Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The module contains code used to insert the methane grid into the database

The central module contains all code dealing with the import of data
from SciGRID_gas (IGGIELGN dataset) and inserting the CH4 buses and links 
into the database for the scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE.

The SciGRID_gas data downloaded with :py:func:`download_SciGRID_gas_data`
into the folder ./datasets/gas_data/data is also used by other modules.

In this module, only the IGGIELGN_Nodes and IGGIELGN_PipeSegments csv files
are used in the function :py:func:`insert_gas_data` that inserts the CH4
buses and links, which for the case of gas represent pipelines, into the

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from zipfile import ZipFile
import ast
import json
import os

from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry
from shapely import geometry
import geopandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import settings
from import Dataset
from import central_buses_egon100
from import copy_and_modify_buses
from import get_sector_parameters

[docs]class GasNodesAndPipes(Dataset): """ Insert the CH4 buses and links into the database. Insert the CH4 buses and links, which for the case of gas represent pipelines, into the database for the scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE with the functions :py:func:`insert_gas_data` and :py:func:`insert_gas_data_eGon100RE`. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`DataBundle <>` * :py:class:`ElectricalNeighbours <>` * :py:class:`Osmtgmod <>` * :py:class:`ScenarioParameters <>` * :py:class:`EtragoSetup <>` (more specifically the :func:`create_tables <>` task) *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_bus <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_link <>` is extended """ #: name: str = "GasNodesAndPipes" #: version: str = "0.0.9" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(insert_gas_data, insert_gas_data_eGon100RE), )
[docs]def download_SciGRID_gas_data(): """ Download SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN data from Zenodo The following data for CH4 is downloaded into the folder ./datasets/gas_data/data: * Buses (file IGGIELGN_Nodes.csv), * Pipelines (file IGGIELGN_PipeSegments.csv), * Productions (file IGGIELGN_Productions.csv), * Storages (file IGGIELGN_Storages.csv), * LNG terminals (file IGGIELGN_LNGs.csv). For more information on this data refer, to the `SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN documentation <>`_. Returns ------- None """ path = Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) basename = "IGGIELGN" zip_file = Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / "" zenodo_zip_file_url = ( "" + basename + ".zip" ) if not os.path.isfile(zip_file): urlretrieve(zenodo_zip_file_url, zip_file) components = [ "Nodes", "PipeSegments", "Productions", "Storages", "LNGs", ] #'Compressors' files = [] for i in components: files.append("data/" + basename + "_" + i + ".csv") with ZipFile(zip_file, "r") as zipObj: listOfFileNames = zipObj.namelist() for fileName in listOfFileNames: if fileName in files: zipObj.extract(fileName, path)
[docs]def define_gas_nodes_list(): """ Define list of CH4 buses from SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN data The CH4 nodes are modelled as buses. Therefore the SciGRID_gas nodes are read from the IGGIELGN_Nodes csv file previously downloaded in the function :py:func:`download_SciGRID_gas_data`, corrected (erroneous country), and returned in a dataframe. Returns ------- gas_nodes_list : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas nodes in Europe """ # Select next id value new_id = db.next_etrago_id("bus") target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / "data" / "IGGIELGN_Nodes.csv" ) gas_nodes_list = pd.read_csv( target_file, delimiter=";", decimal=".", usecols=["lat", "long", "id", "country_code", "param"], ) # Correct non valid neighbouring country nodes gas_nodes_list.loc[ gas_nodes_list["id"] == "INET_N_1182", "country_code" ] = "AT" gas_nodes_list.loc[ gas_nodes_list["id"] == "SEQ_10608_p", "country_code" ] = "NL" gas_nodes_list.loc[ gas_nodes_list["id"] == "N_88_NS_LMGN", "country_code" ] = "XX" gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.rename(columns={"lat": "y", "long": "x"}) gas_nodes_list["bus_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(gas_nodes_list)) gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.set_index("id") return gas_nodes_list
