Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Central module containing all code creating with district heating areas.

This module obtains the information from the census tables and the heat demand
densities, demarcates so the current and future district heating areas. In the
end it saves them in the database.
import os
from import db
from import (

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry.multipolygon import MultiPolygon
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import (

# for metadata creation
import json

# import time

# packages for ORM class definition
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, Sequence, Float, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry

from import Dataset

# class for airflow task management (and version control)
[docs]class DistrictHeatingAreas(Dataset): """ Create district heating grids for all scenarios This dataset creates district heating grids for each scenario based on a defined district heating share, annual heat demands calcultaed within :py:class:`HeatDemandImport <>` and information on existing heating grids from census :py:class:`ZensusMiscellaneous <>` First the tables are created using :py:func:`create_tables`. Afterwards, the distict heating grids for each scenario are created and inserted into the database by applying the function :py:func:`district_heating_areas` *Dependencies* * :py:class:`HeatDemandImport <>` * :py:class:`ZensusMiscellaneous <>` * :py:class:`ScenarioParameters <>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`demand.egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`demand.egon_district_heating_areas <>` is created and filled """ #: name: str = "district-heating-areas" #: version: str = "0.0.1" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, # version=self.target_files + "_0.0", version=self.version, # maybe rethink the naming dependencies=dependencies, tasks=(create_tables, demarcation), )
Base = declarative_base() # definition of classes for saving data in the database
[docs]class MapZensusDistrictHeatingAreas(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} id = Column( Integer, Sequence("map_zensus_district_heating_areas_seq", schema="demand"), server_default=Sequence( "map_zensus_district_heating_areas_seq", schema="demand" ).next_value(), primary_key=True, ) area_id = Column(Integer) scenario = Column(String, ForeignKey( zensus_population_id = Column(Integer)
[docs]class EgonDistrictHeatingAreas(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_district_heating_areas" __table_args__ = {"schema": "demand"} id = Column( Integer, Sequence("district_heating_areas_seq", schema="demand"), server_default=Sequence( "district_heating_areas_seq", schema="demand" ).next_value(), primary_key=True, ) area_id = Column(Integer) scenario = Column(String, ForeignKey( geom_polygon = Column(Geometry("MULTIPOLYGON", 3035)) residential_and_service_demand = Column(Float)
[docs]def create_tables(): """Create tables for district heating areas Returns ------- None """ # Create schema db.execute_sql("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS demand;") # Drop tables db.execute_sql( """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demand.egon_district_heating_areas CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demand.egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demand.district_heating_areas CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demand.map_zensus_district_heating_areas CASCADE;""" ) # Drop sequences db.execute_sql( """DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS demand.district_heating_areas_seq CASCADE;""" ) db.execute_sql( """DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS demand.egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas_seq CASCADE;""" ) engine = db.engine() EgonDistrictHeatingAreas.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) MapZensusDistrictHeatingAreas.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True )
