Source code for

The module containing all code dealing with chp < 10MW.
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

from import config, db
from import (

[docs]def insert_mastr_chp(mastr_chp, EgonChp): """Insert MaStR data from exising CHPs into database table Parameters ---------- mastr_chp : pandas.DataFrame List of existing CHPs in MaStR. EgonChp : class Class definition of daabase table for CHPs Returns ------- None. """ session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in mastr_chp.iterrows(): entry = EgonChp( sources={ "chp": "MaStR", "el_capacity": "MaStR", "th_capacity": "MaStR", }, source_id={"MastrNummer": row.EinheitMastrNummer}, carrier="gas", el_capacity=row.el_capacity, th_capacity=row.th_capacity, electrical_bus_id=row.bus_id, ch4_bus_id=row.gas_bus_id, district_heating=row.district_heating, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, scenario="eGon2035", geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.geometry.x} {row.geometry.y})", ) session.add(entry) session.commit()
[docs]def existing_chp_smaller_10mw(sources, MaStR_konv, EgonChp): """Insert existing small CHPs based on MaStR and target values Parameters ---------- MaStR_konv : pandas.DataFrame List of conevntional CHPs in MaStR whoes locateion is not used EgonChp : class Class definition of daabase table for CHPs Returns ------- additional_capacitiy : pandas.Series Capacity of new locations for small chp per federal state """ existsting_chp_smaller_10mw = MaStR_konv[ # (MaStR_konv.Nettonennleistung>0.1) (MaStR_konv.el_capacity <= 10) & (MaStR_konv.th_capacity > 0) ] targets = select_target("small_chp", "eGon2035") for federal_state in targets.index: mastr_chp = gpd.GeoDataFrame( filter_mastr_geometry(existsting_chp_smaller_10mw, federal_state) ) = "EPSG:4326" # Assign gas bus_id mastr_chp_c = mastr_chp.copy() mastr_chp["gas_bus_id"] = db.assign_gas_bus_id( mastr_chp_c, "eGon2035", "CH4" ).bus # Assign bus_id mastr_chp["bus_id"] = assign_bus_id( mastr_chp, config.datasets()["chp_location"] ).bus_id mastr_chp = assign_use_case(mastr_chp, sources) insert_mastr_chp(mastr_chp, EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_to_areas( areas, additional_capacity, existing_chp, flh, EgonChp, district_heating=True, scenario="eGon2035", ): """Builds new CHPs on potential industry or district heating areas. This method can be used to distrectly extend and spatial allocate CHP for industry or district heating areas. The following steps are running in a loop until the additional capacity is reached: 1. Randomly select an existing CHP < 10MW and its parameters. 2. Select possible areas where the CHP can be located. It is assumed that CHPs are only build if the demand of the industry or district heating grid exceeds the annual energy output of the CHP. The energy output is calculated using the installed capacity and estimated full load hours. The thermal output is used for district heating areas. Since there are no explicit heat demands for industry, the electricity output and demands are used. 3. Randomly select one of the possible areas. The areas are weighted by the annal demand, assuming that the possibility of building a CHP plant is higher when for large consumers. 4. Insert allocated CHP plant into the database 5. Substract capacity of new build CHP from the additional capacity. The energy demands of the areas are reduced by the estimated energy output of the CHP plant. Parameters ---------- areas : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Possible areas for a new CHP plant, including their energy demand additional_capacity : float Overall eletcrical capacity of CHPs that should be build in MW. existing_chp : pandas.DataFrame List of existing CHP plants including electrical and thermal capacity flh : int Assumed electrical or thermal full load hours. EgonChp : class ORM-class definition of CHP database-table. district_heating : boolean, optional State if the areas are district heating areas. The default is True. Returns ------- None. """ session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() np.random.seed(seed=config.settings()["egon-data"]["--random-seed"]) # Add new CHP as long as the additional capacity is not reached while additional_capacity > existing_chp.el_capacity.min(): if district_heating: selected_areas = areas.loc[ areas.demand > existing_chp.th_capacity.min() * flh, : ] else: selected_areas = areas.loc[ areas.demand > existing_chp.el_capacity.min() * flh, : ] if len(selected_areas) > 0: selected_areas = selected_areas.to_crs(4326) # Assign gas bus_id selected_areas["gas_bus_id"] = db.assign_gas_bus_id( selected_areas.copy(), "eGon2035", "CH4" ).bus # Select randomly one area from the list of possible areas # weighted by the share of demand id_area = np.random.choice( selected_areas.index, p=selected_areas.demand / selected_areas.demand.sum(), ) selected_areas.drop( selected_areas.loc[selected_areas.index != id_area, :].index, inplace=True, ) # selected_area = possible_areas.loc[possible_areas.index==id_area, :] if district_heating: possible_chp = existing_chp[ ( existing_chp.th_capacity * flh <= selected_areas.demand.values[0] ) & (existing_chp.el_capacity <= additional_capacity) ] else: possible_chp = existing_chp[ ( existing_chp.el_capacity * flh <= selected_areas.demand.values[0] ) & (existing_chp.el_capacity <= additional_capacity) ] # Select random new build CHP from list of existing CHP # which is smaller than the remaining capacity to distribute if