[docs]def ch4_nodes_number_G(gas_nodes_list): """ Return the number of CH4 buses in Germany Parameters ---------- gas_nodes_list : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas nodes in Europe Returns ------- N_ch4_nodes_G : int Number of CH4 buses in Germany """ ch4_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list[ gas_nodes_list["country_code"].str.match("DE") ] N_ch4_nodes_G = len(ch4_nodes_list) return N_ch4_nodes_G
[docs]def insert_CH4_nodes_list(gas_nodes_list): """ Insert list of German CH4 nodes into the database for eGon2035 Insert the list of German CH4 nodes into the database by executing the following steps: * Receive the buses as parameter (from SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN data) * Add the missing information: scn_name and carrier * Clean the database table grid.egon_etrago_bus of the CH4 buses of the specific scenario (eGon2035) in Germany * Insert the buses in the table grid.egon_etrago_bus Parameters ---------- gas_nodes_list : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas nodes in Europe Returns ------- None """ # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list[ gas_nodes_list["country_code"].str.match("DE") ] # To eventually replace with a test if the nodes are in the german boundaries. # Cut data to federal state if in testmode NUTS1 = [] for index, row in gas_nodes_list.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) NUTS1.append(param["nuts_id_1"]) gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.assign(NUTS1=NUTS1) boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": map_states = { "Baden-Württemberg": "DE1", "Nordrhein-Westfalen": "DEA", "Hessen": "DE7", "Brandenburg": "DE4", "Bremen": "DE5", "Rheinland-Pfalz": "DEB", "Sachsen-Anhalt": "DEE", "Schleswig-Holstein": "DEF", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": "DE8", "Thüringen": "DEG", "Niedersachsen": "DE9", "Sachsen": "DED", "Hamburg": "DE6", "Saarland": "DEC", "Berlin": "DE3", "Bayern": "DE2", } gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list[ gas_nodes_list["NUTS1"].isin([map_states[boundary], np.nan]) ] # A completer avec nodes related to pipelines which have an end in the selected area et evt deplacer ds define_gas_nodes_list # Add missing columns c = {"scn_name": "eGon2035", "carrier": "CH4"} gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.assign(**c) gas_nodes_list = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( gas_nodes_list, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy( gas_nodes_list["x"], gas_nodes_list["y"] ), ) gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.rename( columns={"geometry": "geom"} ).set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.reset_index(drop=True) gas_nodes_list = gas_nodes_list.drop( columns=["NUTS1", "param", "country_code"] ) # Insert data to db db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE "carrier" = 'CH4' AND scn_name = '{c['scn_name']}' AND country = 'DE'; """ ) # Insert CH4 data to db print(gas_nodes_list) gas_nodes_list.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_bus", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", dtype={"geom": Geometry()}, )
[docs]def define_gas_buses_abroad(scn_name="eGon2035"): """ Define central CH4 buses in foreign countries for eGon2035 For the scenario eGon2035, define central CH4 buses in foreign countries. The considered foreign countries are the direct neighbouring countries, with the addition of Russia that is considered as a source of fossil CH4. Therefore, the following steps are executed: * Definition of the foreign buses with the function :py:func:`central_buses_egon100 <>` from the module :py:mod:`electrical_neighbours <>` * Removal of the superfluous buses in order to have only one bus in each neighbouring country * Removal of the irrelevant columns * Addition of the missing information: scn_name and carrier * Attribution of an id to each bus Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- gdf_abroad_buses : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas buses in the neighbouring countries and one in the center of Germany in test mode """ # Select sources and targets from dataset configuration sources = config.datasets()["electrical_neighbours"]["sources"] main_gas_carrier = get_sector_parameters("gas", scenario=scn_name)[ "main_gas_carrier" ] # Select the foreign buses gdf_abroad_buses = central_buses_egon100(sources) gdf_abroad_buses = gdf_abroad_buses.drop_duplicates(subset=["country"]) # Select next id value new_id = db.next_etrago_id("bus") gdf_abroad_buses = gdf_abroad_buses.drop( columns=[ "v_nom", "v_mag_pu_set", "v_mag_pu_min", "v_mag_pu_max", "geom", ] ) gdf_abroad_buses["scn_name"] = "eGon2035" gdf_abroad_buses["carrier"] = main_gas_carrier gdf_abroad_buses["bus_id"] = range(new_id, new_id + len(gdf_abroad_buses)) # Add central bus in Russia gdf_abroad_buses = gdf_abroad_buses.append( { "scn_name": scn_name, "bus_id": (new_id + len(gdf_abroad_buses) + 1), "x": 41, "y": 55, "country": "RU", "carrier": main_gas_carrier, }, ignore_index=True, ) # if in test mode, add bus in center of Germany boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": gdf_abroad_buses = gdf_abroad_buses.append( { "scn_name": scn_name, "bus_id": (new_id + len(gdf_abroad_buses) + 1), "x": 10.4234469, "y": 51.0834196, "country": "DE", "carrier": main_gas_carrier, }, ignore_index=True, ) gdf_abroad_buses = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( gdf_abroad_buses, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy( gdf_abroad_buses["x"], gdf_abroad_buses["y"] ), ) gdf_abroad_buses = gdf_abroad_buses.rename( columns={"geometry": "geom"} ).set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) return gdf_abroad_buses
[docs]def insert_gas_buses_abroad(scn_name="eGon2035"): """ Insert CH4 buses in neighbouring countries into database for eGon2035 * Definition of the CH4 buses abroad with the function :py:func:`define_gas_buses_abroad` * Cleaning of the database table grid.egon_etrago_bus of the foreign CH4 buses of the specific scenario (eGon2035) * Insertion of the neighbouring buses into the table grid.egon_etrago_bus. Parameters ---------- scn_name : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- gdf_abroad_buses : dataframe Dataframe containing the CH4 buses in the neighbouring countries and one in the center of Germany in test mode """ main_gas_carrier = get_sector_parameters("gas", scenario=scn_name)[ "main_gas_carrier" ] # Connect to local database engine = db.engine() db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE "carrier" = '{main_gas_carrier}' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE'; """ ) gdf_abroad_buses = define_gas_buses_abroad(scn_name) # Insert to db print(gdf_abroad_buses) gdf_abroad_buses.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_bus", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="append", dtype={"geom": Geometry()}, ) return gdf_abroad_buses
[docs]def define_gas_pipeline_list( gas_nodes_list, abroad_gas_nodes_list, scn_name="eGon2035" ): """ Define gas pipelines in Germany from SciGRID_gas IGGIELGN data The gas pipelines, modelled as PyPSA links are read from the IGGIELGN_PipeSegments csv file previously downloded in the function :py:func:`download_SciGRID_gas_data`. The capacities of the pipelines are determined by the correspondance table given by the parameters for the classification of gas pipelines in `Electricity, heat, and gas sector data for modeling the German system <>`_ related to the pipeline diameter given in the SciGRID_gas dataset. The manual corrections allow to: * Delete gas pipelines disconnected of the rest of the gas grid * Connect one pipeline (also connected to Norway) disconnected of the rest of the gas grid * Correct countries of some erroneous pipelines Parameters ---------- gas_nodes_list : dataframe Dataframe containing the gas nodes in Europe abroad_gas_nodes_list: dataframe Dataframe containing the gas buses in the neighbouring countries and one in the center of Germany in test mode scn_name : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- gas_pipelines_list : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas pipelines in Germany """ abroad_gas_nodes_list = abroad_gas_nodes_list.set_index("country") main_gas_carrier = get_sector_parameters("gas", scenario=scn_name)[ "main_gas_carrier" ] # Select next id value new_id = db.next_etrago_id("link") classifiaction_file = ( Path(".") / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "pipeline_classification_gas" / "pipeline_classification.csv" ) classification = pd.read_csv( classifiaction_file, delimiter=",", usecols=["classification", "max_transport_capacity_Gwh/d"], ) target_file = ( Path(".") / "datasets" / "gas_data" / "data" / "IGGIELGN_PipeSegments.csv" ) gas_pipelines_list = pd.read_csv( target_file, delimiter=";", decimal=".", usecols=["id", "node_id", "lat", "long", "country_code", "param"], ) # Select the links having at least one bus in Germany gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["country_code"].str.contains("DE") ] # Remove links disconnected of the rest of the grid # Remove manually for disconnected link EntsoG_Map__ST_195 and