Source code for

"""The central module containing all code dealing with heat supply
for district heating areas.

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from import config, db
from import calc_geothermal_costs

[docs]def capacity_per_district_heating_category(district_heating_areas, scenario): """Calculates target values per district heating category and technology Parameters ---------- district_heating_areas : geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame District heating areas per scenario scenario : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- capacity_per_category : pandas.DataFrame Installed capacities per technology and size category """ sources = config.datasets()["heat_supply"]["sources"] target_values = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT capacity, split_part(carrier, 'urban_central_', 2) as technology FROM {sources['scenario_capacities']['schema']}. {sources['scenario_capacities']['table']} WHERE carrier IN ( 'urban_central_heat_pump', 'urban_central_resistive_heater', 'urban_central_geo_thermal', 'urban_central_solar_thermal_collector') AND scenario_name = '{scenario}' """, index_col="technology", ) capacity_per_category = pd.DataFrame( index=["small", "medium", "large"], columns=[ "solar_thermal_collector", "resistive_heater", "heat_pump", "geo_thermal", "demand", ], ) capacity_per_category.demand = district_heating_areas.groupby( district_heating_areas.category ).demand.sum() capacity_per_category.loc[ ["small", "medium"], "solar_thermal_collector" ] = ( target_values.capacity["solar_thermal_collector"] * capacity_per_category.demand / capacity_per_category.demand[["small", "medium"]].sum() ) capacity_per_category.loc[:, "heat_pump"] = ( target_values.capacity["heat_pump"] * capacity_per_category.demand / capacity_per_category.demand.sum() ) capacity_per_category.loc[:, "resistive_heater"] = ( target_values.capacity["resistive_heater"] * capacity_per_category.demand / capacity_per_category.demand.sum() ) capacity_per_category.loc["large", "geo_thermal"] = target_values.capacity[ "geo_thermal" ] return capacity_per_category
[docs]def set_technology_data(): """Set data per technology according to Kurzstudie KWK Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame List of parameters per technology """ return pd.DataFrame( index=[ "CHP", "solar_thermal_collector", "heat_pump", "geo_thermal", "resistive_heater", ], columns=["estimated_flh", "priority"], data={ "estimated_flh": [8760, 1330, 7000, 3000, 400], "priority": [5, 3, 2, 4, 1], }, )
[docs]def select_district_heating_areas(scenario): """Selects district heating areas per scenario and assigns size-category Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- district_heating_areas : geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame District heating areas per scenario """ sources = config.datasets()["heat_supply"]["sources"] max_demand_medium_district_heating = 96000 max_demand_small_district_heating = 2400 district_heating_areas = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT id as district_heating_id, residential_and_service_demand as demand, geom_polygon as geom FROM {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scenario}' """, index_col="district_heating_id", ) district_heating_areas["category"] = "large" district_heating_areas.loc[ district_heating_areas[ district_heating_areas.demand < max_demand_medium_district_heating ].index, "category", ] = "medium" district_heating_areas.loc[ district_heating_areas[ district_heating_areas.demand < max_demand_small_district_heating ].index, "category", ] = "small" return district_heating_areas
[docs]def cascade_per_technology( areas, technologies, capacity_per_category, size_dh, max_geothermal_costs=2 ): """Add plants of one technology suppliing district heating Parameters ---------- areas : geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame District heating areas which need to be supplied technologies : pandas.DataFrame List of supply technologies and their parameters capacity_per_category : pandas.DataFrame Target installed capacities per size-category size_dh : str Category of the district heating areas max_geothermal_costs : float, optional Maxiumal costs of MW geothermal in EUR/MW. The default is 2. Returns ------- areas : geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame District heating areas which need additional supply technologies technologies : pandas.DataFrame List of supply technologies and their parameters append_df : pandas.DataFrame List of plants per district heating grid for the selected technology """ sources = config.datasets()["heat_supply"]["sources"] tech = technologies[technologies.priority == technologies.priority.max()] # Assign CHP plants inside district heating area # TODO: This has to be updaten when all chp plants are available! if tech.index == "CHP": # Select chp plants from database gdf_chp = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT a.geom, th_capacity as capacity, c.area_id FROM {sources['chp']['schema']}. {sources['chp']['table']} a, {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} c WHERE a.district_heating = True AND a.district_heating_area_id = c.area_id AND a.