# Methods used are explained here: #
[docs]def load_census_data(): """ Load the heating type information from the census database table. The census apartment and the census building table contains information about the heating type. The information are loaded from the apartment table, because they might be more useful when it comes to the estimation of the connection rates. Only cells with a connection rate equal to or larger than 30% (based on the census apartment data) are included in the returned district_heat GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- district_heat: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons (hectare cells) with district heat information heating_type: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons (hectare cells) with the number of flats having heating type information Notes ----- The census contains only information on residential buildings. Therefore, also connection rate of the residential buildings can be estimated. TODO ---- - ONLY load cells with flats.quantity_q <2 - remove heating_type return, if not needed - store less columns in the district_heat (pop.geom_point), drop characteristics_text after use """ # only census cells where egon-data has a heat demand are considered district_heat = db.select_geodataframe( """SELECT flats.zensus_population_id, flats.characteristics_text, flats.quantity, flats.quantity_q, pop.geom_point, pop.geom AS geom_polygon FROM society.egon_destatis_zensus_apartment_per_ha AS flats JOIN society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha AS pop ON flats.zensus_population_id = AND flats.characteristics_text = 'Fernheizung (Fernwärme)' AND flats.zensus_population_id IN (SELECT zensus_population_id FROM demand.egon_peta_heat);""", index_col="zensus_population_id", geom_col="geom_polygon", ) heating_type = db.select_geodataframe( """SELECT flats.zensus_population_id, SUM(flats.quantity) AS quantity, pop.geom AS geom_polygon FROM society.egon_destatis_zensus_apartment_per_ha AS flats JOIN society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha AS pop ON flats.zensus_population_id = AND flats.attribute = 'HEIZTYP' AND flats.zensus_population_id IN (SELECT zensus_population_id FROM demand.egon_peta_heat) GROUP BY flats.zensus_population_id, pop.geom;""", index_col="zensus_population_id", geom_col="geom_polygon", ) # district_heat.to_file(results_path+"dh.shp") # heating_type.to_file(results_path+"heating.shp") # calculate the connection rate for all census cells with DH # adding it to the district_heat geodataframe district_heat["connection_rate"] = district_heat["quantity"].div( heating_type["quantity"] )[district_heat.index] # district_heat.head # district_heat['connection_rate'].describe() district_heat = district_heat[district_heat["connection_rate"] >= 0.3] # district_heat.columns return district_heat, heating_type
[docs]def load_heat_demands(scenario_name): """ Load scenario specific heat demand data from the local database. Parameters ---------- scenario_name: str name of the scenario studied Returns ------- heat_demand: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons (hectare cells) with heat demand data """ # load the total heat demand (residential plus service sector) heat_demand = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT demand.zensus_population_id, SUM(demand.demand) AS residential_and_service_demand, pop.geom AS geom_polygon FROM demand.egon_peta_heat AS demand JOIN society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha AS pop ON demand.zensus_population_id = AND demand.scenario = '{scenario_name}' GROUP BY demand.zensus_population_id, pop.geom;""", index_col="zensus_population_id", geom_col="geom_polygon", ) return heat_demand
[docs]def select_high_heat_demands(heat_demand): """ Take heat demand cells and select cells with higher heat demand. Those can be used to identify prospective district heating supply areas. Parameters ---------- heat_demand: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame dataset of heat demand cells. Returns ------- high_heat_demand: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons (hectare cells) with heat demands high enough to be potentially high enough to be in a district heating area """ # starting point are 100 or 200 GJ/ (ha a), converted into MWh minimum_demand = 100 / 3.6 high_heat_demand = heat_demand[ heat_demand["residential_and_service_demand"] > minimum_demand ] # high_heat_demand.head() # print(high_heat_demand.area) # all cells are 10,000 m² return high_heat_demand