EntsoG_Map__ST_108 gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["node_id"] != "['SEQ_11790_p', 'Stor_EU_107']" ] gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ ~gas_pipelines_list["id"].str.match("EntsoG_Map__ST_108") ] # Manually add pipeline to artificially connect isolated pipeline["new_pipe", "param"] = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["id"] == "NO_PS_8_Seg_0_Seg_23" ]["param"].values[0][ "new_pipe", "node_id" ] = "['SEQ_12442_p', 'LKD_N_200']"["new_pipe", "lat"] = "[53.358536, 53.412719]"["new_pipe", "long"] = "[7.041677, 7.093251]"["new_pipe", "country_code"] = "['DE', 'DE']" gas_pipelines_list["link_id"] = range( new_id, new_id + len(gas_pipelines_list) ) gas_pipelines_list["link_id"] = gas_pipelines_list["link_id"].astype(int) # Cut data to federal state if in testmode NUTS1 = [] for index, row in gas_pipelines_list.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) NUTS1.append(param["nuts_id_1"]) gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1"] = NUTS1 map_states = { "Baden-Württemberg": "DE1", "Nordrhein-Westfalen": "DEA", "Hessen": "DE7", "Brandenburg": "DE4", "Bremen": "DE5", "Rheinland-Pfalz": "DEB", "Sachsen-Anhalt": "DEE", "Schleswig-Holstein": "DEF", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": "DE8", "Thüringen": "DEG", "Niedersachsen": "DE9", "Sachsen": "DED", "Hamburg": "DE6", "Saarland": "DEC", "Berlin": "DE3", "Bayern": "DE2", "Everything": "Nan", } gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1_0"] = [x[0] for x in gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1"]] gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1_1"] = [x[1] for x in gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1"]] boundary = settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] if boundary != "Everything": gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1_0"].str.contains(map_states[boundary]) | gas_pipelines_list["NUTS1_1"].str.contains(map_states[boundary]) ] # Add missing columns gas_pipelines_list["scn_name"] = scn_name gas_pipelines_list["carrier"] = main_gas_carrier gas_pipelines_list["p_nom_extendable"] = False gas_pipelines_list["p_min_pu"] = -1.0 diameter = [] geom = [] topo = [] length_km = [] for index, row in gas_pipelines_list.iterrows(): param = ast.literal_eval(row["param"]) diameter.append(param["diameter_mm"]) length_km.append(param["length_km"]) long_e = json.loads(row["long"]) lat_e = json.loads(row["lat"]) crd_e = list(zip(long_e, lat_e)) topo.append(geometry.LineString(crd_e)) long_path = param["path_long"] lat_path = param["path_lat"] crd = list(zip(long_path, lat_path)) crd.insert(0, crd_e[0]) crd.append(crd_e[1]) lines = [] for i in range(len(crd) - 1): lines.append(geometry.LineString([crd[i], crd[i + 1]])) geom.append(geometry.MultiLineString(lines)) gas_pipelines_list["diameter"] = diameter gas_pipelines_list["geom"] = geom gas_pipelines_list["topo"] = topo gas_pipelines_list["length_km"] = length_km gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list.set_geometry("geom", crs=4326) country_0 = [] country_1 = [] for index, row in gas_pipelines_list.iterrows(): c = ast.literal_eval(row["country_code"]) country_0.append(c[0]) country_1.append(c[1]) gas_pipelines_list["country_0"] = country_0 gas_pipelines_list["country_1"] = country_1 # Correct non valid neighbouring country nodes gas_pipelines_list.loc[ gas_pipelines_list["country_0"] == "XX", "country_0" ] = "NO" gas_pipelines_list.loc[ gas_pipelines_list["country_1"] == "FI", "country_1" ] = "RU" gas_pipelines_list.loc[ gas_pipelines_list["id"] == "ST_2612_Seg_0_Seg_0", "country_0" ] = "AT" # bus "INET_N_1182" DE -> AT gas_pipelines_list.loc[ gas_pipelines_list["id"] == "INET_PL_385_EE_3_Seg_0_Seg_1", "country_1" ] = "AT" # "INET_N_1182" DE -> AT gas_pipelines_list.loc[ gas_pipelines_list["id"] == "LKD_PS_0_Seg_0_Seg_3", "country_0" ] = "NL" # bus "SEQ_10608_p" DE -> NL # Remove uncorrect pipelines gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ (gas_pipelines_list["id"] != "PLNG_2637_Seg_0_Seg_0_Seg_0") & (gas_pipelines_list["id"] != "NSG_6650_Seg_2_Seg_0") & (gas_pipelines_list["id"] != "NSG_6734_Seg_2_Seg_0") ] # Remove link test if length = 0 gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["length_km"] != 0 ] # Adjust columns bus0 = [] bus1 = [] geom_adjusted = [] topo_adjusted = [] length_adjusted = [] pipe_class = [] for index, row in gas_pipelines_list.iterrows(): buses = row["node_id"].strip("][").split(", ") if ( (boundary != "Everything") & (row["NUTS1_0"] != map_states[boundary]) & (row["country_0"] == "DE") ): bus0.append(abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "bus_id"]) bus1.