Source code for

"""Central module containing code dealing with gas neighbours for eGon2035

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import ast
import zipfile

from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import pypsa

from import config, db
from import (
from import (
from import get_sector_parameters

countries = [

[docs]def get_foreign_gas_bus_id(carrier="CH4"): """Calculate the etrago bus id based on the geometry Map node_ids from TYNDP and etragos bus_id Parameters ---------- carrier : str Name of the carrier Returns ------- pandas.Series List of mapped node_ids from TYNDP and etragos bus_id """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] scn_name = "eGon2035" bus_id = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT bus_id, ST_Buffer(geom, 1) as geom, country FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND carrier = '{carrier}' AND country != 'DE' """, epsg=3035, ) # insert installed capacities file = zipfile.ZipFile(f"tyndp/{sources['tyndp_capacities']}") # Select buses in neighbouring countries as geodataframe buses = pd.read_excel("TYNDP-2020-Scenario-Datafile.xlsx").read(), sheet_name="Nodes - Dict", ).query("longitude==longitude") buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( buses, crs=4326, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(buses.longitude, buses.latitude), ).to_crs(3035) buses["bus_id"] = 0 # Select bus_id from etrago with shortest distance to TYNDP node for i, row in buses.iterrows(): distance = bus_id.set_index("bus_id").geom.distance(row.geometry) buses.loc[i, "bus_id"] = distance[ distance == distance.min() ].index.values[0] return buses.set_index("node_id").bus_id
[docs]def read_LNG_capacities(): """Read LNG import capacities from Scigrid gas data Returns ------- IGGIELGN_LNGs: pandas.Series LNG terminal capacities per foreign country node (in GWh/d) """ lng_file = "datasets/gas_data/data/IGGIELGN_LNGs.csv" IGGIELGN_LNGs = gpd.read_file(lng_file) map_countries_scigrid = { "BE": "BE00", "EE": "EE00", "EL": "GR00", "ES": "ES00", "FI": "FI00", "FR": "FR00", "GB": "UK00", "IT": "ITCN", "LT": "LT00", "LV": "LV00", "MT": "MT00", "NL": "NL00", "PL": "PL00", "PT": "PT00", "SE": "SE01", } conversion_factor = 437.5 # MCM/day to MWh/h c2 = 24 / 1000 # MWh/h to GWh/d p_nom = [] for index, row in IGGIELGN_LNGs.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) p_nom.append( param["max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d"] * conversion_factor * c2 ) IGGIELGN_LNGs["LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)"] = p_nom IGGIELGN_LNGs.drop( [ "uncertainty", "method", "param", "comment", "tags", "source_id", "lat", "long", "geometry", "id", "name", "node_id", ], axis=1, inplace=True, ) IGGIELGN_LNGs["Country"] = IGGIELGN_LNGs["country_code"].map( map_countries_scigrid ) IGGIELGN_LNGs = ( IGGIELGN_LNGs.groupby(["Country"])[ "LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)" ] .sum() .sort_index() ) return IGGIELGN_LNGs
[docs]def calc_capacities(): """Calculates gas production capacities of neighbouring countries For each neigbouring country, this function calculates the gas generation capacity in 2035 using the function :py:func:`calc_capacity_per_year` for 2030 and 2040 and interpolates the results. These capacities include LNG import, as well as conventional and biogas production. Two conventional gas generators are added for Norway and Russia interpolating the supply potential values from the TYNPD 2020 for 2030 and 2040. Returns ------- grouped_capacities: pandas.DataFrame Gas production capacities per foreign node """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] # insert installed capacities file = zipfile.ZipFile(f"tyndp/{sources['tyndp_capacities']}") df0 = pd.read_excel("TYNDP-2020-Scenario-Datafile.xlsx").read(), sheet_name="Gas Data", ) df = ( df0.query( 'Scenario == "Distributed Energy" &' ' (Case == "Peak" | Case == "Average") &' # Case: 2 Week/Average/DF/Peak ' Category == "Production"' ) .drop( columns=[ "Generator_ID", "Climate Year", "Simulation_ID", "Node 1", "Path", "Direct/Indirect", "Sector", "Note", "Category", "Scenario", ] ) .set_index("Node/Line") .sort_index() ) lng = read_LNG_capacities() df_2030 = calc_capacity_per_year(df, lng, 2030) df_2040 = calc_capacity_per_year(df, lng, 2040) # Conversion GWh/d to MWh/h conversion_factor = 1000 / 24 df_2035 = pd.concat([df_2040, df_2030], axis=1) df_2035 = df_2035.drop( columns=[ "Value_conv_2040", "Value_conv_2030", "Value_bio_2040", "Value_bio_2030", ] ) df_2035["cap_2035"] = (df_2035["CH4_2030"] + df_2035["CH4_2040"]) / 2 df_2035["e_nom_max"] = ( ((df_2035["e_nom_max_2030"] + df_2035["e_nom_max_2040"]) / 2) * conversion_factor * 8760 ) df_2035["share_LNG_2035"] = ( df_2035["share_LNG_2030"] + df_2035["share_LNG_2040"] ) / 