len(possible_chp) > 0: id_chp = np.random.choice(range(len(possible_chp))) selected_chp = possible_chp.iloc[id_chp] # Assign bus_id selected_areas["voltage_level"] = selected_chp["voltage_level"] selected_areas.loc[:, "bus_id"] = assign_bus_id( selected_areas, config.datasets()["chp_location"] ).bus_id entry = EgonChp( sources={ "chp": "MaStR", "el_capacity": "MaStR", "th_capacity": "MaStR", "CHP extension algorithm": "", }, carrier="gas extended", el_capacity=selected_chp.el_capacity, th_capacity=selected_chp.th_capacity, district_heating=district_heating, voltage_level=selected_chp.voltage_level, electrical_bus_id=int(selected_areas.bus_id), ch4_bus_id=int(selected_areas.gas_bus_id), scenario=scenario, geom=f""" SRID=4326; POINT({selected_areas.geom.values[0].x} {selected_areas.geom.values[0].y}) """, ) if district_heating: entry.district_heating_area_id = int( selected_areas.area_id ) session.add(entry) session.commit() # Reduce additional capacity by newly build CHP additional_capacity -= selected_chp.el_capacity # Reduce the demand of the selected area by the estimated # enrgy output of the CHP if district_heating: areas.loc[ areas.index[ areas.area_id == selected_areas.area_id.values[0] ], "demand", ] -= ( selected_chp.th_capacity * flh ) else: areas.loc[ areas.index[ areas.osm_id == selected_areas.osm_id.values[0] ], "demand", ] -= ( selected_chp.th_capacity * flh ) areas = areas[areas.demand > 0] else: print(f"{additional_capacity} MW are not matched to an area.") break return additional_capacity
[docs]def extension_district_heating( federal_state, additional_capacity, flh_chp, EgonChp, areas_without_chp_only=False, ): """Build new CHP < 10 MW for district areas considering existing CHP and the heat demand. For more details on the placement alogrithm have a look at the description of extension_to_areas(). Parameters ---------- federal_state : str Name of the federal state. additional_capacity : float Additional electrical capacity of new CHP plants in district heating flh_chp : int Assumed number of full load hours of heat output. EgonChp : class ORM-class definition of CHP database-table. areas_without_chp_only : boolean, optional Set if CHPs are only assigned to district heating areas which don't have an existing CHP. The default is True. Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["targets"] existing_chp = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT el_capacity, th_capacity, voltage_level, b.area_id FROM {targets['chp_table']['schema']}. {targets['chp_table']['table']} a, {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} b WHERE a.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND b.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND district_heating = True AND ST_Intersects( ST_Transform( ST_Centroid(geom_polygon), 4326), (SELECT ST_Union(geometry) FROM {sources['vg250_lan']['schema']}. {sources['vg250_lan']['table']} WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') ='{federal_state}')) AND el_capacity < 10 ORDER BY el_capacity, residential_and_service_demand """ ) # Select all district heating areas without CHP try: dh_areas = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT residential_and_service_demand as demand, area_id, ST_Transform(ST_PointOnSurface(geom_polygon), 4326) as geom FROM {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} WHERE scenario = 'eGon2035' AND ST_Intersects(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(geom_polygon), 4326), ( SELECT ST_Union(d.geometry) FROM {sources['vg250_lan']['schema']}.{sources['vg250_lan']['table']} d WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') ='{federal_state}')) AND area_id NOT IN ( SELECT district_heating_area_id FROM {targets['chp_table']['schema']}. {targets['chp_table']['table']} WHERE scenario = 'eGon2035' AND district_heating = TRUE) """ ) except: dh_areas = gpd.GeoDataFrame( columns=["demand", "area_id", "geom"] ).set_geometry("geom") dh_areas = dh_areas.set_crs(3035) if not areas_without_chp_only: # Append district heating areas with CHP # assumed dispatch of existing CHP is substracted from remaining demand dh_areas = dh_areas.append( db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT b.residential_and_service_demand - sum(a.el_capacity)*{flh_chp} as demand, b.area_id, ST_Transform(ST_PointOnSurface(geom_polygon), 4326) as geom FROM {targets['chp_table']['schema']}. {targets['chp_table']['table']} a, {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} b WHERE b.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND a.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND ST_Intersects( ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(geom_polygon), 4326), (SELECT ST_Union(d.geometry) FROM {sources['vg250_lan']['schema']}. {sources['vg250_lan']['table']} d WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') ='{federal_state}')) AND a.district_heating_area_id = b.area_id GROUP BY ( b.residential_and_service_demand, b.area_id, geom_polygon) """, epsg=3035, ), ignore_index=True, ).set_crs(3035, allow_override=True) not_distributed_capacity = extension_to_areas( dh_areas, additional_capacity, existing_chp, flh_chp, EgonChp, district_heating=True, ) return not_distributed_capacity