[docs]def area_grouping( raw_polygons, distance=200, minimum_total_demand=None, maximum_total_demand=None, ): """ Group polygons which are close to each other. This function creates buffers around the given cell polygons (called "raw_polygons") and unions the intersecting buffer polygons. Afterwards, it unions the cell polygons which are within one unified buffer polygon. If requested, the cells being in areas fulfilling the minimum heat demand criterium are selected. Parameters ---------- raw_polygons: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons to be grouped. distance: integer distance for buffering minimum_total_demand: integer optional minimum total heat demand to achieve a minimum size of areas maximal_total_demand: integer optional maximal total heat demand per area, if demand is higher the area is cut at nuts3 borders Returns ------- join: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame cell polygons with area id Notes ----- None TODO ---- """ buffer_distance = distance + 1 cell_buffers = raw_polygons.copy() cell_buffers["geom_polygon"] = cell_buffers["geom_polygon"].buffer( buffer_distance ) # print(cell_buffers.area) # create a shapely Multipolygon which is split into a list buffer_polygons = list(cell_buffers["geom_polygon"].unary_union) # change the data type into geopandas geodataframe buffer_polygons_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=buffer_polygons, crs=3035) # buffer_polygons_gdf.plot() # Join studied cells with buffer polygons columnname = "area_id" join = gpd.sjoin( raw_polygons, buffer_polygons_gdf, how="inner", op="intersects" ) join = join.rename({"index_right": columnname}, axis=1) # join.plot(column=columnname) # minimum total heat demand for the areas with minimum criterium if ( minimum_total_demand is not None and "residential_and_service_demand" in raw_polygons.columns ): # total_heat_demand = join.dissolve('area_id', aggfunc='sum') # type(large_areas) # filtered = join.groupby(['area_id'])[ # 'residential_and_service_demand'].agg('sum') > 0.7 large_areas = gpd.GeoDataFrame( join.groupby(["area_id"])["residential_and_service_demand"].agg( "sum" ) ) # large_areas = large_areas[large_areas[ # 'residential_and_service_demand'] > minimum_total_demand] large_areas = ( large_areas["residential_and_service_demand"] > minimum_total_demand ) join = join[join.area_id.isin(large_areas[large_areas].index)] elif ( minimum_total_demand is not None and "residential_and_service_demand" not in raw_polygons.columns ): print( """The minimum total heat demand criterium can only be applied on geodataframe having a column named 'residential_and_service_demand' """ ) if ( maximum_total_demand and "residential_and_service_demand" in join.columns ): huge_areas_index = ( join.groupby("area_id").residential_and_service_demand.sum() > maximum_total_demand ) cells_in_huge_areas = join[ join.area_id.isin(huge_areas_index[huge_areas_index].index) ] nuts3_boundaries = db.select_geodataframe( """ SELECT gen, geometry as geom FROM boundaries.vg250_krs """ ) join_2 = gpd.sjoin( cells_in_huge_areas, nuts3_boundaries, how="inner", op="intersects" ) join = join.drop(cells_in_huge_areas.index) max_area_id = join.area_id.max() join_2["area_id"] = join_2.index_right + max_area_id + 1 join = join.append( join_2[ ["residential_and_service_demand", "geom_polygon", "area_id"] ] ) return join
[docs]def district_heating_areas(scenario_name, plotting=False): """ Create scenario specific district heating areas considering on census data. This function loads the district heating share from the scenario table and demarcate the scenario specific district heating areas. To do so it uses the census data on flats currently supplied with district heat, which are supplied selected first, if the estimated connection rate >= 30%. All scenarios use the Prospective Supply Districts (PSDs) made for the eGon2035 scenario to identify the areas where additional district heating supply is feasible. One PSD dataset is to defined which is constant over the years to allow comparisons. Moreover, it is assumed that the eGon2035 PSD dataset is suitable, even though the heat demands will continue to decrease from 2035 to 2050, because district heating systems will be to planned and built before 2050, to exist in 2050. It is assumed that the connection rate in cells with district heating will be a 100%. That is because later in project the number of buildings per cell will be used and connection rates not being 0 or 100% will create buildings which are not fully supplied by one technology. The cell polygons which carry information (like heat demand etc.) are grouped into areas which are close to each other. Only cells with a minimum heat demand density (e.g. >100 GJ/(ha a)) are considered when creating PSDs. Therefore, the select_high_heat_demands() function is used. There is minimum heat demand per PSDs to achieve a certain size. While the grouping buffer for the creation of Prospective Supply Districts (PSDs) is 200m as in the sEEnergies project, the buffer for grouping census data cell with an estimated connection rate >= 30% is 500m. The 500m buffer is also used when the resulting district heating areas are grouped, because they are built upon the existing