Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The central module containing code dealing with gas industrial demand

In this module, the functions to import the industrial hydrogen and
methane demands from the opendata.ffe database and to insert them into
the database after modification are to be found.


from pathlib import Path
import os

from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry
from shapely import wkt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests

from import db
from import settings
from import Dataset
from import (
from import link_geom_from_buses
from import read_network
from import get_sector_parameters

[docs]class IndustrialGasDemand(Dataset): """ Download the industrial gas demands from the opendata.ffe database Data is downloaded to the folder ./datasets/gas_data/demand using the function :py:func:`download_industrial_gas_demand` and no dataset is resulting. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`ScenarioParameters <>` """ #: name: str = "IndustrialGasDemand" #: version: str = "0.0.4" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(download_industrial_gas_demand), )
[docs]class IndustrialGasDemandeGon2035(Dataset): """Insert the hourly resolved industrial gas demands into the database for eGon2035 Insert the industrial methane and hydrogen demands and their associated time series for the scenario eGon2035 by executing the function :py:func:`insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon2035`. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon2035 <>` * :py:class:`GasNodesAndPipes <>` * :py:class:`HydrogenBusEtrago <>` * :py:class:`IndustrialGasDemand <IndustrialGasDemand>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load_timeseries <>` is extended """ #: name: str = "IndustrialGasDemandeGon2035" #: version: str = "0.0.3" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon2035), )
[docs]class IndustrialGasDemandeGon100RE(Dataset): """Insert the hourly resolved industrial gas demands into the database for eGon100RE Insert the industrial methane and hydrogen demands and their associated time series for the scenario eGon100RE by executing the function :py:func:`insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon100RE`. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon100RE <>` * :py:class:`GasNodesAndPipes <>` * :py:class:`HydrogenBusEtrago <>` * :py:class:`IndustrialGasDemand <IndustrialGasDemand>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load_timeseries <>` is extended """ #: name: str = "IndustrialGasDemandeGon100RE" #: version: str = "0.0.3" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon100RE), )
[docs]def read_industrial_demand(scn_name, carrier): """Read the industrial gas demand data in Germany This function reads the methane or hydrogen industrial demand time series previously downloaded in :py:func:`download_industrial_gas_demand` for the scenarios eGon2035 or eGon100RE. Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario carrier : str Name of the gas carrier Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the industrial gas demand time series """ target_file = Path(".") / "datasets/gas_data/demand/region_corr.json" df_corr = pd.read_json(target_file) df_corr = df_corr.loc[:, ["id_region", "name_short"]] df_corr.set_index("id_region", inplace=True) target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets/gas_data/demand" / (carrier + "_" + scn_name + ".json") ) industrial_loads = pd.read_json(target_file) industrial_loads = industrial_loads.loc[:, ["id_region", "values"]] industrial_loads.set_index("id_region", inplace=True) # Match the id_region to obtain the NUT3 region names industrial_loads_list = pd.concat( [industrial_loads, df_corr], axis=1, join="inner" ) industrial_loads_list["NUTS0"] = (industrial_loads_list["name_short"].str)[ 0:2 ] industrial_loads_list["NUTS1"] = (industrial_loads_list["name_short"].str)[ 0:3 ] industrial_loads_list = industrial_loads_list[ industrial_loads_list["NUTS0"].str.match("DE") ] # Cut data to federal state if in testmode boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": map_states = { "Baden-Württemberg": "DE1", "Nordrhein-Westfalen": "DEA", "Hessen": "DE7", "Brandenburg": "DE4", "Bremen": "DE5", "Rheinland-Pfalz": "DEB", "Sachsen-Anhalt": "DEE", "Schleswig-Holstein": "DEF", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": "DE8", "Thüringen": "DEG", "Niedersachsen": "DE9", "Sachsen": "DED", "Hamburg": "DE6", "Saarland": "DEC", "Berlin": "DE3", "Bayern": "DE2", } industrial_loads_list = industrial_loads_list[ industrial_loads_list["NUTS1"].isin([map_states[boundary], np.nan]) ] industrial_loads_list = industrial_loads_list.rename( columns={"name_short": "nuts3", "values": "p_set"} ) industrial_loads_list = industrial_loads_list.set_index("nuts3") # Add the centroid point to each NUTS3 area sql_vg250 = """SELECT nuts as nuts3, geometry as geom FROM boundaries.vg250_krs WHERE gf = 4 ;""" gdf_vg250 = db.select_geodataframe(sql_vg250, epsg=4326) point = [] for index, row in gdf_vg250.iterrows(): point.append(wkt.loads(str(row["geom"])).centroid) gdf_vg250["point"] = point gdf_vg250 = gdf_vg250.set_index("nuts3") gdf_vg250 = gdf_vg250.drop(columns=["geom"]) # Match the load to the NUTS3 points industrial_loads_list = pd.concat( [industrial_loads_list, gdf_vg250], axis=1, join="inner" ) return industrial_loads_list.rename( columns={"point": "geom"} ).set_geometry("geom", crs=4326)
[docs]def read_and_process_demand( scn_name="eGon2035", carrier=None, grid_carrier=None ): """Assign the industrial gas demand in Germany to buses This function prepares and returns the industrial gas demand time series for CH4 or H2 and for a specific scenario by executing the following steps: * Read the industrial demand time series in Germany with the function :py:func:`read_industrial_demand` * Attribute the bus_id to which each load and it associated time series is associated by calling the function :py:func:`assign_gas_bus_id <>` from :py:mod:` <>` * Adjust the columns: add "carrier" and remove useless ones Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario carrier : str Name of the carrier, the demand should hold grid_carrier : str Carrier name of the buses, the demand should be assigned to Returns ------- industrial_demand : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the industrial demand in Germany """ if grid_carrier is None: grid_carrier = carrier industrial_loads_list = read_industrial_demand(scn_name, carrier) number_loads = len(industrial_loads_list) # Match to associated gas bus industrial_loads_list = db.assign_gas_bus_id( industrial_loads_list, scn_name, grid_carrier ) # Add carrier industrial_loads_list["carrier"] = carrier # Remove useless columns industrial_loads_list = industrial_loads_list.drop( columns=["geom", "NUTS0", "NUTS1", "bus_id"], errors="ignore" ) msg = ( "The number of load changed when assigning to the respective buses." f"It should be {number_loads} loads, but only" f"{len(industrial_loads_list)} got assigned to buses." f"scn_name: {scn_name}, load carrier: {carrier}, carrier of buses to" f"connect loads to: {grid_carrier}" ) assert len(industrial_loads_list) == number_loads, msg return industrial_loads_list
[docs]def delete_old_entries(scn_name): """ Delete CH4 and H2 loads and load time series for the specified scenario Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- None """ # Clean tables db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_load_timeseries WHERE "load_id" IN ( SELECT load_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_load WHERE "carrier" IN ('CH4_for_industry', 'H2_for_industry') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND bus not IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE' ) ); """ ) db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_load WHERE "load_id" IN ( SELECT load_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_load WHERE "carrier" IN ('CH4_for_industry', 'H2_for_industry') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND bus not IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE' ) ); """ )
[docs]def insert_new_entries(industrial_gas_demand, scn_name): """ Insert industrial gas loads into the database This function prepares and imports the industrial gas loads by executing the following steps: * Attribution of an id to each load in the list received as parameter * Deletion of the column containing the time series (they will be inserted in another table (grid.egon_etrago_load_timeseries) in the :py:func:`insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series`) * Insertion of the loads into the database * Return of the dataframe still containing the time series columns Parameters ---------- industrial_gas_demand : pandas.DataFrame Load data to insert (containing the time series) scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- industrial_gas_demand : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the loads that have been inserted in the database with their time series """ new_id = db.next_etrago_id("load") industrial_gas_demand["load_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(industrial_gas_demand) ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": scn_name, "sign": -1} industrial_gas_demand = industrial_gas_demand.assign(**c) industrial_gas_demand = industrial_gas_demand.reset_index(drop=True) # Remove useless columns egon_etrago_load_gas = industrial_gas_demand.drop(columns=["p_set"]) engine = db.engine() # Insert data to db egon_etrago_load_gas.to_sql( "egon_etrago_load", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", ) return industrial_gas_demand
[docs]def insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon2035(): """Insert industrial gas demands into the database for eGon2035 Insert the industrial CH4 and H2 demands and their associated time series into the database for the eGon2035 scenario. The data previously downloaded in :py:func:`download_industrial_gas_demand` is adjusted by executing the following steps: * Clean the database with the function :py:func:`delete_old_entries` * Read and prepare the CH4 and the H2 industrial demands and their associated time series in Germany with the function :py:func:`read_and_process_demand` * Aggregate the demands with the same properties at the same gas bus * Insert the loads into the database by executing :py:func:`insert_new_entries` * Insert the time series associated to the loads into the database by executing :py:func:`insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series` Returns ------- None """ scn_name = "eGon2035" delete_old_entries(scn_name) industrial_gas_demand = pd.concat( [ read_and_process_demand( scn_name=scn_name, carrier="CH4_for_industry", grid_carrier="CH4", ), read_and_process_demand( scn_name=scn_name, carrier="H2_for_industry", grid_carrier="H2_grid", ), ] ) industrial_gas_demand = ( industrial_gas_demand.groupby(["bus", "carrier"])["p_set"] .apply(lambda x: [sum(y) for y in zip(*x)]) .reset_index(drop=False) ) industrial_gas_demand = insert_new_entries(industrial_gas_demand, scn_name) insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series(industrial_gas_demand)
[docs]def insert_industrial_gas_demand_egon100RE(): """Insert industrial gas demands into the database for eGon100RE Insert the industrial CH4 and H2 demands and their associated time series into the database for the eGon100RE scenario. The data, previously downloaded in :py:func:`download_industrial_gas_demand` are adapted by executing the following steps: * Clean the database with the function :py:func:`delete_old_entries` * Read and prepare the CH4 and the H2 industrial demands and their associated time series in Germany with the function :py:func:`read_and_process_demand` * Identify and adjust the total industrial CH4 and H2 loads for Germany generated by PyPSA-Eur-Sec * For CH4, the time series used is the one from H2, because the industrial CH4 demand in the opendata.ffe database is 0 * In test mode, the total values are obtained by evaluating the share of H2 demand in the test region (NUTS1: DEF, Schleswig-Holstein) with respect to the H2 demand in full Germany model (NUTS0: DE). This task has been outsourced to save processing cost. * Aggregate the demands with the same properties at the same gas bus * Insert the loads into the database by executing :py:func:`insert_new_entries` * Insert the time series associated to the loads into the database by executing :py:func:`insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series` Returns ------- None """ scn_name = "eGon100RE" delete_old_entries(scn_name) # read demands industrial_gas_demand_CH4 = read_and_process_demand( scn_name=scn_name, carrier="CH4_for_industry", grid_carrier="CH4" ) industrial_gas_demand_H2 = read_and_process_demand( scn_name=scn_name, carrier="H2_for_industry", grid_carrier="H2_grid" ) # adjust H2 and CH4 total demands (values from PES) # CH4 demand = 0 in 100RE, therefore scale H2 ts # fallback values see n = read_network() try: H2_total_PES = ( n.loads[n.loads["carrier"] == "H2 for industry"].loc[ "DE0 0 H2 for industry", "p_set" ] * 8760 ) except KeyError: H2_total_PES = 42090000 print("Could not find data from PES-run, assigning fallback