Source code for

Main module for preparation of model data (static and timeseries) for
motorized individual travel (MIT).

**Contents of this module**
  * Creation of DB tables
  * Download and preprocessing of vehicle registration data from KBA and BMVI
  * Calculate number of electric vehicles and allocate on different spatial
  * Extract and write pre-generated trips to DB


from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import os
import tarfile

from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs, register_adapter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import db, subprocess
from import Dataset
from import (  # noqa: E501
from import (  # noqa: E501
from import (
from import (  # noqa: E501

# ========== Register np datatypes with SQLA ==========
[docs]def adapt_numpy_float64(numpy_float64): return AsIs(numpy_float64)
[docs]def adapt_numpy_int64(numpy_int64): return AsIs(numpy_int64)
register_adapter(np.float64, adapt_numpy_float64) register_adapter(np.int64, adapt_numpy_int64) # =====================================================
[docs]def create_tables(): """Create tables for electric vehicles Returns ------- None """ engine = db.engine() EgonEvCountRegistrationDistrict.__table__.drop( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) EgonEvCountRegistrationDistrict.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) EgonEvCountMunicipality.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvCountMunicipality.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvCountMvGridDistrict.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvCountMvGridDistrict.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvPool.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvPool.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvTrip.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvTrip.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvMvGridDistrict.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvMvGridDistrict.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvMetadata.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonEvMetadata.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) # Create dir for results, if it does not exist result_dir = WORKING_DIR / Path("results") result_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
[docs]def download_and_preprocess(): """Downloads and preprocesses data from KBA and BMVI Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Vehicle registration data for registration district pandas.DataFrame RegioStaR7 data """ mit_sources = DATASET_CFG["original_data"]["sources"] # Create the folder, if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(WORKING_DIR): os.mkdir(WORKING_DIR) ################################ # Download and import KBA data # ################################ url = mit_sources["KBA"]["url"] file = WORKING_DIR / mit_sources["KBA"]["file"] if not os.path.isfile(file): urlretrieve(url, file) kba_data = pd.read_excel( file, sheet_name=mit_sources["KBA"]["sheet"], usecols=mit_sources["KBA"]["columns"], skiprows=mit_sources["KBA"]["skiprows"], ) kba_data.columns = COLUMNS_KBA kba_data.replace( " ", np.nan, inplace=True, ) kba_data = kba_data.dropna() kba_data[ ["ags_reg_district", "reg_district"] ] = kba_data.reg_district.str.split( " ", 1, expand=True, ) kba_data.ags_reg_district = kba_data.ags_reg_district.astype("int") kba_data.to_csv( WORKING_DIR / mit_sources["KBA"]["file_processed"], index=None ) ####################################### # Download and import RegioStaR7 data # ####################################### url = mit_sources["RS7"]["url"] file = WORKING_DIR / mit_sources["RS7"]["file"] if not os.path.isfile(file): urlretrieve(url, file) rs7_data = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name=mit_sources["RS7"]["sheet"]) rs7_data["ags_district"] = ( rs7_data.gem_20.multiply(1 / 1000).apply(np.floor).astype("int") ) rs7_data = rs7_data.rename( columns={"gem_20": "ags", "RegioStaR7": "rs7_id"} ) rs7_data.rs7_id = rs7_data.rs7_id.astype("int") rs7_data.to_csv( WORKING_DIR / mit_sources["RS7"]["file_processed"], index=None )
[docs]def extract_trip_file(): """Extract trip file from data bundle""" trip_dir = DATA_BUNDLE_DIR / Path("mit_trip_data") for scenario_name in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: print(f"SCENARIO: {scenario_name}") trip_file = trip_dir / Path( DATASET_CFG["original_data"]["sources"]["trips"][scenario_name][ "file" ] ) tar = if os.path.isfile(trip_file): tar.extractall(trip_dir) else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Trip file {trip_file} not found in data bundle." )
[docs]def write_evs_trips_to_db(): """Write EVs and trips generated by simBEV from data bundle to database table """ def import_csv(f): df = pd.read_csv(f, usecols=TRIP_COLUMN_MAPPING.keys()) df["rs7_id"] = int( df["simbev_ev_id"] = "_".join("_")[0:3]) return df for scenario_name in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: print(f"SCENARIO: {scenario_name}") trip_dir_name = Path( DATASET_CFG["original_data"]["sources"]["trips"][scenario_name][ "file" ].split(".")