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[1][1:-1], "bus_id"]) long_e = [ abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "x"], json.loads(row["long"])[1], ] lat_e = [ abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "y"], json.loads(row["lat"])[1], ] geom_pipe = geometry.MultiLineString( [geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))] ) topo_adjusted.append(geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))) elif row["country_0"] != "DE": country = str(row["country_0"]) bus0.append(abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "bus_id"]) bus1.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[1][1:-1], "bus_id"]) long_e = [ abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "x"], json.loads(row["long"])[1], ] lat_e = [ abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "y"], json.loads(row["lat"])[1], ] geom_pipe = geometry.MultiLineString( [geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))] ) topo_adjusted.append(geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))) elif ( (boundary != "Everything") & (row["NUTS1_1"] != map_states[boundary]) & (row["country_1"] == "DE") ): bus0.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[0][1:-1], "bus_id"]) bus1.append(abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "bus_id"]) long_e = [ json.loads(row["long"])[0], abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "x"], ] lat_e = [ json.loads(row["lat"])[0], abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc["DE", "y"], ] geom_pipe = geometry.MultiLineString( [geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))] ) topo_adjusted.append(geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))) elif row["country_1"] != "DE": country = str(row["country_1"]) bus0.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[0][1:-1], "bus_id"]) bus1.append(abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "bus_id"]) long_e = [ json.loads(row["long"])[0], abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "x"], ] lat_e = [ json.loads(row["lat"])[0], abroad_gas_nodes_list.loc[country, "y"], ] geom_pipe = geometry.MultiLineString( [geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))] ) topo_adjusted.append(geometry.LineString(list(zip(long_e, lat_e)))) else: bus0.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[0][1:-1], "bus_id"]) bus1.append(gas_nodes_list.loc[buses[1][1:-1], "bus_id"]) geom_pipe = row["geom"] topo_adjusted.append(row["topo"]) geom_adjusted.append(geom_pipe) length_adjusted.append(geom_pipe.length) if row["diameter"] >= 1000: pipe_class = "A" elif 700 <= row["diameter"] <= 1000: pipe_class = "B" elif 500 <= row["diameter"] <= 700: pipe_class = "C" elif 350 <= row["diameter"] <= 500: pipe_class = "D" elif 200 <= row["diameter"] <= 350: pipe_class = "E" elif 100 <= row["diameter"] <= 200: pipe_class = "F" elif row["diameter"] <= 100: pipe_class = "G" gas_pipelines_list["bus0"] = bus0 gas_pipelines_list["bus1"] = bus1 gas_pipelines_list["geom"] = geom_adjusted gas_pipelines_list["topo"] = topo_adjusted gas_pipelines_list["length"] = length_adjusted gas_pipelines_list["pipe_class"] = pipe_class # Remove pipes having the same node for start and end gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list[ gas_pipelines_list["bus0"] != gas_pipelines_list["bus1"] ] gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list.merge( classification, how="left", left_on="pipe_class", right_on="classification", ) gas_pipelines_list["p_nom"] = gas_pipelines_list[ "max_transport_capacity_Gwh/d" ] * (1000 / 24) # Remove useless columns gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list.drop( columns=[ "id", "node_id", "param", "NUTS1", "NUTS1_0", "NUTS1_1", "country_code", "diameter", "pipe_class", "classification", "max_transport_capacity_Gwh/d", "lat", "long", "length_km", ] ) return gas_pipelines_list
