geom FROM {sources['osm_landuse']['schema']}. {sources['osm_landuse']['table']} WHERE sector = 3 AND NOT ST_Intersects( geom, (SELECT ST_UNION(ST_Transform(geom,3035)) FROM {sources['industrial_sites']['schema']}. {sources['industrial_sites']['table']})) AND name NOT LIKE '%%kraftwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Stadtwerke%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Müllverbrennung%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Müllverwertung%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Abfall%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Kraftwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Wertstoff%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%olarpark%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Gewerbegebiet%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Gewerbepark%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%heizwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Heizwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Kläranlage%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Klärwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Biogasanlage%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Wasserwerk%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Recyclinghof%%' AND name NOT LIKE '%%Recyclingpark%%'""", geom_col="geom", epsg=3035, ) # Spatially join vg250_krs and industrial landuse areas landuse = gpd.sjoin(landuse, boundaries, how="inner", op="intersects") # Rename column landuse = landuse.rename({"index_right": "nuts3"}, axis=1) landuse_nuts3 = landuse[["area_ha", "nuts3"]] landuse_nuts3 = landuse.groupby(["nuts3"]).sum().reset_index() # Select data on industrial sites sites = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT id, wz, nuts3 FROM {sources['industrial_sites']['schema']}. {sources['industrial_sites']['table']}""", index_col=None, ) # Count number of industrial sites per subsector (wz) and nuts3 # district sites_grouped = ( sites.groupby(["nuts3", "wz"]).size().reset_index(name="counts") ) # Select industrial demands on nuts3 level from local database demand_nuts3_import = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT nuts3, demand, wz FROM {sources['demandregio']['schema']}. {sources['demandregio']['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scn}' AND demand > 0 AND wz IN (SELECT wz FROM demand.egon_demandregio_wz WHERE sector = 'industry')""" ) # Replace wz=17 and wz=18 by wz=1718 as a differentiation of these two # subsectors can't be performed demand_nuts3_import["wz"] = demand_nuts3_import["wz"].replace( [17, 18], 1718 ) # Group results by nuts3 and wz to aggregate demands from subsectors # 17 and 18 demand_nuts3 = ( demand_nuts3_import.groupby(["nuts3", "wz"]).sum().reset_index() ) # A differentiation between those industrial subsectors (wz) which # aren't represented and subsectors with a representation in the # dataset on industrial sites is needed # Select industrial demand for sectors which aren't found in # industrial sites as category a demand_nuts3_a = demand_nuts3[ ~demand_nuts3["wz"].isin([1718, 19, 20, 23, 24]) ] # Select industrial demand for sectors which are found in industrial # sites as category b demand_nuts3_b = demand_nuts3[ demand_nuts3["wz"].isin([1718, 19, 20, 23, 24]) ] # Bring demands on nuts3 level and information on industrial sites per # nuts3 district together demand_nuts3_b = demand_nuts3_b.merge( sites_grouped, how="left", left_on=["nuts3", "wz"], right_on=["nuts3", "wz"], ) # Define share of industrial demand per nuts3 region and subsector # allocated to industrial sites share_to_sites = 0.5 # Define demand per site for every nuts3 region and subsector demand_nuts3_b["demand_per_site"] = ( demand_nuts3_b["demand"] * share_to_sites ) / demand_nuts3_b["counts"] # Replace NaN by 0 demand_nuts3_b = demand_nuts3_b.fillna(0) # Calculate demand which needs to be distributed to osm landuse areas # from category b demand_nuts3_b["demand_b_osm"] = demand_nuts3_b["demand"] - ( demand_nuts3_b["demand_per_site"] * demand_nuts3_b["counts"] ) # Add information about demand per site to sites dataframe sites = sites.merge( demand_nuts3_b[["nuts3", "wz", "demand_per_site"]], how="left", left_on=["nuts3", "wz"], right_on=["nuts3", "wz"], ) sites = sites.rename(columns={"demand_per_site": "demand"}) demand_nuts3_b_osm = demand_nuts3_b[["nuts3", "wz", "demand_b_osm"]] demand_nuts3_b_osm = demand_nuts3_b_osm.rename( {"demand_b_osm": "demand"}, axis=1 ) # Create df containing all demand per wz which will be allocated to # osm areas demand_nuts3_osm_wz = demand_nuts3_a.append( demand_nuts3_b_osm, ignore_index=True ) demand_nuts3_osm_wz = ( demand_nuts3_osm_wz.groupby(["nuts3", "wz"]).sum().reset_index() ) # Calculate demand per hectar for each nuts3 region demand_nuts3_osm_wz = demand_nuts3_osm_wz.merge( landuse_nuts3, how="left", left_on=["nuts3"], right_on=["nuts3"] ) demand_nuts3_osm_wz["demand_per_ha"] = ( demand_nuts3_osm_wz["demand"] / demand_nuts3_osm_wz["area_ha"] ) # Add information about demand per ha to landuse df landuse = landuse.merge( demand_nuts3_osm_wz[["nuts3", "demand_per_ha", "wz"]], how="left", left_on=["nuts3"], right_on=["nuts3"], ) landuse["demand"] = landuse["area_ha"] * landuse["demand_per_ha"] # Adjust dataframes for export to local database sites = sites.rename({"id": "industrial_sites_id"}, axis=1) sites["scenario"] = scn sites.set_index("industrial_sites_id", inplace=True) landuse = landuse.rename({"id": "osm_id"}, axis=1) # Remove duplicates and adjust index landuse = landuse.groupby(["osm_id", "wz"]).sum().reset_index() landuse.index.rename("id", inplace=True) landuse["scenario"] = scn # Write data to db sites[["scenario", "wz", "demand"]].to_sql( target_sites["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=target_sites["schema"], if_exists="append", ) landuse[["osm_id", "scenario", "wz", "demand"]].to_sql( target_osm["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=target_osm["schema"], if_exists="append", )
[docs]class IndustrialDemandCurves(Dataset): def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__( name="Industrial_demand_curves", version="0.0.5", dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( create_tables, industrial_demand_distr, insert_osm_ind_load, insert_sites_ind_load, ), )