Source code for

The central module containing all code dealing with combined heat and power
(CHP) plants.

from pathlib import Path

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Float, Integer, Sequence, String
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import pypsa

from import config, db
from import Dataset
from import insert_large_chp
from import (
from import (

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EgonChp(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_chp_plants" __table_args__ = {"schema": "supply"} id = Column(Integer, Sequence("chp_seq"), primary_key=True) sources = Column(JSONB) source_id = Column(JSONB) carrier = Column(String) district_heating = Column(Boolean) el_capacity = Column(Float) th_capacity = Column(Float) electrical_bus_id = Column(Integer) district_heating_area_id = Column(Integer) ch4_bus_id = Column(Integer) voltage_level = Column(Integer) scenario = Column(String) geom = Column(Geometry("POINT", 4326))
[docs]class EgonMaStRConventinalWithoutChp(Base): __tablename__ = "egon_mastr_conventional_without_chp" __table_args__ = {"schema": "supply"} id = Column(Integer, Sequence("mastr_conventional_seq"), primary_key=True) EinheitMastrNummer = Column(String) carrier = Column(String) el_capacity = Column(Float) plz = Column(Integer) city = Column(String) federal_state = Column(String) geometry = Column(Geometry("POINT", 4326))
[docs]def create_tables(): """Create tables for chp data Returns ------- None. """ db.execute_sql("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS supply;") engine = db.engine() EgonChp.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonChp.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonMaStRConventinalWithoutChp.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonMaStRConventinalWithoutChp.__table__.create( bind=engine, checkfirst=True )
[docs]def nearest( row, df, centroid=False, row_geom_col="geometry", df_geom_col="geometry", src_column=None, ): """ Finds the nearest point and returns the specified column values Parameters ---------- row : pandas.Series Data to which the nearest data of df is assigned. df : pandas.DataFrame Data which includes all options for the nearest neighbor alogrithm. centroid : boolean Use centroid geoemtry. The default is False. row_geom_col : str, optional Name of row's geometry column. The default is 'geometry'. df_geom_col : str, optional Name of df's geometry column. The default is 'geometry'. src_column : str, optional Name of returned df column. The default is None. Returns ------- value : pandas.Series Values of specified column of df """ if centroid: unary_union = df.centroid.unary_union else: unary_union = df[df_geom_col].unary_union # Find the geometry that is closest nearest = ( df[df_geom_col] == nearest_points(row[row_geom_col], unary_union)[1] ) # Get the corresponding value from df (matching is based on the geometry) value = df[nearest][src_column].values[0] return value
[docs]def assign_heat_bus(scenario="eGon2035"): """Selects heat_bus for chps used in district heating. Parameters ---------- scenario : str, optional Name of the corresponding scenario. The default is 'eGon2035'. Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] target = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["targets"]["chp_table"] # Select CHP with use_case = 'district_heating' chp = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT * FROM {target['schema']}.{target['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scenario}' AND district_heating = True """, index_col="id", epsg=4326, ) # Select district heating areas and their centroid district_heating = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT area_id, ST_Centroid(geom_polygon) as geom FROM {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scenario}' """, epsg=4326, ) # Assign district heating area_id to district_heating_chp # According to nearest centroid of district heating area chp["district_heating_area_id"] = chp.apply( nearest, df=district_heating, row_geom_col="geom", df_geom_col="geom", centroid=True, src_column="area_id", axis=1, ) # Drop district heating CHP without heat_bus_id db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {target['schema']}.