Source code for

from datetime import datetime
import os

from sqlalchemy import ARRAY, Column, Float, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import db

from math import ceil

import egon

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EgonHeatTimeseries(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_heat_timeseries_selected_profiles" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} zensus_population_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) building_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) selected_idp_profiles = Column(ARRAY(Integer))
[docs]def temperature_classes(): return { -20: 1, -19: 1, -18: 1, -17: 1, -16: 1, -15: 1, -14: 2, -13: 2, -12: 2, -11: 2, -10: 2, -9: 3, -8: 3, -7: 3, -6: 3, -5: 3, -4: 4, -3: 4, -2: 4, -1: 4, 0: 4, 1: 5, 2: 5, 3: 5, 4: 5, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 6, 8: 6, 9: 6, 10: 6, 11: 7, 12: 7, 13: 7, 14: 7, 15: 7, 16: 8, 17: 8, 18: 8, 19: 8, 20: 8, 21: 9, 22: 9, 23: 9, 24: 9, 25: 9, 26: 10, 27: 10, 28: 10, 29: 10, 30: 10, 31: 10, 32: 10, 33: 10, 34: 10, 35: 10, 36: 10, 37: 10, 38: 10, 39: 10, 40: 10, }
[docs]def idp_pool_generator(): """ Description: Create List of Dataframes for each temperature class for each household stock Returns ------- TYPE list List of dataframes with each element representing a dataframe for every combination of household stock and temperature class """ path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "data_bundle_egon_data", "household_heat_demand_profiles", "household_heat_demand_profiles.hdf5", ) index = pd.date_range(datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0), periods=8760, freq="H") sfh = pd.read_hdf(path, key="SFH") mfh = pd.read_hdf(path, key="MFH") temp = pd.read_hdf(path, key="temperature") globals()["luebeck_sfh"] = sfh[sfh.filter(like="Luebeck").columns] globals()["luebeck_mfh"] = mfh[mfh.filter(like="Luebeck").columns] globals()["kassel_sfh"] = sfh[sfh.filter(like="Kassel").columns] globals()["kassel_mfh"] = mfh[mfh.filter(like="Kassel").columns] globals()["wuerzburg_sfh"] = sfh[sfh.filter(like="Wuerzburg").columns] globals()["wuerzburg_mfh"] = mfh[mfh.filter(like="Wuerzburg").columns] globals()["chemnitz_sfh"] = sfh[sfh.filter(like="Chemnitz").columns] globals()["chemnitz_mfh"] = mfh[mfh.filter(like="Chemnitz").columns] temp_daily = pd.DataFrame() for column in temp.columns: temp_current = ( temp[column] .resample("D") .mean() .reindex(temp.index) .fillna(method="ffill") .fillna(method="bfill") ) temp_current_geom = temp_current temp_daily = pd.concat([temp_daily, temp_current_geom], axis=1) def round_temperature(station): """ Description: Create dataframe to assign temperature class to each day of TRY climate zones Parameters ---------- station : str Name of the location Returns ------- temp_class : pandas.DataFrame Each day assignd to their respective temperature class """ intervals = temperature_classes() temperature_rounded = [] for i in temp_daily.loc[:, station]: temperature_rounded.append(ceil(i)) temperature_interval = [] for i in temperature_rounded: temperature_interval.append(intervals[i]) temp_class_dic = {f"Class_{station}": temperature_interval} temp_class = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_class_dic) return temp_class temp_class_luebeck = round_temperature("Luebeck") temp_class_kassel = round_temperature("Kassel") temp_class_wuerzburg = round_temperature("Wuerzburg") temp_class_chemnitz = round_temperature("Chemnitz") temp_class = pd.concat( [ temp_class_luebeck, temp_class_kassel, temp_class_wuerzburg, temp_class_chemnitz, ], axis=1, ) temp_class.set_index(index, inplace=True) def unique_classes(station): """ Returns ------- classes : list Collection of temperature classes for each location """ classes = [] for x in temp_class[f"Class_{station}"]: if x not in classes: classes.append(x) classes.sort() return classes globals()["luebeck_classes"] = unique_classes("Luebeck") globals()["kassel_classes"] = unique_classes("Kassel") globals()["wuerzburg_classes"] = unique_classes("Wuerzburg") globals()["chemnitz_classes"] = unique_classes("Chemnitz") stock = ["MFH", "SFH"] class_list = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for s in stock: for m in class_list: globals()[f"idp_collection_class_{m}_{s}"] = pd.DataFrame( index=range(24) ) def splitter(station, household_stock): """ Parameters ---------- station : str Name of the location household_stock : str SFH or MFH Returns ------- None. """ this_classes = globals()["{}_classes".format(station.lower())] for classes in this_classes: this_itteration = globals()[ "{}_{}".format(station.lower(), household_stock.lower()) ].loc[temp_class["Class_{}".format(station)] == classes, :] days = list(range(int(len(this_itteration) / 24))) for day in days: this_day = this_itteration[day * 24 : (day + 1) * 24] this_day = this_day.reset_index(drop=True) globals()[ f"idp_collection_class_{classes}_{household_stock}" ] = pd.concat( [ globals()[ f"idp_collection_class_{classes}_{household_stock}" ], this_day, ], axis=1, ignore_index=True, ) splitter("Luebeck", "SFH") splitter("Kassel", "SFH") splitter("Wuerzburg", "SFH") splitter("Chemnitz", "SFH") splitter("Luebeck", "MFH") splitter("Kassel", "MFH") splitter("Chemnitz", "MFH") def pool_normalize(x): """ Parameters ---------- x : pandas.Series 24-hour profiles of IDP pool Returns ------- TYPE : pandas.Series Normalized to their daily total """ if x.sum() != 0: c = x.sum() return x / c else: return x stock = ["MFH", "SFH"] class_list = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for s in stock: for m in class_list: df_name = globals()[f"idp_collection_class_{m}_{s}"] globals()[f"idp_collection_class_{m}_{s}_norm"] = df_name.apply( pool_normalize ) return [ idp_collection_class_2_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_3_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_4_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_5_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_6_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_7_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_8_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_9_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_10_SFH_norm, idp_collection_class_2_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_3_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_4_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_5_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_6_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_7_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_8_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_9_MFH_norm, idp_collection_class_10_MFH_norm, ]
[docs]def create(): """ Description: Create dataframe with all temprature classes, 24hr. profiles and household stock Returns ------- idp_df : pandas.DataFrame All IDP pool as classified as per household stock and temperature class """ idp_list = idp_pool_generator() stock = ["MFH", "SFH"] class_list = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] idp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["idp", "house", "temperature_class"]) for s in stock: for m in class_list: if s == "SFH": i = class_list.index(m) if s == "MFH": i = class_list.index(m) + 9 current_pool = idp_list[i] idp_df = idp_df.append( pd.DataFrame( data={ "idp": current_pool.transpose().values.tolist(), "house": s, "temperature_class": m, } ) ) idp_df = idp_df.reset_index(drop=True) idp_df.to_sql( "egon_heat_idp_pool", con=db.engine(), schema="demand", if_exists="replace", index=True, dtype={ "index": Integer(), "idp": ARRAY(Float()), "house": String(), "temperature_class": Integer(), }, ) idp_df["idp"] = idp_df.idp.apply(lambda x: np.array(x)) idp_df.idp = idp_df.idp.apply(lambda x: x.astype(np.float32)) return idp_df
[docs]def annual_demand_generator(): """ Description: Create dataframe with annual demand and household count for each zensus cell Returns ------- demand_count: pandas.DataFrame Annual demand of all zensus cell with MFH and SFH count and respective associated Station """ scenario = "eGon2035" demand_zone = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT a.demand, a.zensus_population_id, a.scenario, c.climate_zone FROM demand.egon_peta_heat a JOIN boundaries.egon_map_zensus_climate_zones c ON a.zensus_population_id = c.zensus_population_id WHERE a.sector = 'residential' AND a.scenario = '{scenario}' """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) house_count_MFH = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, COUNT(*) as number FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count >1 GROUP BY cell_id """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) house_count_SFH = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, COUNT(*) as number FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count = 1 GROUP BY cell_id """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) demand_zone["SFH"] = house_count_SFH.number demand_zone["MFH"] = house_count_MFH.number demand_zone["SFH"].fillna(0, inplace=True) demand_zone["MFH"].fillna(0, inplace=True) return demand_zone