district heating systems. To reduce the final number of district heating areas having the size of only one hectare, the minimum heat demand critrium is also applied when grouping the cells with census data on district heat. To avoid huge district heating areas, as they appear in the Ruhr area, district heating areas with an annual demand > 4,000,000 MWh are split by nuts3 boundaries. This as set as maximum_total_demand of the area_grouping function. Parameters ---------- scenario_name: str name of scenario to be studies plotting: boolean if True, figure showing the heat demand density curve will be created Returns ------- None Notes ----- None TODO ---- Do "area_grouping(load_census_data()[0])" only once, not for all scenarios. Check the applied buffer distances, find a justification for the documentation """ # Load district heating shares from the scenario table if scenario_name == "eGon2015": district_heating_share = 0.08 else: heat_parameters = get_sector_parameters("heat", scenario=scenario_name) district_heating_share = heat_parameters["DE_district_heating_share"] # heat_demand is scenario specific heat_demand_cells = load_heat_demands(scenario_name) # Firstly, supply the cells which already have district heating according # to 2011 Census data and which are within likely dh areas (created # by the area grouping function), load only the first returned result: [0] min_hd_census = 10000 / 3.6 # in MWh census_plus_heat_demand = load_census_data()[0].copy() census_plus_heat_demand[ "residential_and_service_demand" ] = heat_demand_cells.loc[ census_plus_heat_demand.index.values, "residential_and_service_demand" ] cells = area_grouping( census_plus_heat_demand, distance=500, minimum_total_demand=min_hd_census, ) # cells.groupby("area_id").size().sort_values() total_district_heat = ( heat_demand_cells["residential_and_service_demand"].sum() * district_heating_share ) diff = total_district_heat - cells["residential_and_service_demand"].sum() assert ( diff > 0 ), """The chosen district heating share in combination with the heat demand reduction leads to an amount of district heat which is lower than the current one. This case is not implemented yet.""" # Secondly, supply the cells with the highest heat demand not having # district heating yet # ASSUMPTION HERE: 2035 HD defined the PSDs min_hd = 10000 / 3.6 PSDs = area_grouping( select_high_heat_demands(load_heat_demands("eGon2035")), distance=200, minimum_total_demand=min_hd, ) # PSDs.groupby("area_id").size().sort_values() # select all cells not already suppied with district heat new_areas = heat_demand_cells[~heat_demand_cells.index.isin(cells.index)] # sort by heat demand density new_areas = new_areas[new_areas.index.isin(PSDs.index)].sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ) new_areas[ "Cumulative_Sum" ] = new_areas.residential_and_service_demand.cumsum() # select cells to be supplied with district heating until district # heating share is reached new_areas = new_areas[new_areas["Cumulative_Sum"] <= diff] print( f"""Minimum heat demand density for cells with new district heat supply in scenario {scenario_name} is {new_areas.residential_and_service_demand.tail(1).values[0]} MWh / (ha a).""" ) print( f"""Number of cells with new district heat supply in scenario {scenario_name} is {len(new_areas)}.""" ) # check = gpd.GeoDataFrame( # cells[['residential_and_service_demand', 'geom_polygon']].append( # new_areas[['residential_and_service_demand', 'geom_polygon']]), # geometry='geom_polygon') # group the resulting scenario specific district heating areas scenario_dh_area = area_grouping( gpd.GeoDataFrame( cells[["residential_and_service_demand", "geom_polygon"]].append( new_areas[["residential_and_service_demand", "geom_polygon"]] ), geometry="geom_polygon", ), distance=500, maximum_total_demand=4e6, ) # scenario_dh_area.plot(column = "area_id") scenario_dh_area.groupby("area_id").size().sort_values() scenario_dh_area.residential_and_service_demand.sum() # scenario_dh_area.sort_index() # cells[cells.index==1416974] # store the results in the database scenario_dh_area["scenario"] = scenario_name db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM demand.egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas WHERE scenario = '{scenario_name}'""" ) scenario_dh_area[["scenario", "area_id"]].to_sql( "egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas", schema="demand", con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", ) # Create polygons around the grouped cells and store them in the database # join.dissolve(columnname).convex_hull.plot() # without