2 df_2035["share_conv_pipe_2035"] = ( df_2035["share_conv_pipe_2030"] + df_2035["share_conv_pipe_2040"] ) / 2 df_2035["share_bio_2035"] = ( df_2035["share_bio_2030"] + df_2035["share_bio_2040"] ) / 2 grouped_capacities = df_2035.drop( columns=[ "share_LNG_2030", "share_LNG_2040", "share_conv_pipe_2030", "share_conv_pipe_2040", "share_bio_2030", "share_bio_2040", "CH4_2040", "CH4_2030", "e_nom_max_2030", "e_nom_max_2040", ] ).reset_index() grouped_capacities["cap_2035"] = ( grouped_capacities["cap_2035"] * conversion_factor ) # Add generators in Norway and Russia df_conv = ( df0.query('Case == "Min" & Category == "Supply Potential"') .drop( columns=[ "Generator_ID", "Climate Year", "Simulation_ID", "Node 1", "Path", "Direct/Indirect", "Sector", "Note", "Category", "Scenario", "Parameter", "Case", ] ) .set_index("Node/Line") .sort_index() ) df_conv_2030 = df_conv[df_conv["Year"] == 2030].rename( columns={"Value": "Value_2030"} ) df_conv_2040 = df_conv[df_conv["Year"] == 2040].rename( columns={"Value": "Value_2040"} ) df_conv_2035 = pd.concat([df_conv_2040, df_conv_2030], axis=1) df_conv_2035["cap_2035"] = ( (df_conv_2035["Value_2030"] + df_conv_2035["Value_2040"]) / 2 ) * conversion_factor df_conv_2035["e_nom_max"] = df_conv_2035["cap_2035"] * 8760 df_conv_2035["share_LNG_2035"] = 0 df_conv_2035["share_conv_pipe_2035"] = 1 df_conv_2035["share_bio_2035"] = 0 df_conv_2035 = df_conv_2035.drop( columns=[ "Year", "Value_2030", "Value_2040", ] ).reset_index() df_conv_2035 = df_conv_2035.rename(columns={"Node/Line": "index"}) grouped_capacities = grouped_capacities.append(df_conv_2035) # choose capacities for considered countries grouped_capacities = grouped_capacities[ grouped_capacities["index"].str[:2].isin(countries) ] return grouped_capacities
[docs]def calc_capacity_per_year(df, lng, year): """Calculates gas production capacities for a specified year For a specified year and for the foreign country nodes this function calculates the gas production capacities, considering the gas (conventional and bio) production capacities from TYNDP data and the LNG import capacities from Scigrid gas data. The columns of the returned dataframe are the following: * Value_bio_year: biogas production capacity (in GWh/d) * Value_conv_year: conventional gas production capacity including LNG imports (in GWh/d) * CH4_year: total gas production capacity (in GWh/d). This value is calculated using the peak production value from the TYNDP. * e_nom_max_year: total gas production capacity representative for the whole year (in GWh/d). This value is calculated using the average production value from the TYNDP and will then be used to limit the energy that can be generated in one year. * share_LNG_year: share of LGN import capacity in the total gas production capacity * share_conv_pipe_year: share of conventional gas extraction capacity in the total gas production capacity * share_bio_year: share of biogas production capacity in the total gas production capacity Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Gas (conventional and bio) production capacities from TYNDP (in GWh/d) lng : pandas.Series LNG terminal capacities per foreign country node (in GWh/d) year : int Year to calculate gas production capacities for Returns ------- df_year : pandas.DataFrame Gas production capacities (in GWh/d) per foreign country node """ df_conv_peak = ( df[ (df["Parameter"] == "Conventional") & (df["Year"] == year) & (df["Case"] == "Peak") ] .rename(columns={"Value": f"Value_conv_{year}_peak"}) .drop(columns=["Parameter", "Year", "Case"]) ) df_conv_average = ( df[ (df["Parameter"] == "Conventional") & (df["Year"] == year) & (df["Case"] == "Average") ] .rename(columns={"Value": f"Value_conv_{year}_average"}) .drop(columns=["Parameter", "Year", "Case"]) ) df_bioch4 = ( df[ (df["Parameter"] == "Biomethane") & (df["Year"] == year) & (df["Case"] == "Peak") # Peak and Average have the same values for biogas # production in 2030 and 2040 ] .rename(columns={"Value": f"Value_bio_{year}"}) .drop(columns=["Parameter", "Year", "Case"]) ) # Some values are duplicated (DE00 in 2030) df_conv_peak = df_conv_peak[~df_conv_peak.index.duplicated(keep="first")] df_conv_average = df_conv_average[ ~df_conv_average.index.duplicated(keep="first") ] df_year = pd.concat( [df_conv_peak, df_conv_average, df_bioch4, lng], axis=1 ).fillna(0) df_year = df_year[ ~( (df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}_peak"] == 0) & (df_year[f"Value_bio_{year}"] == 0) & (df_year["LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)"] == 