[docs]def extension_industrial(federal_state, additional_capacity, flh_chp, EgonChp): """Build new CHP < 10 MW for industry considering existing CHP, osm landuse areas and electricity demands. For more details on the placement alogrithm have a look at the description of extension_to_areas(). Parameters ---------- federal_state : str Name of the federal state. additional_capacity : float Additional electrical capacity of new CHP plants in indsutry. flh_chp : int Assumed number of full load hours of electricity output. EgonChp : class ORM-class definition of CHP database-table. Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["targets"] existing_chp = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT el_capacity, th_capacity, voltage_level FROM {targets['chp_table']['schema']}. {targets['chp_table']['table']} a WHERE a.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND district_heating = False AND el_capacity < 10 ORDER BY el_capacity """ ) # Select all industrial areas without CHP industry_areas = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT SUM(demand) as demand, a.osm_id, ST_Centroid(b.geom) as geom, FROM {sources['industrial_demand_osm']['schema']}. {sources['industrial_demand_osm']['table']} a, {sources['osm_landuse']['schema']}. {sources['osm_landuse']['table']} b WHERE a.scenario = 'eGon2035' AND = a.osm_id AND NOT ST_Intersects( ST_Transform(b.geom, 4326), (SELECT ST_Union(geom) FROM {targets['chp_table']['schema']}. {targets['chp_table']['table']} )) AND b.tags::json->>'landuse' = 'industrial' AND NOT LIKE '%%kraftwerk%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Stadtwerke%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Müllverbrennung%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Müllverwertung%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Abfall%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Kraftwerk%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Wertstoff%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%olarpark%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Gewerbegebiet%%' AND NOT LIKE '%%Gewerbepark%%' AND ST_Intersects( ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(b.geom), 4326), (SELECT ST_Union(d.geometry) FROM {sources['vg250_lan']['schema']}. {sources['vg250_lan']['table']} d WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') ='{federal_state}')) GROUP BY (a.osm_id, b.geom, ORDER BY SUM(demand) """ ) not_distributed_capacity = extension_to_areas( industry_areas, additional_capacity, existing_chp, flh_chp, EgonChp, district_heating=False, ) return not_distributed_capacity
[docs]def extension_per_federal_state(federal_state, EgonChp): """Adds new CHP plants to meet target value per federal state. The additional capacity for CHPs < 10 MW is distributed discretly. Therefore, existing CHPs and their parameters from Marktstammdatenregister are randomly selected and allocated in a district heating grid. In order to generate a reasonable distribution, new CHPs can only be assigned to a district heating grid which needs additional supply technologies. This is estimated by the substraction of demand, and the assumed dispatch oof a CHP considering the capacitiy and full load hours of each CHPs. Parameters ---------- additional_capacity : float Capacity to distribute. federal_state : str Name of the federal state EgonChp : class ORM-class definition of CHP table Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] target_table = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["targets"]["chp_table"] targets = select_target("small_chp", "eGon2035") existing_capacity = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT SUM(el_capacity) as capacity, district_heating FROM {target_table['schema']}. {target_table['table']} WHERE sources::json->>'el_capacity' = 'MaStR' AND carrier != 'biomass' AND scenario = 'eGon2035' AND ST_Intersects(geom, ( SELECT ST_Union(geometry) FROM {sources['vg250_lan']['schema']}.{sources['vg250_lan']['table']} b WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') ='{federal_state}')) GROUP BY district_heating """ ) print(f"Target capacity in {federal_state}: {targets[federal_state]}") print( f"Existing capacity in {federal_state}: {existing_capacity.capacity.sum()}" ) additional_capacity = ( targets[federal_state] - existing_capacity.capacity.sum() ) if additional_capacity > 0: share_dh = ( existing_capacity[ existing_capacity.district_heating ].capacity.values[0] / existing_capacity.capacity.sum() ) flh_chp = 6000 capacity_district_heating = additional_capacity * share_dh capacity_industry = additional_capacity * (1 - share_dh) print(f"Distributing {additional_capacity} MW_el in {federal_state}") print( f"Distributing {capacity_district_heating} MW_el to district heating" ) not_distributed_capacity_dh = extension_district_heating( federal_state, capacity_district_heating, flh_chp, EgonChp ) if not_distributed_capacity_dh > 1: print( f"{not_distributed_capacity_dh} MW_el were not matched to district " "heating. This capacity is added to industry" ) capacity_industry += not_distributed_capacity_dh print(f"Distributing {capacity_industry} MW_el to industry") not_distributed_capacity_industry = extension_industrial( federal_state, additional_capacity * (1 - share_dh), flh_chp, EgonChp, ) print( f"{not_distributed_capacity_industry} MW_el were not matched to " "industry. This capacity is added to district heating" ) if not_distributed_capacity_industry > 1: print( f"{not_distributed_capacity_industry} MW_el were not matched to " "industry. This capacity is added to district heating" ) extension_district_heating( federal_state, not_distributed_capacity_industry, flh_chp, EgonChp, ) else: print("Decommissioning of CHP plants is not implemented.")
