Source code for

The central module containing all code dealing with the hydrogen buses

In this module, the functions allowing to create the H2 buses in Germany
for eTraGo are to be found.
The H2 buses in the neighbouring countries (only present in eGon100RE)
are defined in :py:mod:`pypsaeursec <>`.
In both scenarios, there are two types of H2 buses in Germany:
  * H2_grid buses: defined in :py:func:`insert_H2_buses_from_CH4_grid`;
    these buses are located at the places of the CH4 buses.
  * H2_saltcavern buses: defined in :py:func:`insert_H2_buses_from_saltcavern`;
    these buses are located at the intersection of AC buses and
    potential H2 saltcaverns.


from geoalchemy2 import Geometry

from import config, db
from import (

[docs]def insert_hydrogen_buses(scenario="eGon2035"): """ Insert hydrogen buses into the database (in etrago table) Hydrogen buses are inserted into the database using the functions: * :py:func:`insert_H2_buses_from_CH4_grid` for H2_grid buses * :py:func:`insert_H2_buses_from_saltcavern` for the H2_saltcavern buses Parameters ---------- scenario : str, optional Name of the scenario, the default is 'eGon2035'. Returns ------- None """ sources = config.datasets()["etrago_hydrogen"]["sources"] target = config.datasets()["etrago_hydrogen"]["targets"]["hydrogen_buses"] # initalize dataframe for hydrogen buses carrier = "H2_saltcavern" hydrogen_buses = initialise_bus_insertion( carrier, target, scenario=scenario ) insert_H2_buses_from_saltcavern( hydrogen_buses, carrier, sources, target, scenario ) carrier = "H2_grid" hydrogen_buses = initialise_bus_insertion( carrier, target, scenario=scenario ) insert_H2_buses_from_CH4_grid(hydrogen_buses, carrier, target, scenario)
[docs]def insert_H2_buses_from_saltcavern(gdf, carrier, sources, target, scn_name): """ Insert the H2 buses based on saltcavern locations into the database. These buses are located at the intersection of AC buses and potential H2 saltcaverns. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing the empty bus data. carrier : str Name of the carrier. sources : dict Sources schema and table information. target : dict Target schema and table information. scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- None """ # electrical buses related to saltcavern storage el_buses = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['saltcavern_data']['schema']}. {sources['saltcavern_data']['table']}""" )["bus_id"] # locations of electrical buses (filtering not necessarily required) locations = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT bus_id, geom FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}. {sources['buses']['table']} WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country = 'DE'""", index_col="bus_id", ).to_crs(epsg=4326) # filter by related electrical buses and drop duplicates locations = locations.loc[el_buses] locations = locations[~locations.index.duplicated(keep="first")] # AC bus ids and respective hydrogen bus ids are written to db for # later use (hydrogen storage mapping) AC_bus_ids = locations.index.copy() # create H2 bus data hydrogen_bus_ids = finalize_bus_insertion( locations, carrier, target, scenario=scn_name ) gdf_H2_cavern = hydrogen_bus_ids[["bus_id"]].rename( columns={"bus_id": "bus_H2"} ) gdf_H2_cavern["bus_AC"] = AC_bus_ids gdf_H2_cavern["scn_name"] = hydrogen_bus_ids["scn_name"] # Insert data to db gdf_H2_cavern.to_sql( "egon_etrago_ac_h2", db.engine(), schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def insert_H2_buses_from_CH4_grid(gdf, carrier, target, scn_name): """ Insert the H2 buses based on CH4 grid into the database. At each CH4 location, respectively at each intersection of the CH4 grid, a H2 bus is created. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing the empty bus data. carrier : str Name of the carrier. target : dict Target schema and table information. scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- None """ # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() # Select the CH4 buses sql_CH4 = f"""SELECT bus_id, scn_name, geom FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country = 'DE';""" gdf_H2 = db.select_geodataframe(sql_CH4, epsg=4326) # CH4 bus ids and respective hydrogen bus ids are written to db for # later use (CH4 grid to H2 links) CH4_bus_ids = gdf_H2[["bus_id", "scn_name"]].copy() H2_bus_ids = finalize_bus_insertion( gdf_H2, carrier, target, scenario=scn_name ) gdf_H2_CH4 = H2_bus_ids[["bus_id"]].rename(columns={"bus_id": "bus_H2"}) gdf_H2_CH4["bus_CH4"] = CH4_bus_ids["bus_id"] gdf_H2_CH4["scn_name"] = CH4_bus_ids["scn_name"] # Insert data to db gdf_H2_CH4.to_sql( "egon_etrago_ch4_h2", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def insert_hydrogen_buses_eGon100RE(): """Copy H2 buses from the eGon2035 to the eGon100RE scenario. Returns ------- None """ copy_and_modify_buses( "eGon2035", "eGon100RE", {"carrier": ["H2_grid", "H2_saltcavern"]}, )