0) ) ] df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}"] = ( df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}_peak"] + df_year["LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)"] ) df_year[f"CH4_{year}"] = ( df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}"] + df_year[f"Value_bio_{year}"] ) df_year[f"e_nom_max_{year}"] = ( df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}_average"] + df_year[f"Value_bio_{year}"] + df_year["LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)"] ) df_year[f"share_LNG_{year}"] = ( df_year["LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)"] / df_year[f"e_nom_max_{year}"] ) df_year[f"share_conv_pipe_{year}"] = ( df_year[f"Value_conv_{year}_average"] / df_year[f"e_nom_max_{year}"] ) df_year[f"share_bio_{year}"] = ( df_year[f"Value_bio_{year}"] / df_year[f"e_nom_max_{year}"] ) df_year = df_year.drop( columns=[ "LNG max_cap_store2pipe_M_m3_per_d (in GWh/d)", f"Value_conv_{year}_average", f"Value_conv_{year}_peak", ] ) return df_year
[docs]def insert_generators(gen): """Insert gas generators for foreign countries into the database Insert gas generators for foreign countries into the database. The marginal cost of the methane is calculated as the sum of the imported LNG cost, the conventional natural gas cost and the biomethane cost, weighted by their share in the total import/ production capacity. LNG gas is considered to be 30% more expensive than the natural gas transported by pipelines (source: iwd, 2022). Parameters ---------- gen : pandas.DataFrame Gas production capacities per foreign node and energy carrier Returns ------- None """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["targets"] map_buses = get_map_buses() scn_params = get_sector_parameters("gas", "eGon2035") # Delete existing data db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {targets['generators']['schema']}.{targets['generators']['table']} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}.{sources['buses']['table']} WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035') AND scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4'; """ ) # Set bus_id gen.loc[gen[gen["index"].isin(map_buses.keys())].index, "index"] = gen.loc[ gen[gen["index"].isin(map_buses.keys())].index, "index" ].map(map_buses) gen.loc[:, "bus"] = ( get_foreign_gas_bus_id().loc[gen.loc[:, "index"]].values ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": "eGon2035", "carrier": "CH4"} gen = gen.assign(**c) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("generator") gen["generator_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(gen)) gen["p_nom"] = gen["cap_2035"] gen["marginal_cost"] = ( gen["share_LNG_2035"] * scn_params["marginal_cost"]["CH4"] * 1.3 + gen["share_conv_pipe_2035"] * scn_params["marginal_cost"]["CH4"] + gen["share_bio_2035"] * scn_params["marginal_cost"]["biogas"] ) # Remove useless columns gen = gen.drop( columns=[ "index", "share_LNG_2035", "share_conv_pipe_2035", "share_bio_2035", "cap_2035", ] ) # Insert data to db gen.to_sql( targets["generators"]["table"], db.engine(), schema=targets["generators"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def calc_global_ch4_demand(Norway_global_demand_1y): """Calculates global CH4 demands abroad for eGon2035 scenario The data comes from TYNDP 2020 according to NEP 2021 from the scenario 'Distributed Energy'; linear interpolates between 2030 and 2040. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Global (yearly) CH4 final demand per foreign node """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] file = zipfile.ZipFile(f"tyndp/{sources['tyndp_capacities']}") df = pd.read_excel("TYNDP-2020-Scenario-Datafile.xlsx").read(), sheet_name="Gas Data", ) df = ( df.query( 'Scenario == "Distributed Energy" & ' 'Case == "Average" &' 'Category == "Demand"' ) .drop( columns=[ "Generator_ID", "Climate Year", "Simulation_ID", "Node 1", "Path", "Direct/Indirect", "Sector", "Note", "Category", "Case", "Scenario", ] ) .set_index("Node/Line") ) df_2030 = ( df[(df["Parameter"] == "Final demand") & (df["Year"] == 2030)] .rename(columns={"Value": "Value_2030"}) .drop(columns=["Parameter", "Year"]) ) df_2040 = ( df[(df["Parameter"] == "Final demand") & (df["Year"] == 2040)] .rename(columns={"Value": "Value_2040"}) .drop(columns=["Parameter", "Year"]) ) # Conversion GWh/d to MWh/y conversion_factor = 1000 * 365 df_2035 = pd.concat([df_2040, df_2030], axis=1) df_2035["GlobD_2035"] = ( (df_2035["Value_2030"] + df_2035["Value_2040"]) / 2 ) * conversion_factor df_2035.loc["NOS0"] = [ 0, 0, Norway_global_demand_1y, ] # Manually add Norway demand grouped_demands = df_2035.drop( columns=["Value_2030", "Value_2040"] ).reset_index() # choose demands for considered countries return grouped_demands[ grouped_demands["Node/Line"].str[:2].isin(countries) ]
