Source code for

Main module for preparation of model data (static and timeseries) for
heavy duty transport.

**Contents of this module**

* Creation of DB tables
* Download and preprocessing of vehicle registration data from BAST
* Calculation of hydrogen demand based on a Voronoi distribution of counted
  truck traffic among NUTS 3 regions.
* Writing results to DB
* Mapping demand to H2 buses and writing to DB

from pathlib import Path
import csv

from loguru import logger
import requests

from import config, db
from import Dataset
from import (
from import (
from import (  # noqa: E501

WORKING_DIR = Path(".", "heavy_duty_transport").resolve()
DATASET_CFG = config.datasets()["mobility_hgv"]
    config.settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] == "Everything"

[docs]def create_tables(): """ Drops existing :py:class:`demand.egon_heavy_duty_transport_voronoi <>` is extended table and creates new one. """ engine = db.engine() EgonHeavyDutyTransportVoronoi.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonHeavyDutyTransportVoronoi.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True ) logger.debug("Created tables.")
[docs]def download_hgv_data(): """ Downloads BAST data. The data is downloaded to file specified in *datasets.yml* in section *mobility_hgv/original_data/sources/BAST/file*. """ sources = DATASET_CFG["original_data"]["sources"] # Create the folder, if it does not exist WORKING_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) url = sources["BAST"]["url"] file = WORKING_DIR / sources["BAST"]["file"] response = requests.get(url) with open(file, "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for line in response.iter_lines(): writer.writerow(line.decode("ISO-8859-1").split(";")) logger.debug("Downloaded BAST data.")
[docs]class HeavyDutyTransport(Dataset): """ Class for preparation of static and timeseries data for heavy duty transport. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`Vg250 <>` * :py:class:`EtragoSetup <>` * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon2035 <>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`demand.egon_heavy_duty_transport_voronoi <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load<>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_load_timeseries <>` is extended *Configuration* The config of this dataset can be found in *datasets.yml* in section *mobility_hgv*. *Scenarios and variations* Assumptions can be changed within the *datasets.yml*. In the context of the eGon project, it is assumed that e-trucks will be completely hydrogen-powered and in both scenarios the hydrogen consumption is assumed to be 6.68 kg H2 per 100 km with an additional `supply chain leakage rate of 0.5 % <>`_. ### Scenario NEP C 2035 The ramp-up figures are taken from `Scenario C 2035 Grid Development Plan 2021-2035 < NEP_2035_V2021_2_Entwurf_Teil1.pdf>`_. According to this, 100,000 e-trucks are expected in Germany in 2035, each covering an average of 100,000 km per year. In total this means 10 billion km. ### Scenario eGon100RE In the case of the eGon100RE scenario it is assumed that the HGV traffic is completely hydrogen-powered. The total freight traffic with 40 Billion km is taken from the `BMWK Langfristszenarien GHG-emission free scenarios (SNF > 12 t zGG) < LFS3_Langbericht_Verkehr_final.pdf#page=17>`_. *Methodology* Using a Voronoi interpolation, the censuses of the BASt data is distributed according to the area fractions of the Voronoi fields within each mv grid or any other geometries like NUTS-3. """ #: name: str = "HeavyDutyTransport" #: version: str = "0.0.2" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( { create_tables, download_hgv_data, }, run_egon_truck, insert_hgv_h2_demand, ), )