{target['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scenario}' AND district_heating = True """ ) # Insert district heating CHP with heat_bus_id session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in chp.iterrows(): if row.carrier != "biomass": entry = EgonChp( id=i, sources=row.sources, source_id=row.source_id, carrier=row.carrier, el_capacity=row.el_capacity, th_capacity=row.th_capacity, electrical_bus_id=row.electrical_bus_id, ch4_bus_id=row.ch4_bus_id, district_heating_area_id=row.district_heating_area_id, district_heating=row.district_heating, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, scenario=scenario, geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.geom.x} {row.geom.y})", ) else: entry = EgonChp( id=i, sources=row.sources, source_id=row.source_id, carrier=row.carrier, el_capacity=row.el_capacity, th_capacity=row.th_capacity, electrical_bus_id=row.electrical_bus_id, district_heating_area_id=row.district_heating_area_id, district_heating=row.district_heating, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, scenario=scenario, geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.geom.x} {row.geom.y})", ) session.add(entry) session.commit()
[docs]def insert_biomass_chp(scenario): """Insert biomass chp plants of future scenario Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of scenario. Returns ------- None. """ cfg = config.datasets()["chp_location"] # import target values from NEP 2021, scneario C 2035 target = select_target("biomass", scenario) # import data for MaStR mastr = pd.read_csv( WORKING_DIR_MASTR_OLD / cfg["sources"]["mastr_biomass"] ).query("EinheitBetriebsstatus=='InBetrieb'") # Drop entries without federal state or 'AusschließlichWirtschaftszone' mastr = mastr[ mastr.Bundesland.isin( pd.read_sql( f"""SELECT DISTINCT ON (gen) REPLACE(REPLACE(gen, '-', ''), 'ü', 'ue') as states FROM {cfg['sources']['vg250_lan']['schema']}. {cfg['sources']['vg250_lan']['table']}""", con=db.engine(), ).states.values ) ] # Scaling will be done per federal state in case of eGon2035 scenario. if scenario == "eGon2035": level = "federal_state" else: level = "country" # Choose only entries with valid geometries inside DE/test mode mastr_loc = filter_mastr_geometry(mastr).set_geometry("geometry") # Scale capacities to meet target values mastr_loc = scale_prox2now(mastr_loc, target, level=level) # Assign bus_id if len(mastr_loc) > 0: mastr_loc["voltage_level"] = assign_voltage_level( mastr_loc, cfg, WORKING_DIR_MASTR_OLD ) mastr_loc = assign_bus_id(mastr_loc, cfg) mastr_loc = assign_use_case(mastr_loc, cfg["sources"]) # Insert entries with location session = sessionmaker(bind=db.engine())() for i, row in mastr_loc.iterrows(): if row.ThermischeNutzleistung > 0: entry = EgonChp( sources={ "chp": "MaStR", "el_capacity": "MaStR scaled with NEP 2021", "th_capacity": "MaStR", }, source_id={"MastrNummer": row.EinheitMastrNummer}, carrier="biomass", el_capacity=row.Nettonennleistung, th_capacity=row.ThermischeNutzleistung / 1000, scenario=scenario, district_heating=row.district_heating, electrical_bus_id=row.bus_id, voltage_level=row.voltage_level, geom=f"SRID=4326;POINT({row.Laengengrad} {row.Breitengrad})", ) session.add(entry) session.commit()
[docs]def insert_chp_egon2035(): """Insert CHP plants for eGon2035 considering NEP and MaStR data Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] targets = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["targets"] insert_biomass_chp("eGon2035") # Insert large CHPs based on NEP's list of conventional power plants MaStR_konv = insert_large_chp(sources, targets["chp_table"], EgonChp) # Insert smaller CHPs (< 10MW) based on existing locations from MaStR existing_chp_smaller_10mw(sources, MaStR_konv, EgonChp) gpd.GeoDataFrame( MaStR_konv[ [ "EinheitMastrNummer", "el_capacity", "geometry", "carrier", "plz", "city", "federal_state", ] ] ).to_postgis( targets["mastr_conventional_without_chp"]["table"], schema=targets["mastr_conventional_without_chp"]["schema"], con=db.engine(), if_exists="replace", )