[docs]def import_ch4_demandTS(): """Calculate global CH4 demand in Norway and CH4 demand profile Import from the PyPSA-eur-sec run the time series of residential rural heat per neighbor country. This time series is used to calculate: * the global (yearly) heat demand of Norway (that will be supplied by CH4) * the normalized CH4 hourly resolved demand profile Returns ------- Norway_global_demand: Float Yearly heat demand of Norway in MWh neighbor_loads_t: pandas.DataFrame Normalized CH4 hourly resolved demand profiles per neighbor country """ cwd = Path(".") target_file = ( cwd / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "pypsa_eur_sec" / "2022-07-26-egondata-integration" / "postnetworks" / "" ) network = pypsa.Network(str(target_file)) # Set country tag for all buses = network.buses.index.str[:2] neighbors = network.buses[ != "DE"] neighbors = neighbors[ (neighbors["country"].isin(countries)) & (neighbors["carrier"] == "residential rural heat") ].drop_duplicates(subset="country") neighbor_loads = network.loads[network.loads.bus.isin(neighbors.index)] neighbor_loads_t_index = neighbor_loads.index[ neighbor_loads.index.isin(network.loads_t.p_set.columns) ] neighbor_loads_t = network.loads_t["p_set"][neighbor_loads_t_index] Norway_global_demand = neighbor_loads_t[ "NO3 0 residential rural heat" ].sum() for i in neighbor_loads_t.columns: neighbor_loads_t[i] = neighbor_loads_t[i] / neighbor_loads_t[i].sum() return Norway_global_demand, neighbor_loads_t
[docs]def insert_ch4_demand(global_demand, normalized_ch4_demandTS): """Insert CH4 demands abroad into the database for eGon2035 Parameters ---------- global_demand : pandas.DataFrame Global CH4 demand per foreign node in 1 year gas_demandTS : pandas.DataFrame Normalized time series of the demand per foreign country Returns ------- None """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["targets"] map_buses = get_map_buses() scn_name = "eGon2035" carrier = "CH4" # Delete existing data db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM { targets['load_time series']['schema'] }.{ targets['load_time series']['table'] } WHERE "load_id" IN ( SELECT load_id FROM {targets['loads']['schema']}.{targets['loads']['table']} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}.{sources['buses']['table']} WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND carrier = '{carrier}' ); """ ) db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {targets['loads']['schema']}.{targets['loads']['table']} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}.{sources['buses']['table']} WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND carrier = '{carrier}' """ ) # Set bus_id global_demand.loc[ global_demand[global_demand["Node/Line"].isin(map_buses.keys())].index, "Node/Line", ] = global_demand.loc[ global_demand[global_demand["Node/Line"].isin(map_buses.keys())].index, "Node/Line", ].map( map_buses ) global_demand.loc[:, "bus"] = ( get_foreign_gas_bus_id().loc[global_demand.loc[:, "Node/Line"]].values ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": scn_name, "carrier": carrier} global_demand = global_demand.assign(**c) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("load") global_demand["load_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(global_demand)) ch4_demand_TS = global_demand.copy() # Remove useless columns global_demand = global_demand.drop(columns=["Node/Line", "GlobD_2035"]) # Insert data to db global_demand.to_sql( targets["loads"]["table"], db.engine(), schema=targets["loads"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", ) # Insert time series ch4_demand_TS["Node/Line"] = ch4_demand_TS["Node/Line"].replace( ["UK00"], "GB" ) p_set = [] for index, row in ch4_demand_TS.iterrows(): normalized_TS_df = normalized_ch4_demandTS.loc[ :, normalized_ch4_demandTS.columns.str.contains(row["Node/Line"][:2]), ] p_set.append( ( normalized_TS_df[normalized_TS_df.columns[0]] * row["GlobD_2035"] ).tolist() ) ch4_demand_TS["p_set"] = p_set ch4_demand_TS["temp_id"] = 1 ch4_demand_TS = ch4_demand_TS.drop( columns=["Node/Line", "GlobD_2035", "bus", "carrier"] ) # Insert data to DB ch4_demand_TS.to_sql( targets["load_time series"]["table"], db.engine(), schema=targets["load_time series"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def calc_ch4_storage_capacities(): """Calculate CH4 storage capacities for neighboring countries Returns ------- ch4_storage_capacities: pandas.DataFrame Methane gas storage capacities per country in MWh """ target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / "data" / "IGGIELGN_Storages.csv" ) ch4_storage_capacities = pd.read_csv( target_file, delimiter=";", decimal=".", usecols=["country_code", "param"], ) ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities[ ch4_storage_capacities["country_code"].isin(countries) ] map_countries_scigrid = { "AT": "AT00", "BE": "BE00", "CZ": "CZ00", "DK": "DKE1", "EE": "EE00", "EL": "GR00", "ES": "ES00", "FI": "FI00", "FR": "FR00", "GB": "UK00", "IT": "ITCN", "LT": "LT00", "LV": "LV00", "MT": "MT00", "NL": "NL00", "PL": "PL00", "PT": "PT00", "SE": "SE01", } # Define new columns max_workingGas_M_m3 = [] end_year = [] for index, row in ch4_storage_capacities.