[docs]def assign_use_case(chp, sources): """Identifies CHPs used in district heating areas. A CHP plant is assigned to a district heating area if - it is closer than 1km to the borders of the district heating area - the name of the osm landuse area where the CHP is located indicates that it feeds in to a district heating area (e.g. 'Stadtwerke') - it is not closer than 100m to an industrial area Parameters ---------- chp : pandas.DataFrame CHPs without district_heating flag Returns ------- chp : pandas.DataFrame CHPs with identification of district_heating CHPs """ # Select osm industrial areas which don't include power or heat supply # (name not includes 'Stadtwerke', 'Kraftwerk', 'Müllverbrennung'...) landuse_industrial = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 100) as geom, tags::json->>'name' as name FROM {sources['osm_landuse']['schema']}. {sources['osm_landuse']['table']} WHERE tags::json->>'landuse' = 'industrial' AND(name NOT LIKE '%%kraftwerk%%' OR name NOT LIKE '%%Müllverbrennung%%' OR name LIKE '%%Müllverwertung%%' OR name NOT LIKE '%%Abfall%%' OR name NOT LIKE '%%Kraftwerk%%' OR name NOT LIKE '%%Wertstoff%%') """, epsg=4326, ) # Select osm polygons where a district heating chp is likely # (name includes 'Stadtwerke', 'Kraftwerk', 'Müllverbrennung'...) possible_dh_locations = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 100) as geom, tags::json->>'name' as name FROM {sources['osm_polygon']['schema']}. {sources['osm_polygon']['table']} WHERE name LIKE '%%Stadtwerke%%' OR name LIKE '%%kraftwerk%%' OR name LIKE '%%Müllverbrennung%%' OR name LIKE '%%Müllverwertung%%' OR name LIKE '%%Abfall%%' OR name LIKE '%%Kraftwerk%%' OR name LIKE '%%Wertstoff%%' """, epsg=4326, ) # Initilize district_heating argument chp["district_heating"] = False # chp.loc[chp[chp.Nettonennleistung <= 0.15].index, 'use_case'] = 'individual' # Select district heating areas with buffer of 1 km district_heating = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT area_id, ST_Buffer(geom_polygon, 1000) as geom FROM {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} WHERE scenario = 'eGon2035' """, epsg=4326, ) # Select all CHP closer than 1km to a district heating area # these are possible district heating chp # Chps which are not close to a district heating area get use_case='industrial' close_to_dh = chp[chp.index.isin(gpd.sjoin(chp, district_heating).index)] # All chp which are close to a district heating grid and intersect with # osm polygons whoes name indicates that it could be a district heating location # (e.g. Stadtwerke, Heizraftwerk, Müllverbrennung) # are assigned as district heating chp district_heating_chp = chp[ chp.index.isin(gpd.sjoin(close_to_dh, possible_dh_locations).index) ] # Assigned district heating chps are dropped from list of possible # district heating chp close_to_dh.drop(district_heating_chp.index, inplace=True) # Select all CHP closer than 100m to a industrial location its name # doesn't indicate that it could be a district heating location # these chp get use_case='industrial' close_to_industry = chp[ chp.index.isin(gpd.sjoin(close_to_dh, landuse_industrial).index) ] # Chp which are close to a district heating area and not close to an # industrial location are assigned as district_heating_chp district_heating_chp = district_heating_chp.append( close_to_dh[~close_to_dh.index.isin(close_to_industry.index)] ) # Set district_heating = True for all district heating chp chp.loc[district_heating_chp.index, "district_heating"] = True return chp