holes, too big areas_dissolved = scenario_dh_area.dissolve("area_id", aggfunc="sum") areas_dissolved["scenario"] = scenario_name areas_dissolved["geom_polygon"] = [ MultiPolygon([feature]) if type(feature) == Polygon else feature for feature in areas_dissolved["geom_polygon"] ] # type(areas_dissolved["geom"][0]) # print(type(areas_dissolved)) # print(areas_dissolved.head()) if len(areas_dissolved[areas_dissolved.area == 100 * 100]) > 0: print( f"""Number of district heating areas of single zensus cells: {len(areas_dissolved[areas_dissolved.area == 100*100]) }""" ) # print(f"""District heating areas ids of single zensus cells in # district heating areas: # {areas_dissolved[areas_dissolved.area == 100*100].index.values # }""") # print(f"""Zensus_population_ids of single zensus cells # in district heating areas: # {scenario_dh_area[scenario_dh_area.area_id.isin( # areas_dissolved[areas_dissolved.area == 100*100].index.values # )].index.values}""") db.execute_sql( f"""DELETE FROM demand.egon_district_heating_areas WHERE scenario = '{scenario_name}'""" ) areas_dissolved.reset_index().to_postgis( "egon_district_heating_areas", schema="demand", con=db.engine(), if_exists="append", ) # Alternative: # join.groupby("columnname").demand.sum() # add the sorted heat demand density curve no_district_heating = heat_demand_cells[ ~heat_demand_cells.index.isin(scenario_dh_area.index) ] collection = pd.concat( [ cells.sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ), new_areas.sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ), no_district_heating.sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ), ], ignore_index=True, ) collection["Cumulative_Sum"] = ( collection.residential_and_service_demand.cumsum() ) / 1000000 if plotting: plot_heat_density_sorted({scenario_name: collection}, scenario_name) return collection
[docs]def add_metadata(): """ Writes metadata JSON string into table comment. TODO ---- Meta data must be check and adjusted to the egon_data standard: - Add context - authors and institutions """ # Prepare variables license_district_heating_areas = [ { # this could be the license of the "district_heating_areas" "name": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "title": "CC BY 4.0", "path": "", "instruction": ( "You are free: To Share, To Adapt;" " As long as you: Attribute!" ), "attribution": "© Europa-Universität Flensburg", # if all agree # "attribution": "© ZNES Flensburg", # alternative } ] # Metadata creation for district heating areas (polygons) meta = { "name": "district_heating_areas_metadata", "title": "eGo^n scenario-specific future district heating areas", "description": "Modelled future district heating areas for " "the supply of residential and service-sector heat demands", "language": ["EN"], "spatial": {"location": "", "extent": "Germany", "resolution": ""}, "temporal": { "referenceDate": "scenario-specific", "timeseries": { "start": "", "end": "", "resolution": "", "alignment": "", "aggregationType": "", }, }, "sources": [ { # eGon scenario specific heat demand distribution based # on Peta5_0_1, using vg250 boundaries }, { # Census gridded apartment data }, ], "resources": [ { "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "name": "egon_district_heating_areas", "path": "", "format": "PostgreSQL", "encoding": "UTF-8", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "id", "description": "Unique identifier", "type": "serial", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "area_id", "description": "District heating area id", "type": "integer", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "scenario", "description": "scenario name", "type": "text", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "residential_and_service_demand", "description": "annual heat demand", "type": "double precision", "unit": "MWh", }, { "name": "geom_polygon", "description": "geo information of multipolygons", "type": "geometry(MULTIPOLYGON, 3035)", "unit": "none", }, ], "primaryKey": ["id"], "foreignKeys": [ { "fields": ["scenario"], "reference": { "resource": "scenario.egon_scenario_parameters", "fields": ["name"], }, } ], }, "dialect": {"delimiter": "none", "decimalSeparator": "."