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) end_year.append(param["end_year"]) max_workingGas_M_m3.append(param["max_workingGas_M_m3"]) end_year = [float("inf") if x is None else x for x in end_year] ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities.assign(end_year=end_year) ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities[ ch4_storage_capacities["end_year"] >= 2035 ] # Calculate e_nom conv_factor = ( 10830 # M_m3 to MWh - gross calorific value = 39 MJ/m3 ( ) ch4_storage_capacities["e_nom"] = [ conv_factor * i for i in max_workingGas_M_m3 ] ch4_storage_capacities.drop( ["param", "end_year"], axis=1, inplace=True, ) ch4_storage_capacities["Country"] = ch4_storage_capacities[ "country_code" ].map(map_countries_scigrid) ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities.groupby( ["country_code"] ).agg( { "e_nom": "sum", "Country": "first", }, ) ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities.drop(["RU"]) ch4_storage_capacities.loc[:, "bus"] = ( get_foreign_gas_bus_id() .loc[ch4_storage_capacities.loc[:, "Country"]] .values ) return ch4_storage_capacities
[docs]def insert_storage(ch4_storage_capacities): """Insert CH4 storage capacities into the database for eGon2035 Parameters ---------- ch4_storage_capacities : pandas.DataFrame Methane gas storage capacities per country in MWh Returns ------- None """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["targets"] # Clean table db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {targets['stores']['schema']}.{targets['stores']['table']} WHERE "carrier" = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}.{sources['buses']['table']} WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country != 'DE' ); """ ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": "eGon2035", "carrier": "CH4"} ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities.assign(**c) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("store") ch4_storage_capacities["store_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(ch4_storage_capacities) ) ch4_storage_capacities.drop( ["Country"], axis=1, inplace=True, ) ch4_storage_capacities = ch4_storage_capacities.reset_index(drop=True) # Insert data to db ch4_storage_capacities.to_sql( targets["stores"]["table"], db.engine(), schema=targets["stores"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def calc_global_power_to_h2_demand(): """Calculate H2 demand abroad for eGon2035 scenario Calculates global power demand abroad linked to H2 production. The data comes from TYNDP 2020 according to NEP 2021 from the scenario 'Distributed Energy'; linear interpolate between 2030 and 2040. Returns ------- global_power_to_h2_demand : pandas.DataFrame Global hourly power-to-h2 demand per foreign node """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] file = zipfile.ZipFile(f"tyndp/{sources['tyndp_capacities']}") df = pd.read_excel("TYNDP-2020-Scenario-Datafile.xlsx").read(), sheet_name="Gas Data", ) df = ( df.query( 'Scenario == "Distributed Energy" & ' 'Case == "Average" &' 'Parameter == "P2H2"' ) .drop( columns=[ "Generator_ID", "Climate Year", "Simulation_ID", "Node 1", "Path", "Direct/Indirect", "Sector", "Note", "Category", "Case", "Scenario", "Parameter", ] ) .set_index("Node/Line") ) df_2030 = ( df[df["Year"] == 2030] .rename(columns={"Value": "Value_2030"}) .drop(columns=["Year"]) ) df_2040 = ( df[df["Year"] == 2040] .rename(columns={"Value": "Value_2040"}) .drop(columns=["Year"]) ) # Conversion GWh/d to MWh/h conversion_factor = 1000 / 24 df_2035 = pd.concat([df_2040, df_2030], axis=1) df_2035["GlobD_2035"] = ( (df_2035["Value_2030"] + df_2035["Value_2040"]) / 2 ) * conversion_factor global_power_to_h2_demand = df_2035.drop( columns=["Value_2030", "Value_2040"] ) # choose demands for considered countries global_power_to_h2_demand = global_power_to_h2_demand[ (global_power_to_h2_demand.index.str[:2].isin(countries)) & (global_power_to_h2_demand["GlobD_2035"] != 0) ] # Split in two the demands for DK and UK global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["DKW1"] = ( global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["DKE1"] / 2 ) global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["DKE1"] = ( global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["DKE1"] / 2 ) global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["UKNI"] = ( global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["UK00"] / 2 ) global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["UK00"] = ( global_power_to_h2_demand.loc["UK00"] / 2 ) global_power_to_h2_demand = global_power_to_h2_demand.reset_index() return global_power_to_h2_demand