[0] ) trip_dir_root = DATA_BUNDLE_DIR / Path("mit_trip_data", trip_dir_name) if TESTMODE_OFF: trip_files = list(trip_dir_root.glob("*/*.csv")) else: # Load only 1000 EVs per region if in test mode trip_files = [ list(rdir.glob("*.csv"))[:1000] for rdir in [_ for _ in trip_dir_root.iterdir() if _.is_dir()] ] # Flatten trip_files = [i for sub in trip_files for i in sub] # Read, concat and reorder cols print(f"Importing {len(trip_files)} EV trip CSV files...") trip_data = pd.concat(map(import_csv, trip_files)) trip_data.rename(columns=TRIP_COLUMN_MAPPING, inplace=True) trip_data = trip_data.reset_index().rename( columns={"index": "simbev_event_id"} ) cols = ["rs7_id", "simbev_ev_id", "simbev_event_id"] + list( TRIP_COLUMN_MAPPING.values() ) = "event_id" trip_data = trip_data[cols] # Extract EVs from trips evs_unique = trip_data[["rs7_id", "simbev_ev_id"]].drop_duplicates() evs_unique = evs_unique.reset_index().drop(columns=["event_id"]) = "ev_id" # Add EV id to trip DF trip_data["egon_ev_pool_ev_id"] = pd.merge( trip_data, evs_unique.reset_index(), on=["rs7_id", "simbev_ev_id"] )["ev_id"] # Split simBEV id into type and id evs_unique[["type", "simbev_ev_id"]] = evs_unique[ "simbev_ev_id" ].str.rsplit("_", 1, expand=True) evs_unique.simbev_ev_id = evs_unique.simbev_ev_id.astype(int) evs_unique["scenario"] = scenario_name trip_data.drop(columns=["rs7_id", "simbev_ev_id"], inplace=True) trip_data["scenario"] = scenario_name trip_data.sort_index(inplace=True) # Write EVs to DB print("Writing EVs to DB pool...") evs_unique.to_sql(, schema=EgonEvPool.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", index=True, ) # Write trips to CSV and import to DB print("Writing EV trips to CSV file...") trip_file = WORKING_DIR / f"trip_data_{scenario_name}.csv" trip_data.to_csv(trip_file) # Get DB config docker_db_config = db.credentials() host = ["-h", f"{docker_db_config['HOST']}"] port = ["-p", f"{docker_db_config['PORT']}"] pgdb = ["-d", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_DB']}"] user = ["-U", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_USER']}"] command = [ "-c", rf"\copy {EgonEvTrip.__table__.schema}.{}" rf"({','.join(trip_data.reset_index().columns)})" rf" FROM '{str(trip_file)}' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;", ] print("Importing EV trips from CSV file to DB...") ["psql"] + host + port + pgdb + user + command, env={"PGPASSWORD": docker_db_config["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"]}, ) os.remove(trip_file)
[docs]def write_metadata_to_db(): """ Write used SimBEV metadata per scenario to database. """ dtypes = { "scenario": str, "eta_cp": float, "stepsize": int, "start_date": np.datetime64, "end_date": np.datetime64, "soc_min": float, "grid_timeseries": bool, "grid_timeseries_by_usecase": bool, } for scenario_name in ["eGon2035", "eGon100RE"]: meta_run_config = read_simbev_metadata_file( scenario_name, "config" ).loc["basic"] meta_run_config = ( meta_run_config.to_frame() .T.assign(scenario=scenario_name)[dtypes.keys()] .astype(dtypes) ) meta_run_config.to_sql(, schema=EgonEvMetadata.__table__.schema, con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", index=False, )
[docs]class MotorizedIndividualTravel(Dataset): """ Class to set up static and timeseries data for motorized individual travel (MIT). For more information see data documentation on :ref:`mobility-demand-mit-ref`. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`DataBundle <>` * :py:class:`MvGridDistricts <>` * :py:class:`ScenarioParameters <>` * :py:class:`EtragoSetup <>` * :py:class:`ZensusMvGridDistricts <>` * :py:class:`ZensusVg250 <>` * :py:class:`StorageEtrago <>` * :py:class:`HtsEtragoTable <>` * :py:class:`ChpEtrago <>` * :py:class:`DsmPotential <>` * :py:class:`HeatEtrago <>` * :py:class:`Egon_etrago_gen <>` * :py:class:`OpenCycleGasTurbineEtrago <>` * :py:class:`HydrogenStoreEtrago <>` * :py:class:`HydrogenPowerLinkEtrago <>` * :py:class:`HydrogenMethaneLinkEtrago <>` * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon100RE <>` * :py:class:`CH4Production <>` * :py:class:`CH4Storages <>` *Resulting Tables* * :py:class:`EgonEvPool <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvTrip <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvCountRegistrationDistrict <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvCountMunicipality <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvCountMvGridDistrict <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvMvGridDistrict <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`EgonEvMetadata <>` is created and filled *Configuration* The config of this dataset can be found in *datasets.yml* in section *emobility_mit*. """ #: name: str = "MotorizedIndividualTravel" #: version: str = "0.0.7" def __init__(self, dependencies): def generate_model_data_tasks(scenario_name): """Dynamically generate tasks for model data creation. The goal is to speed up the creation of model timeseries. However, the exact number of parallel task cannot be determined during the DAG building as the number of grid districts (MVGD) is calculated within another pipeline task. Approach: assuming an approx. count of `mvgd_min_count` of 3700, the majority of the MVGDs can be parallelized. The remainder is handled subsequently in XXX. The number of parallel tasks is defined via parameter `parallel_tasks` in the dataset config `datasets.yml`. Parameters ---------- scenario_name : str Scenario name Returns ------- set of functools.partial The tasks. Each element is of :func:`` """ parallel_tasks = DATASET_CFG["model_timeseries"].get( "parallel_tasks", 1 ) mvgd_bunch_size = divmod(MVGD_MIN_COUNT, parallel_tasks)[0] tasks = set() for _ in range(parallel_tasks): bunch = range(_ * mvgd_bunch_size, (_ + 1) * mvgd_bunch_size) tasks.add( PythonOperator( task_id=( f"generate_model_data_" f"{scenario_name}_" f"bunch{bunch[0]}-{bunch[-1]}" ), python_callable=generate_model_data_bunch, op_kwargs={ "scenario_name": scenario_name, "bunch": bunch, }, ) ) if scenario_name == "eGon2035": tasks.add(generate_model_data_eGon2035_remaining) elif scenario_name == "eGon100RE": tasks.add(generate_model_data_eGon100RE_remaining) return tasks super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( create_tables, { ( download_and_preprocess, allocate_evs_numbers, ), ( extract_trip_file, write_metadata_to_db, write_evs_trips_to_db, ), }, allocate_evs_to_grid_districts, delete_model_data_from_db, { *generate_model_data_tasks(scenario_name="eGon2035"), *generate_model_data_tasks(scenario_name="eGon100RE"), }, ), )