Source code for

from datetime import datetime
import os

from sqlalchemy import Column, Float, Integer, Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import db
import as era

from math import ceil

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EgonMapZensusClimateZones(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_map_zensus_climate_zones" __table_args__ = {"schema": "boundaries"} zensus_population_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) climate_zone = Column(Text)
[docs]class EgonDailyHeatDemandPerClimateZone(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_daily_heat_demand_per_climate_zone" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} climate_zone = Column(Text, primary_key=True) day_of_year = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) temperature_class = Column(Integer) daily_demand_share = Column(Float(53))
[docs]def temperature_classes(): return { -20: 1, -19: 1, -18: 1, -17: 1, -16: 1, -15: 1, -14: 2, -13: 2, -12: 2, -11: 2, -10: 2, -9: 3, -8: 3, -7: 3, -6: 3, -5: 3, -4: 4, -3: 4, -2: 4, -1: 4, 0: 4, 1: 5, 2: 5, 3: 5, 4: 5, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 6, 8: 6, 9: 6, 10: 6, 11: 7, 12: 7, 13: 7, 14: 7, 15: 7, 16: 8, 17: 8, 18: 8, 19: 8, 20: 8, 21: 9, 22: 9, 23: 9, 24: 9, 25: 9, 26: 10, 27: 10, 28: 10, 29: 10, 30: 10, 31: 10, 32: 10, 33: 10, 34: 10, 35: 10, 36: 10, 37: 10, 38: 10, 39: 10, 40: 10, }
[docs]def map_climate_zones_to_zensus(): """Geospatial join of zensus cells and climate zones Returns ------- None. """ # Drop old table and create new one engine = db.engine() EgonMapZensusClimateZones.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonMapZensusClimateZones.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) # Read in file containing climate zones temperature_zones = gpd.read_file( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "data_bundle_egon_data", "climate_zones_Germany", "TRY_Climate_Zone", "Climate_Zone.shp", ) ).set_index("Station") # Import census cells and their centroids census_cells = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT id as zensus_population_id, geom_point as geom FROM society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha_inside_germany """, index_col="zensus_population_id", epsg=4326, ) # Join climate zones and census cells join = ( census_cells.sjoin(temperature_zones) .rename({"index_right": "climate_zone"}, axis="columns") .climate_zone ) # Drop duplicates (some climate zones are overlapping) join = join[~join.index.duplicated(keep="first")] # Insert resulting dataframe to SQL table join.to_sql(, schema=EgonMapZensusClimateZones.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def daily_demand_shares_per_climate_zone(): """Calculates shares of heat demand per day for each cliamte zone Returns ------- None. """ # Drop old table and create new one engine = db.engine() EgonDailyHeatDemandPerClimateZone.__table__.drop( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) EgonDailyHeatDemandPerClimateZone.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) # Calulate daily demand shares h = h_value() # Normalize data to sum()=1 daily_demand_shares = h.resample("d").sum() / h.sum() # Extract temperature class for each day and climate zone temperature_classes = temp_interval().resample("D").max() # Initilize dataframe df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "climate_zone", "day_of_year", "temperature_class", "daily_demand_share", ] ) # Insert data into dataframe for index, row in daily_demand_shares.transpose().iterrows(): df = df.append( pd.DataFrame( data={ "climate_zone": index, "day_of_year": row.index.day_of_year, "daily_demand_share": row.values, "temperature_class": temperature_classes[index][row.index], } ) ) # Insert dataframe to SQL table df.to_sql(, schema=EgonDailyHeatDemandPerClimateZone.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="replace", index=False, )
[docs]class IdpProfiles: def __init__(self, df_index, **kwargs): self.df = pd.DataFrame(index=df_index) self.temperature = kwargs.get("temperature")
[docs] def get_temperature_interval(self, how="geometric_series"): """Appoints the corresponding temperature interval to each temperature in the temperature vector. """ self.df["temperature"] = self.temperature.values temperature = ( self.df["temperature"] .resample("D") .mean() .reindex(self.df.index) .fillna(method="ffill") .fillna(method="bfill") ) if how == "geometric_series": temperature_mean = ( temperature + 0.5 * np.roll(temperature, 24) + 0.25 * np.roll(temperature, 48) + 0.125 * np.roll(temperature, 72) ) / 1.875 elif how == "mean": temperature_mean = temperature else: temperature_mean = None self.df["temperature_geo"] = temperature_mean temperature_rounded = [] for i in self.df["temperature_geo"]: temperature_rounded.append(ceil(i)) intervals = temperature_classes() temperature_interval = [] for i in temperature_rounded: temperature_interval.append(intervals[i]) self.df["temperature_interval"] = temperature_interval return self.df
[docs]def temperature_profile_extract(): """ Description: Extract temperature data from atlite Returns ------- temperature_profile : pandas.DataFrame Temperatur profile of all TRY Climate Zones 2011 """ cutout = era.import_cutout(boundary="Germany") coordinates_path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "data_bundle_egon_data", "climate_zones_Germany", "TRY_Climate_Zone", ) station_location = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(coordinates_path, "station_coordinates.csv") ) weather_cells = db.select_geodataframe( """ SELECT geom FROM supply.egon_era5_weather_cells """, epsg=4326, ) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( station_location, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy( station_location.Longitude, station_location.Latitude ), ) selected_weather_cells = gpd.sjoin(weather_cells, gdf).set_index("Station") temperature_profile = cutout.temperature( shapes=selected_weather_cells.geom.values, index=selected_weather_cells.index, ).to_pandas() return temperature_profile
[docs]def temp_interval(): """ Description: Create Dataframe with temperature data for TRY Climate Zones Returns ------- temperature_interval : pandas.DataFrame Hourly temperature intrerval of all 15 TRY Climate station#s temperature profile """ index = pd.date_range(datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0), periods=8760, freq="H") temperature_interval = pd.DataFrame() temp_profile = temperature_profile_extract() for x in range(len(temp_profile.columns)): name_station = temp_profile.columns[x] idp_this_station = IdpProfiles( index, temperature=temp_profile[temp_profile.columns[x]] ).get_temperature_interval(how="geometric_series") temperature_interval[name_station] = idp_this_station[ "temperature_interval" ] return temperature_interval
[docs]def h_value(): """ Description: Assignment of daily demand scaling factor to each day of all TRY Climate Zones Returns ------- h : pandas.DataFrame Hourly factor values for each station corresponding to the temperature profile. Extracted from demandlib. """ index = pd.date_range(datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0), periods=8760, freq="H") a = 3.0469695 b = -37.1833141 c = 5.6727847 d = 0.1163157 temp_profile = temperature_profile_extract() temperature_profile_res = ( temp_profile.resample("D") .mean() .reindex(index) .fillna(method="ffill") .fillna(method="bfill") ) temp_profile_geom = ( ( temperature_profile_res.transpose() + 0.5 * np.roll(temperature_profile_res.transpose(), 24, axis=1) + 0.25 * np.roll(temperature_profile_res.transpose(), 48, axis=1) + 0.125 * np.roll(temperature_profile_res.transpose(), 72, axis=1) ) / 1.875 ).transpose() h = a / (1 + (b / (temp_profile_geom - 40)) ** c) + d return h