[docs]def insert_power_to_h2_demand(global_power_to_h2_demand): """Insert H2 demands into database for eGon2035 Parameters ---------- global_power_to_h2_demand : pandas.DataFrame Global hourly power-to-h2 demand per foreign node Returns ------- None """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["targets"] map_buses = get_map_buses() scn_name = "eGon2035" carrier = "H2_for_industry" db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {targets['loads']['schema']}.{targets['loads']['table']} WHERE bus IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {sources['buses']['schema']}.{sources['buses']['table']} WHERE country != 'DE' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}') AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND carrier = '{carrier}' """ ) # Set bus_id global_power_to_h2_demand.loc[ global_power_to_h2_demand[ global_power_to_h2_demand["Node/Line"].isin(map_buses.keys()) ].index, "Node/Line", ] = global_power_to_h2_demand.loc[ global_power_to_h2_demand[ global_power_to_h2_demand["Node/Line"].isin(map_buses.keys()) ].index, "Node/Line", ].map( map_buses ) global_power_to_h2_demand.loc[:, "bus"] = ( get_foreign_bus_id() .loc[global_power_to_h2_demand.loc[:, "Node/Line"]] .values ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": scn_name, "carrier": carrier} global_power_to_h2_demand = global_power_to_h2_demand.assign(**c) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("load") global_power_to_h2_demand["load_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(global_power_to_h2_demand) ) global_power_to_h2_demand = global_power_to_h2_demand.rename( columns={"GlobD_2035": "p_set"} ) # Remove useless columns global_power_to_h2_demand = global_power_to_h2_demand.drop( columns=["Node/Line"] ) # Insert data to db global_power_to_h2_demand.to_sql( targets["loads"]["table"], db.engine(), schema=targets["loads"]["schema"], index=False, if_exists="append", )
[docs]def calculate_ch4_grid_capacities(): """Calculates CH4 grid capacities for foreign countries based on TYNDP-data Returns ------- Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list : pandas.DataFrame Table containing the CH4 grid capacity for each foreign country """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] # Download file basename = "ENTSOG_TYNDP_2020_Annex_C2_Capacities_per_country.xlsx" url = "" + basename target_file = Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / basename urlretrieve(url, target_file) map_pipelines = { "NORDSTREAM": "RU00", "NORDSTREAM 2": "RU00", "OPAL": "DE", "YAMAL (BY)": "RU00", "Denmark": "DKE1", "Belgium": "BE00", "Netherlands": "NL00", "Norway": "NOM1", "Switzerland": "CH00", "Poland": "PL00", "United Kingdom": "UK00", "Germany": "DE", "Austria": "AT00", "France": "FR00", "Czechia": "CZ00", "Russia": "RU00", "Luxemburg": "LUB1", } grid_countries = [ "NORDSTREAM", "NORDSTREAM 2", "OPAL", "YAMAL (BY)", "Denmark", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "Norway", "Switzerland", "Poland", "United Kingdom", "Germany", "Austria", "France", "Czechia", "Russia", "Luxemburg", ] # Read-in data from csv-file pipe_capacities_list = pd.read_excel( target_file, sheet_name="Transmission Peak Capacity", skiprows=range(4), ) pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list[ ["To Country", "Unnamed: 3", "From Country", 2035] ].rename( columns={ "Unnamed: 3": "Scenario", "To Country": "To_Country", "From Country": "From_Country", } ) pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"] = pd.Series( pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"] ).fillna(method="ffill") pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"] = pd.Series( pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"] ).fillna(method="ffill") pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list[ pipe_capacities_list["Scenario"] == "Advanced" ].drop(columns={"Scenario"}) pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list[ ( (pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"].isin(grid_countries)) & (pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"].isin(grid_countries)) ) & (pipe_capacities_list[2035] != 0) ] pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"] = pipe_capacities_list[ "To_Country" ].map(map_pipelines) pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"] = pipe_capacities_list[ "From_Country" ].map(map_pipelines) pipe_capacities_list["countrycombination"] = pipe_capacities_list[ ["To_Country", "From_Country"] ].apply( lambda x: tuple(sorted([str(x.To_Country), str(x.From_Country)])), axis=1, ) pipeline_strategies = { "To_Country": "first", "From_Country": "first", 2035: sum, } pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list.groupby( ["countrycombination"] ).agg(pipeline_strategies) # Add