number.") try: CH4_total_PES = ( n.loads[n.loads["carrier"] == "gas for industry"].loc[ "DE0 0 gas for industry", "p_set" ] * 8760 ) except KeyError: CH4_total_PES = 105490000 print("Could not find data from PES-run, assigning fallback number.") boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": # modify values for test mode # the values are obtained by evaluating the share of H2 demand in # test region (NUTS1: DEF, Schleswig-Holstein) with respect to the H2 # demand in full Germany model (NUTS0: DE). The task has been outsourced # to save processing cost H2_total_PES *= 0.01855683050330346 CH4_total_PES *= 0.01855683050330346 H2_total = industrial_gas_demand_H2["p_set"].apply(sum).astype(float).sum() industrial_gas_demand_CH4["p_set"] = industrial_gas_demand_H2[ "p_set" ].apply(lambda x: [val / H2_total * CH4_total_PES for val in x]) industrial_gas_demand_H2["p_set"] = industrial_gas_demand_H2[ "p_set" ].apply(lambda x: [val / H2_total * H2_total_PES for val in x]) # consistency check total_CH4_distributed = sum( [sum(x) for x in industrial_gas_demand_CH4["p_set"].to_list()] ) total_H2_distributed = sum( [sum(x) for x in industrial_gas_demand_H2["p_set"].to_list()] ) print( f"Total amount of industrial H2 demand distributed is " f"{total_H2_distributed} MWh. Total amount of industrial CH4 demand " f"distributed is {total_CH4_distributed} MWh." ) msg = ( f"Total amount of industrial H2 demand from P-E-S is equal to " f"{H2_total_PES}, which should be identical to the distributed amount " f"of {total_H2_distributed}, but it is not." ) assert round(H2_total_PES) == round(total_H2_distributed), msg msg = ( f"Total amount of industrial CH4 demand from P-E-S is equal to " f"{CH4_total_PES}, which should be identical to the distributed amount " f"of {total_CH4_distributed}, but it is not." ) assert round(CH4_total_PES) == round(total_CH4_distributed), msg industrial_gas_demand = pd.concat( [ industrial_gas_demand_CH4, industrial_gas_demand_H2, ] ) industrial_gas_demand = ( industrial_gas_demand.groupby(["bus", "carrier"])["p_set"] .apply(lambda x: [sum(y) for y in zip(*x)]) .reset_index(drop=False) ) industrial_gas_demand = insert_new_entries(industrial_gas_demand, scn_name) insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series(industrial_gas_demand)
[docs]def insert_industrial_gas_demand_time_series(egon_etrago_load_gas): """ Insert list of industrial gas demand time series (one per NUTS3 region) These loads are hourly and on NUTS3 level resolved. Parameters ---------- industrial_gas_demand : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the loads that have been inserted into the database and whose time series will be inserted into the database. Returns ------- None """ egon_etrago_load_gas_timeseries = egon_etrago_load_gas # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() # Adjust columns egon_etrago_load_gas_timeseries = egon_etrago_load_gas_timeseries.drop( columns=["carrier", "bus", "sign"] ) egon_etrago_load_gas_timeseries["temp_id"] = 1 # Insert data to db egon_etrago_load_gas_timeseries.to_sql( "egon_etrago_load_timeseries", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def download_industrial_gas_demand(): """Download the industrial gas demand data from opendata.ffe database The industrial demands for hydrogen and methane are downloaded in the folder ./datasets/gas_data/demand These loads are hourly and NUTS3-level resolved. For more information on these data, refer to the `Extremos project documentation <>`_. Returns ------- None """ correspondance_url = ( "" ) # Read and save data result_corr = requests.get(correspondance_url) target_file = Path(".") / "datasets/gas_data/demand/region_corr.json" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_file), exist_ok=True) pd.read_json(result_corr.content).to_json(target_file) carriers = {"H2_for_industry": "2,162", "CH4_for_industry": "2,11"} url = "" for scn_name in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: year = str( get_sector_parameters("global", scn_name)["population_year"] ) for carrier, internal_id in carriers.items(): # Download the data datafilter = "&&internal_id=eq.{" + internal_id + "}" request = url + year + datafilter # Read and save data result = requests.get(request) target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets/gas_data/demand" / (carrier + "_" + scn_name + ".json") ) pd.read_json(result.content).to_json(target_file)