}, } ], "licenses": license_district_heating_areas, "contributors": [ { "title": "Eva, Clara", "email": "", "date": "2021-05-07", "object": "", "comment": "Processed data", } ], "metaMetadata": { # "metadataVersion": "OEP-1.4.0", "metadataLicense": { "name": "CC0-1.0", "title": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "path": (""), }, }, } meta_json = "'" + json.dumps(meta) + "'" db.submit_comment(meta_json, "demand", "egon_district_heating_areas") # Metadata creation for "id mapping" table meta = { "name": "map_zensus_district_heating_areas_metadata", "title": "district heating area ids assigned to zensus_population_ids", "description": "Ids of scenario specific future district heating areas" " for supply of residential and service-sector heat demands" " assigned to zensus_population_ids", "language": ["EN"], "spatial": {"location": "", "extent": "Germany", "resolution": ""}, "temporal": { "referenceDate": "scenario-specific", "timeseries": { "start": "", "end": "", "resolution": "", "alignment": "", "aggregationType": "", }, }, "sources": [ { # eGon scenario specific heat demand distribution based # on Peta5_0_1, using vg250 boundaries }, { # Census gridded apartment data }, ], # Add the license for the map table "resources": [ { "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "name": "egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas", "path": "", "format": "PostgreSQL", "encoding": "UTF-8", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "id", "description": "Unique identifier", "type": "serial", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "area_id", "description": "district heating area id", "type": "integer", "unit": "none", }, { "name": "scenario", "description": "scenario name", "type": "text", "unit": "none", }, ], "primaryKey": ["id"], "foreignKeys": [ { "fields": ["zensus_population_id"], "reference": { "resource": "society.destatis_zensus_population_per_ha", "fields": ["id"], }, }, { "fields": ["scenario"], "reference": { "resource": "scenario.egon_scenario_parameters", "fields": ["name"], }, }, ], }, "dialect": {"delimiter": "none", "decimalSeparator": "."}, } ], "licenses": license_district_heating_areas, "contributors": [ { "title": "Eva, Clara", "email": "", "date": "2021-05-07", "object": "", "comment": "Processed data", } ], "metaMetadata": { # "metadataVersion": "OEP-1.4.0", "metadataLicense": { "name": "CC0-1.0", "title": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "path": (""), }, }, } meta_json = "'" + json.dumps(meta) + "'" db.submit_comment( meta_json, "demand", "egon_map_zensus_district_heating_areas" ) return None
[docs]def study_prospective_district_heating_areas(): """ Get information about Prospective Supply Districts for district heating. This optional function executes the functions so that you can study the heat demand density data of different scenarios and compare them and the resulting Prospective Supply Districts (PSDs) for district heating. This functions saves local shapefiles, because these data are not written into database. Moreover, heat density curves are drawn. This function is tailor-made and includes the scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Notes ----- None TODO ---- PSD statistics (average PSD connection rate, total HD per PSD) could be studied """ # create directory to store files results_path = "district_heating_areas/" if not os.path.exists(results_path): os.mkdir(results_path) # load the total heat demand by census cell (residential plus service) # HD_2015 = load_heat_demands('eGon2015') # status quo heat demand data are part of the regluar database content # to get them, line 463 ("if not '2015' in source.stem:") has to be # deleted from # importing/heat_demand_data/ # and an empty row has to be added to scenario table: # INSERT INTO scenario.egon_scenario_parameters (name) # VALUES ('eGon2015'); # because egon2015 is not part of the regular EgonScenario table! HD_2035 = load_heat_demands("eGon2035") HD_2050 = load_heat_demands("eGon100RE") # select only cells with heat demands > 100 GJ / (ha a) # HD_2015_above_100GJ = select_high_heat_demands(HD_2015) HD_2035_above_100GJ = select_high_heat_demands(HD_2035) HD_2050_above_100GJ = select_high_heat_demands(HD_2050) # PSDs # grouping cells applying the 201m distance buffer, including heat demand # aggregation # after decision for one year/scenario (here 2035), in the pipeline PSDs # are only calculeated for the one selected year/scenario; # here you can see all years/scenarios: # PSD_2015_201m = area_grouping(HD_2015_above_100GJ, distance=200, # minimum_total_demand=(10000/3.6) # ).dissolve('area_id', aggfunc='sum') # PSD_2015_201m.to_file(results_path+"PSDs_2015based.shp") PSD_2035_201m = area_grouping( HD_2035_above_100GJ, distance=200, minimum_total_demand=(10000 / 3.6) ).dissolve("area_id", aggfunc="sum") # HD_2035.to_file(results_path+"HD_2035.shp") # HD_2035_above_100GJ.to_file(results_path+"HD_2035_above_100GJ.shp") PSD_2035_201m.to_file(results_path + "PSDs_2035based.shp") PSD_2050_201m = area_grouping( HD_2050_above_100GJ, distance=200, minimum_total_demand=(10000 / 3.6) ).dissolve("area_id", aggfunc="sum") PSD_2050_201m.to_file(results_path + "PSDs_2050based.shp") # plotting all cells - not considering census data # # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # add the sorted heat demand densities # HD_2015 = HD_2015.sort_values('residential_and_service_demand', # ascending=False).reset_index() # HD_2015["Cumulative_Sum"] = (HD_2015.residential_and_service_demand. # cumsum()) / 1000000 # ax.plot(HD_2015.Cumulative_Sum, # HD_2015.residential_and_service_demand, label='eGon2015') HD_2035 = HD_2035.sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ).reset_index() HD_2035["Cumulative_Sum"] = ( HD_2035.residential_and_service_demand.cumsum() ) / 1000000 ax.plot( HD_2035.Cumulative_Sum, HD_2035.residential_and_service_demand, label="eGon2035", ) HD_2050 = HD_2050.sort_values( "residential_and_service_demand", ascending=False ).reset_index() HD_2050["Cumulative_Sum"] = ( HD_2050.residential_and_service_demand.cumsum() ) / 1000000 ax.plot( HD_2050.Cumulative_Sum, HD_2050.residential_and_service_demand, label="eGon100RE", ) # add the district heating shares heat_parameters = get_sector_parameters("heat", "eGon2035") district_heating_share_2035 = heat_parameters["DE_district_heating_share"] plt.axvline( x=HD_2035.residential_and_service_demand.sum() / 1000000 * district_heating_share_2035, ls=":", lw=0.5, label="72TWh DH in 2035 in Germany => 14% DH", color="black", ) heat_parameters = get_sector_parameters("heat", "eGon100RE") district_heating_share_100RE = heat_parameters["DE_district_heating_share"] plt.axvline( x=HD_2050.residential_and_service_demand.sum() / 1000000 * district_heating_share_100RE, ls="-.", lw=0.5, label="75TWh DH in 100RE in Germany => 19% DH", color="black", ) # axes meet in (0/0) ax.margins(x=0, y=0) # default is 0.05 # axis style # # Hide the right and top spines ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.plot(1, 0, ">k", transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform(), clip_on=False) ax.plot(0, 1, "^k", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), clip_on=False) ax.set(title="Heat Demand in eGo^n") ax.set_xlabel("Cumulative Heat Demand [TWh / a]") ax.set_ylabel("Heat Demand Densities [MWh / (ha a)]") plt.legend() plt.savefig(results_path + "Complete_HeatDemandDensities_Curves.png") return None
[docs]def demarcation(plotting=True): """ Load scenario specific district heating areas with metadata into database. This function executes the functions that identifies the areas which will be supplied with district heat in the two eGo^n scenarios. The creation of heat demand density curve figures is optional. So is also the export of scenario specific Prospective Supply Districts for district heating (PSDs) as shapefiles including the creation of a figure showing the comparison of sorted heat demand densities. The method was executed for 2015, 2035 and 2050 to find out which scenario year defines the PSDs. The year 2035 was selected and the function was adjusted accordingly. If you need the 2015 scenario heat demand data, please have a look at the heat demand script commit 270bea50332016447e869f69d51e96113073b8a0, where the 2015 scenario was deactivated. You can study the 2015 PSDs in the study_prospective_district_heating_areas function after un-commenting some lines. Parameters ---------- plotting: boolean if True, figure showing the heat demand density curve will be created Returns ------- None Notes ----- None TODO ---- Create diagrams/curves, make better curves with matplotlib Make PSD and DH system statistics Check if you need the current / future number of DH supplied flats and the total number of flats to calculate the connection rate Add datasets to datasets configuration """ # load the census district heat data on apartments, and group them # This is currently done in the grouping function: # district_heat_zensus, heating_type_zensus = load_census_data() # Zenus_DH_areas_201m = area_grouping(district_heat_zensus) heat_density_per_scenario = {} # scenario specific district heating areas heat_density_per_scenario["eGon2035"] = district_heating_areas( "eGon2035", plotting ) heat_density_per_scenario["eGon100RE"] = district_heating_areas( "eGon100RE", plotting ) if plotting: plot_heat_density_sorted(heat_density_per_scenario) # if you want to study/export the Prospective Supply Districts (PSDs) # for all scenarios # study_prospective_district_heating_areas() add_metadata() return None