manually DK-SE and AT-CH pipes (Scigrid gas data) pipe_capacities_list.loc["(DKE1, SE02)"] = ["DKE1", "SE02", 651] pipe_capacities_list.loc["(AT00, CH00)"] = ["AT00", "CH00", 651] # Conversion GWh/d to MWh/h pipe_capacities_list["p_nom"] = pipe_capacities_list[2035] * (1000 / 24) # Border crossing CH4 pipelines between foreign countries Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list[ (pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"] != "DE") & (pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"] != "DE") ].reset_index() Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.loc[:, "bus0"] = ( get_foreign_gas_bus_id() .loc[Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.loc[:, "To_Country"]] .values ) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.loc[:, "bus1"] = ( get_foreign_gas_bus_id() .loc[Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.loc[:, "From_Country"]] .values ) # Adjust columns Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.drop( columns=[ "To_Country", "From_Country", "countrycombination", 2035, ] ) new_id = db.next_etrago_id("link") Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list["link_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list) ) # Border crossing CH4 pipelines between DE and neighbouring countries DE_pipe_capacities_list = pipe_capacities_list[ (pipe_capacities_list["To_Country"] == "DE") | (pipe_capacities_list["From_Country"] == "DE") ].reset_index() dict_cross_pipes_DE = { ("AT00", "DE"): "AT", ("BE00", "DE"): "BE", ("CH00", "DE"): "CH", ("CZ00", "DE"): "CZ", ("DE", "DKE1"): "DK", ("DE", "FR00"): "FR", ("DE", "LUB1"): "LU", ("DE", "NL00"): "NL", ("DE", "NOM1"): "NO", ("DE", "PL00"): "PL", ("DE", "RU00"): "RU", } DE_pipe_capacities_list["country_code"] = DE_pipe_capacities_list[ "countrycombination" ].map(dict_cross_pipes_DE) DE_pipe_capacities_list = DE_pipe_capacities_list.set_index("country_code") schema = sources["buses"]["schema"] table = sources["buses"]["table"] for country_code in [e for e in countries if e not in ("GB", "SE", "UK")]: # Select cross-bording links cap_DE = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT link_id, bus0, bus1 FROM {sources['links']['schema']}.{sources['links']['table']} WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND (("bus0" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {schema}.{table} WHERE country = 'DE' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035') AND "bus1" IN (SELECT bus_id FROM {schema}.{table} WHERE country = '{country_code}' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035') ) OR ("bus0" IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM {schema}.{table} WHERE country = '{country_code}' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035') AND "bus1" IN (SELECT bus_id FROM {schema}.{table} WHERE country = 'DE' AND carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035')) ) ;""" ) cap_DE["p_nom"] =[ country_code, "p_nom" ] / len(cap_DE.index) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = ( Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.append(cap_DE) ) # Add topo, geom and length bus_geom = db.select_geodataframe( """SELECT bus_id, geom FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4' """, epsg=4326, ).set_index("bus_id") coordinates_bus0 = [] coordinates_bus1 = [] for index, row in Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.iterrows(): coordinates_bus0.append(bus_geom["geom"].loc[int(row["bus0"])]) coordinates_bus1.append(bus_geom["geom"].loc[int(row["bus1"])]) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list["coordinates_bus0"] = coordinates_bus0 Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list["coordinates_bus1"] = coordinates_bus1 Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list[ "topo" ] = Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.apply( lambda row: LineString( [row["coordinates_bus0"], row["coordinates_bus1"]] ), axis=1, ) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list[ "geom" ] = Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.apply( lambda row: MultiLineString([row["topo"]]), axis=1 ) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list[ "length" ] = Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.apply( lambda row: row["topo"].length, axis=1 ) # Remove useless columns Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.drop( columns=[ "coordinates_bus0", "coordinates_bus1", ] ) # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": "eGon2035", "carrier": "CH4", "p_min_pu": -1.0} Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = ( Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.assign(**c) ) Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = ( Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list.set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) ) return Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list