[docs]def extension_BW(): extension_per_federal_state("BadenWuerttemberg", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_BY(): extension_per_federal_state("Bayern", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_HB(): extension_per_federal_state("Bremen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_BB(): extension_per_federal_state("Brandenburg", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_HH(): extension_per_federal_state("Hamburg", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_HE(): extension_per_federal_state("Hessen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_MV(): extension_per_federal_state("MecklenburgVorpommern", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_NS(): extension_per_federal_state("Niedersachsen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_NW(): extension_per_federal_state("NordrheinWestfalen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_SN(): extension_per_federal_state("Sachsen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_TH(): extension_per_federal_state("Thueringen", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_SL(): extension_per_federal_state("Saarland", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_ST(): extension_per_federal_state("SachsenAnhalt", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_RP(): extension_per_federal_state("RheinlandPfalz", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_BE(): extension_per_federal_state("Berlin", EgonChp)
[docs]def extension_SH(): extension_per_federal_state("SchleswigHolstein", EgonChp)
[docs]def insert_chp_egon100re(): """Insert CHP plants for eGon100RE considering results from pypsa-eur-sec Returns ------- None. """ sources = config.datasets()["chp_location"]["sources"] db.execute_sql( f""" DELETE FROM {EgonChp.__table__.schema}.{} WHERE scenario = 'eGon100RE' """ ) # select target values from pypsa-eur-sec additional_capacity = db.select_dataframe( """ SELECT capacity FROM supply.egon_scenario_capacities WHERE scenario_name = 'eGon100RE' AND carrier = 'urban_central_gas_CHP' """ ).capacity[0] if config.settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] != "Everything": additional_capacity /= 16 target_file = ( Path(".") / "data_bundle_egon_data" / "pypsa_eur_sec" / "2022-07-26-egondata-integration" / "postnetworks" / "" ) network = pypsa.Network(str(target_file)) chp_index = "DE0 0 urban central gas CHP" standard_chp_th = 10 standard_chp_el = ( standard_chp_th * network.links.loc[chp_index, "efficiency"] / network.links.loc[chp_index, "efficiency2"] ) areas = db.select_geodataframe( f""" SELECT residential_and_service_demand as demand, area_id, ST_Transform(ST_PointOnSurface(geom_polygon), 4326) as geom FROM {sources['district_heating_areas']['schema']}. {sources['district_heating_areas']['table']} WHERE scenario = 'eGon100RE' """ ) existing_chp = pd.DataFrame( data={ "el_capacity": standard_chp_el, "th_capacity": standard_chp_th, "voltage_level": 5, }, index=range(1), ) flh = ( network.links_t.p0[chp_index].sum() / network.links.p_nom_opt[chp_index] ) extension_to_areas( areas, additional_capacity, existing_chp, flh, EgonChp, district_heating=True, scenario="eGon100RE", )
# Add one task per federal state for small CHP extension if ( config.settings()["egon-data"]["--dataset-boundary"] == "Schleswig-Holstein" ): extension = extension_SH else: extension = { extension_BW, extension_BY, extension_HB, extension_BB, extension_HE, extension_MV, extension_NS, extension_NW, extension_SH, extension_HH, extension_RP, extension_SL, extension_SN, extension_ST, extension_TH, extension_BE, }
[docs]class Chp(Dataset): """ Extract combined heat and power plants for each scenario This dataset creates combined heat and power (CHP) plants for each scenario and defines their use case. The method bases on existing CHP plants from Marktstammdatenregister. For the eGon2035 scenario, a list of CHP plans from the grid operator is used for new largescale CHP plants. CHP < 10MW are randomly distributed. Depending on the distance to a district heating grid, it is decided if the CHP is used to supply a district heating grid or used by an industrial site. *Dependencies* * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon100RE <>` * :py:class:`GasAreaseGon2035 <>` * :py:class:`DistrictHeatingAreas <>` * :py:class:`IndustrialDemandCurves <>` * :py:class:`OsmLanduse <>` * :py:func:`download_mastr_data <>` * :py:func:`define_mv_grid_districts <>` * :py:class:`ScenarioCapacities <>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`supply.egon_chp_plants <>` is created and filled * :py:class:`supply.egon_mastr_conventional_without_chp <>` is created and filled """ #: name: str = "Chp" #: version: str = "0.0.6" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=dependencies, tasks=( create_tables, {insert_chp_egon2035, insert_chp_egon100re}, assign_heat_bus, extension, ), )