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND c.scenario = 'eGon2035' """ ) gdf_chp = gdf_chp[gdf_chp.area_id.isin(areas.index)] append_df = ( pd.DataFrame(gdf_chp.groupby("area_id").capacity.sum()) .reset_index() .rename({"area_id": "district_heating_id"}, axis=1) ) # Distribute solar thermal and heatpumps linear to remaining demand. # Geothermal plants are distributed to areas with geothermal potential. if tech.index in [ "resistive_heater", "solar_thermal_collector", "heat_pump", "geo_thermal", ]: if tech.index == "geo_thermal": # Select areas with geothermal potential considering costs gdf_geothermal = calc_geothermal_costs(max_geothermal_costs) # Select areas which intersect with district heating areas join = gpd.sjoin( gdf_geothermal.to_crs(4326), areas, rsuffix="area" ) # Calculate share of installed capacity share_per_area = ( join.groupby("index_area")["remaining_demand"].sum() / join["remaining_demand"].sum().sum() ) else: share_per_area = ( areas["remaining_demand"] / areas["remaining_demand"].sum() ) # Prepare list of heat supply technologies append_df = pd.DataFrame( (share_per_area).mul( capacity_per_category.loc[size_dh, tech.index].values[0] ) ).reset_index() # Rename columns append_df.rename( { "index_area": "district_heating_id", "remaining_demand": "capacity", }, axis=1, inplace=True, ) # Add heat supply to overall list if append_df.size > 0: append_df["carrier"] = tech.index[0] append_df["category"] = size_dh areas.loc[ append_df.district_heating_id, "remaining_demand" ] -= append_df.set_index("district_heating_id").capacity.mul( tech.estimated_flh.values[0] ) # Select district heating areas which need an additional supply technology areas = areas[areas.remaining_demand >= 0] # Delete inserted technology from list technologies = technologies.drop(tech.index) return areas, technologies, append_df
[docs]def cascade_heat_supply(scenario, plotting=True): """Assigns supply strategy for ditsrict heating areas. Different technologies are selected for three categories of district heating areas (small, medium and large annual demand). The technologies are priorized according to Flexibilisierung der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung; 2017; Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (FfE) Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of scenario plotting : bool, optional Choose if district heating supply is plotted. The default is True. Returns ------- resulting_capacities : pandas.DataFrame List of plants per district heating grid """ # Select district heating areas from database district_heating_areas = select_district_heating_areas(scenario) # Select technolgies per district heating size map_dh_technologies = { "small": [ "CHP", "solar_thermal_collector", "heat_pump", "resistive_heater", ], "medium": [ "CHP", "solar_thermal_collector", "heat_pump", "resistive_heater", ], "large": ["CHP", "geo_thermal", "heat_pump", "resistive_heater"], } # Assign capacities per district heating category capacity_per_category = capacity_per_district_heating_category( district_heating_areas, scenario ) # Initalize Dataframe for results resulting_capacities = pd.DataFrame( columns=["district_heating_id", "carrier", "capacity", "category"] ) # Set technology data according to Kurzstudie KWK, NEP 2021 technology_data = set_technology_data() for size_dh in ["small", "medium", "large"]: # Select areas in size-category areas = district_heating_areas[ district_heating_areas.category == size_dh ].to_crs(4326) # Set remaining_demand to demand for first iteration areas["remaining_demand"] = areas["demand"] # Select technologies which can be use in this size-category technologies = technology_data.loc[map_dh_technologies[size_dh], :] # Assign new supply technologies to district heating areas # as long as the demand is not covered and there are technologies left while (len(technologies) > 0) and (len(areas) > 0): areas, technologies, append_df = cascade_per_technology( areas, technologies, capacity_per_category, size_dh ) resulting_capacities = resulting_capacities.append( append_df, ignore_index=True ) # Plot results per district heating area if plotting: plot_heat_supply(resulting_capacities) return gpd.GeoDataFrame( resulting_capacities, geometry=district_heating_areas.geom[ resulting_capacities.district_heating_id ].centroid.values, )
[docs]def backup_gas_boilers(scenario): """Adds backup gas boilers to district heating grids. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- Geopandas.GeoDataFrame List of gas boilers for district heating """ # Select district heating areas from database district_heating_areas = select_district_heating_areas(scenario) return gpd.GeoDataFrame( data={ "district_heating_id": district_heating_areas.index, "capacity": district_heating_areas.demand.div(8000), "carrier": "gas_boiler", "category": district_heating_areas.category, "geometry": district_heating_areas.geom.centroid, "scenario": scenario, } )
[docs]def backup_resistive_heaters(scenario): """Adds backup resistive heaters to district heating grids to meet target values of installed capacities. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- Geopandas.GeoDataFrame List of gas boilers for district heating """ # Select district heating areas from database district_heating_areas = select_district_heating_areas(scenario) # Select target value target_value = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT capacity FROM supply.egon_scenario_capacities WHERE carrier = 'urban_central_resistive_heater' AND scenario_name = '{scenario}' """ ).capacity[0] distributed = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT SUM(capacity) as capacity FROM supply.egon_district_heating WHERE carrier = 'resistive_heater' AND scenario = '{scenario}' """ ).capacity[0] if target_value > distributed: df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( data={ "district_heating_id": district_heating_areas.index, "capacity": district_heating_areas.demand.div( district_heating_areas.demand.sum() ).mul(target_value - distributed), "carrier": "resistive_heater", "category": district_heating_areas.category, "geometry": district_heating_areas.geom.centroid, "scenario": scenario, } ) else: df = gpd.GeoDataFrame() return df
[docs]def plot_heat_supply(resulting_capacities): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt district_heating_areas = select_district_heating_areas("eGon2035") for c in ["CHP", "solar_thermal_collector", "geo_thermal", "heat_pump"]: district_heating_areas[c] = ( resulting_capacities[resulting_capacities.carrier == c] .set_index("district_heating_id") .capacity ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) district_heating_areas.boundary.plot( linewidth=0.2, ax=ax, color="black" ) district_heating_areas.plot( ax=ax, column=c, cmap="magma_r", legend=True, legend_kwds={ "label": f"Installed {c} in MW", "orientation": "vertical", }, ) plt.savefig(f"plots/heat_supply_{c}.png", dpi=300)