[docs]def tyndp_gas_generation(): """Insert data from TYNDP 2020 according to NEP 2021 Scenario 'Distributed Energy'; linear interpolate between 2030 and 2040 Returns ------- None """ capacities = calc_capacities() insert_generators(capacities) ch4_storage_capacities = calc_ch4_storage_capacities() insert_storage(ch4_storage_capacities)
[docs]def tyndp_gas_demand(): """Insert gas demands abroad for eGon2035 Insert CH4 and H2 demands abroad for eGon2035 by executing the following steps: * CH4 * Calculation of the global CH4 demand in Norway and the CH4 demand profile by executing the function :py:func:`import_ch4_demandTS` * Calculation of the global CH4 demands by executing the function :py:func:`calc_global_ch4_demand` * Insertion of the CH4 loads and their associated time series in the database by executing the function :py:func:`insert_ch4_demand` * H2 * Calculation of the global power demand abroad linked to H2 production by executing the function :py:func:`calc_global_power_to_h2_demand` * Insertion of these loads in the database by executing the function :py:func:`insert_power_to_h2_demand` Returns ------- None """ Norway_global_demand_1y, normalized_ch4_demandTS = import_ch4_demandTS() global_ch4_demand = calc_global_ch4_demand(Norway_global_demand_1y) insert_ch4_demand(global_ch4_demand, normalized_ch4_demandTS) global_power_to_h2_demand = calc_global_power_to_h2_demand() insert_power_to_h2_demand(global_power_to_h2_demand)
[docs]def grid(): """Insert data from TYNDP 2020 according to NEP 2021 Scenario 'Distributed Energy; linear interpolate between 2030 and 2040 Returns ------- None """ Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list = calculate_ch4_grid_capacities() insert_gas_grid_capacities( Neighbouring_pipe_capacities_list, scn_name="eGon2035" )
[docs]def calculate_ocgt_capacities(): """Calculate gas turbine capacities abroad for eGon2035 Calculate gas turbine capacities abroad for eGon2035 based on TYNDP 2020, scenario "Distributed Energy"; interpolated between 2030 and 2040 Returns ------- df_ocgt: pandas.DataFrame Gas turbine capacities per foreign node """ sources = config.datasets()["gas_neighbours"]["sources"] # insert installed capacities file = zipfile.ZipFile(f"tyndp/{sources['tyndp_capacities']}") df = pd.read_excel("TYNDP-2020-Scenario-Datafile.xlsx").read(), sheet_name="Capacity", ) df_ocgt = df[ [ "Node/Line", "Scenario", "Climate Year", "Generator_ID", "Year", "Value", ] ] df_ocgt = df_ocgt[ (df_ocgt["Scenario"] == "Distributed Energy") & (df_ocgt["Climate Year"] == 1984) ] df_ocgt = df_ocgt[df_ocgt["Generator_ID"].str.contains("Gas")] df_ocgt = df_ocgt[df_ocgt["Year"].isin([2030, 2040])] df_ocgt = ( df_ocgt.groupby(["Node/Line", "Year"])["Value"].sum().reset_index() ) df_ocgt = df_ocgt.groupby([df_ocgt["Node/Line"], "Year"]).sum() df_ocgt = df_ocgt.groupby("Node/Line")["Value"].mean() df_ocgt = pd.DataFrame(df_ocgt, columns=["Value"]).rename( columns={"Value": "p_nom"} ) # Choose capacities for considered countries df_ocgt = df_ocgt[df_ocgt.index.str[:2].isin(countries)] # Attribute bus0 and bus1 df_ocgt["bus0"] = get_foreign_gas_bus_id()[df_ocgt.index] df_ocgt["bus1"] = get_foreign_bus_id()[df_ocgt.index] df_ocgt = df_ocgt.groupby(by=["bus0", "bus1"], as_index=False).sum() return df_ocgt
[docs]def insert_ocgt_abroad(): """Insert gas turbine capacities abroad for eGon2035 in the database Parameters ---------- df_ocgt: pandas.DataFrame Gas turbine capacities per foreign node Returns ------- None """ scn_name = "eGon2035" carrier = "OCGT" # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() df_ocgt = calculate_ocgt_capacities() df_ocgt["p_nom_extendable"] = False df_ocgt["carrier"] = carrier df_ocgt["scn_name"] = scn_name buses = tuple( db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE'; """ )["bus_id"] ) # Delete old entries db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE "carrier" = '{carrier}' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND bus0 IN {buses} AND bus1 IN {buses}; """ ) # read carrier information from scnario parameter data scn_params = get_sector_parameters("gas", scn_name) df_ocgt["efficiency"] = scn_params["efficiency"][carrier] df_ocgt["marginal_cost"] = ( scn_params["marginal_cost"][carrier] / scn_params["efficiency"][carrier] ) # Adjust p_nom df_ocgt["p_nom"] = df_ocgt["p_nom"] / scn_params["efficiency"][carrier] # Select next id value new_id = db.next_etrago_id("link") df_ocgt["link_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(df_ocgt)) # Insert data to db df_ocgt.to_sql( "egon_etrago_link", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", )