[docs]def select(): """ Random assignment of intray-day profiles to each day based on their temeprature class and household stock count Returns ------- None. """ start_profile_selector = # Drop old table and re-create it engine = db.engine() EgonHeatTimeseries.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonHeatTimeseries.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) # Select all intra-day-profiles idp_df = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT index, house, temperature_class FROM demand.egon_heat_idp_pool """, index_col="index", ) # Select daily heat demand shares per climate zone from table temperature_classes = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT climate_zone, day_of_year, temperature_class FROM demand.egon_daily_heat_demand_per_climate_zone """ ) # Calculate annual heat demand per census cell annual_demand = annual_demand_generator() # Count number of SFH and MFH per climate zone houses_per_climate_zone = ( annual_demand.groupby("climate_zone")[["SFH", "MFH"]].sum().astype(int) ) # Set random seed to make code reproducable np.random.seed(["egon-data"]["--random-seed"] ) for station in houses_per_climate_zone.index: result_SFH = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(1, 366)) result_MFH = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(1, 366)) # Randomly select individual daily demand profile for selected climate zone for day in range(1, 366): t_class = temperature_classes.loc[ (temperature_classes.climate_zone == station) & (temperature_classes.day_of_year == day), "temperature_class", ].values[0] result_SFH[day] = np.random.choice( np.array( idp_df[ (idp_df.temperature_class == t_class) & ( == "SFH") ].index.values ), houses_per_climate_zone.loc[station, "SFH"], ) result_MFH[day] = np.random.choice( np.array( idp_df[ (idp_df.temperature_class == t_class) & ( == "MFH") ].index.values ), houses_per_climate_zone.loc[station, "MFH"], ) result_SFH["zensus_population_id"] = ( annual_demand[annual_demand.climate_zone == station] .loc[ annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].index.repeat( annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].SFH.astype(int) ) ] .index.values ) result_SFH["building_id"] = ( db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, building_id FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count = 1 """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) .loc[result_SFH["zensus_population_id"].unique(), "building_id"] .values ) result_MFH["zensus_population_id"] = ( annual_demand[annual_demand.climate_zone == station] .loc[ annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].index.repeat( annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].MFH.astype(int) ) ] .index.values ) result_MFH["building_id"] = ( db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, building_id FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count > 1 """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) .loc[result_MFH["zensus_population_id"].unique(), "building_id"] .values ) df_sfh = pd.DataFrame( data={ "selected_idp_profiles": result_SFH[ range(1, 366) ].values.tolist(), "zensus_population_id": ( annual_demand[annual_demand.climate_zone == station] .loc[ annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].index.repeat( annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].SFH.astype(int) ) ] .index.values ), "building_id": ( db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, building_id FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count = 1 """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) .loc[ result_SFH["zensus_population_id"].unique(), "building_id", ] .values ), } ) start_sfh = df_sfh.set_index(["zensus_population_id", "building_id"]).to_sql(, schema=EgonHeatTimeseries.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", chunksize=5000, method="multi", ) print(f"SFH insertation for zone {station}:") print( - start_sfh) df_mfh = pd.DataFrame( data={ "selected_idp_profiles": result_MFH[ range(1, 366) ].values.tolist(), "zensus_population_id": ( annual_demand[annual_demand.climate_zone == station] .loc[ annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].index.repeat( annual_demand[ annual_demand.climate_zone == station ].MFH.astype(int) ) ] .index.values ), "building_id": ( db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT cell_id as zensus_population_id, building_id FROM ( SELECT cell_id, COUNT(*), building_id FROM demand.egon_household_electricity_profile_of_buildings GROUP BY (cell_id, building_id) ) a WHERE a.count > 1 """, index_col="zensus_population_id", ) .loc[ result_MFH["zensus_population_id"].unique(), "building_id", ] .values ), } ) start_mfh = df_mfh.set_index(["zensus_population_id", "building_id"]).to_sql(, schema=EgonHeatTimeseries.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", chunksize=5000, method="multi", ) print(f"MFH insertation for zone {station}:") print( - start_mfh) print("Time for overall profile selection:") print( - start_profile_selector)