[docs]def insert_gas_pipeline_list(gas_pipelines_list, scn_name="eGon2035"): """ Insert list of gas pipelines into the database Receive as argument a list of gas pipelines and insert them into the database after cleaning it. Parameters ---------- gas_pipelines_list : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the gas pipelines in Germany scn_name : str Name of the scenario Returns ------- None """ main_gas_carrier = get_sector_parameters("gas", scenario=scn_name)[ "main_gas_carrier" ] engine = db.engine() gas_pipelines_list = gas_pipelines_list.drop( columns=["country_0", "country_1"] ) # Clean db db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE "carrier" = '{main_gas_carrier}' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}'; """ ) print(gas_pipelines_list) # Insert data to db gas_pipelines_list.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_gas_link", engine, schema="grid", index=False, if_exists="replace", dtype={"geom": Geometry(), "topo": Geometry()}, ) db.execute_sql( """ select UpdateGeometrySRID('grid', 'egon_etrago_gas_link', 'topo', 4326) ; INSERT INTO grid.egon_etrago_link (scn_name, link_id, carrier, bus0, bus1, p_min_pu, p_nom, p_nom_extendable, length, geom, topo) SELECT scn_name, link_id, carrier, bus0, bus1, p_min_pu, p_nom, p_nom_extendable, length, geom, topo FROM grid.egon_etrago_gas_link; DROP TABLE grid.egon_etrago_gas_link; """ )
[docs]def remove_isolated_gas_buses(): """ Delete CH4 buses which are disconnected of the CH4 grid for the eGon2035 scenario Returns ------- None """ targets = config.datasets()["gas_grid"]["targets"] db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {targets['buses']['schema']}.{targets['buses']['table']} WHERE "carrier" = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country = 'DE' AND "bus_id" NOT IN (SELECT bus0 FROM {targets['links']['schema']}.{targets['links']['table']} WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4') AND "bus_id" NOT IN (SELECT bus1 FROM {targets['links']['schema']}.{targets['links']['table']} WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND carrier = 'CH4'); """ )
[docs]def insert_gas_data(): """ Function for importing methane data for eGon2035 This function imports the methane data (buses and pipelines) for eGon2035, by executing the following steps: * Download the SciGRID_gas datasets with the function :py:func:`download_SciGRID_gas_data` * Define CH4 buses with the function :py:func:`define_gas_nodes_list` * Insert the CH4 buses in Germany into the database with the function :py:func:`insert_CH4_nodes_list` * Insert the CH4 buses abroad into the database with the function :py:func:`insert_gas_buses_abroad` * Insert the CH4 links representing the CH4 pipeline into the database with the function :py:func:`insert_gas_pipeline_list` * Remove the isolated CH4 buses directly from the database using the function :py:func:`remove_isolated_gas_buses` Returns ------- None """ download_SciGRID_gas_data() gas_nodes_list = define_gas_nodes_list() insert_CH4_nodes_list(gas_nodes_list) abroad_gas_nodes_list = insert_gas_buses_abroad() gas_pipeline_list = define_gas_pipeline_list( gas_nodes_list, abroad_gas_nodes_list ) insert_gas_pipeline_list(gas_pipeline_list) remove_isolated_gas_buses()
[docs]def insert_gas_data_eGon100RE(): """ Function for importing methane data for eGon100RE This function imports the methane data (buses and pipelines) for eGon100RE, by copying the CH4 buses from the eGon2035 scenario using the function :py:func:`copy_and_modify_buses <>` from the module :py:mod:`etrago_helpers <>`. The methane pipelines are also copied and their capacities are adapted: one share of the methane grid is retroffited into an hydrogen grid, so the methane pipelines nominal capacities are reduced from this share (calculated in the pyspa-eur-sec run). Returns ------- None """ # copy buses copy_and_modify_buses("eGon2035", "eGon100RE", {"carrier": ["CH4"]}) # get CH4 pipelines and modify their nominal capacity with the # retrofitting factor gdf = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND bus0 IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country = 'DE' ) AND bus1 IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = 'eGon2035' AND country = 'DE' ); """, epsg=4326, geom_col="topo", ) # Update scenario specific information scn_name = "eGon100RE" gdf["scn_name"] = scn_name scn_params = get_sector_parameters("gas", scn_name) for param in ["capital_cost", "marginal_cost", "efficiency"]: try: gdf.loc[:, param] = scn_params[param]["CH4"] except KeyError: pass # remaining CH4 share is 1 - retroffited pipeline share gdf["p_nom"] *= ( 1 - scn_params["retrofitted_CH4pipeline-to-H2pipeline_share"] ) # delete old entries db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM grid.egon_etrago_link WHERE carrier = 'CH4' AND scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND bus0 NOT IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE' ) AND bus1 NOT IN ( SELECT bus_id FROM grid.egon_etrago_bus WHERE scn_name = '{scn_name}' AND country != 'DE' ); """ ) gdf.to_postgis( "egon_etrago_link", schema="grid", if_exists="append", con=db.engine(), index=False, dtype={"geom": Geometry(), "topo": Geometry()}, )