Source code for

Currently, there are differences in the aggregated and individual DSM time
series. These are caused by the truncation of the values at zero.

The sum of the individual time series is a more accurate value than the
aggregated time series used so far and should replace it in the future. Since
the deviations are relatively small, a tolerance is currently accepted in the
sanity checks. See [#1120](
for updates.
from sqlalchemy import ARRAY, Column, Float, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import config, db
from import Dataset
from import calc_load_curve
from import identify_bus

# TODO: move to datasets.yml
CON = db.engine()


S_FLEX_CTS = 0.5
S_UTIL_CTS = 0.67

# industry

S_FLEX_OSM = 0.5
S_UTIL_OSM = 0.73
S_INC_OSM = 0.9
S_DEC_OSM = 0.5

# paper
S_INC_PAPER = 0.95

# recycled paper

# pulp
S_UTIL_PULP = 0.83
S_INC_PULP = 0.95

# cement

# wz 23
WZ = 23

S_FLEX_WZ = 0.5
S_UTIL_WZ = 0.8
S_INC_WZ = 1
S_DEC_WZ = 0.5

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class DsmPotential(Dataset): """ Calculate Demand-Side Management potentials and transfer to charactersitics of DSM components DSM within this work includes the shifting of loads within the sectors of industry and CTS. Therefore, the corresponding formerly prepared demand time sereies are used. Shiftable potentials are calculated using the parametrization elaborated in Heitkoetter et. al (doi: DSM is modelled as storage-equivalent operation using the methods by Kleinhans (doi:10.48550/ARXIV.1401.4121). The potentials are transferred to characterisitcs of DSM links (minimal and maximal shiftable power per time step) and DSM stores (minimum and maximum capacity per time step). DSM buses are created to connect DSM components with the electrical network. All DSM components are added to the corresponding tables for the transmission grid level. For the distribution grids, the respective time series are exported to the corresponding tables (for the required higher spatial resolution). *Dependencies* * :py:class:`CtsElectricityDemand <>` * :py:class:`IndustrialDemandCurves <from>` * :py:class:`Osmtgmod <>` *Resulting tables* * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_bus <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_link <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_link_timeseries <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_store <>` is extended * :py:class:`grid.egon_etrago_store_timeseries <>` is extended * :py:class:`demand.egon_etrago_electricity_cts_dsm_timeseries <>` is created and filled # noqa: E501 * :py:class:`demand.egon_osm_ind_load_curves_individual_dsm_timeseries <>` is created and filled # noqa: E501 * :py:class:`demand.egon_demandregio_sites_ind_electricity_dsm_timeseries <>` is created and filled # noqa: E501 * :py:class:`demand.egon_sites_ind_load_curves_individual_dsm_timeseries <>` is created and filled # noqa: E501 """ #: name: str = "DsmPotential" #: version: str = "0.0.5" def __init__(self, dependencies): super().__init__(, version=self.version, dependencies=self.dependencies, tasks=(dsm_cts_ind_processing), )
# Datasets
[docs]class EgonEtragoElectricityCtsDsmTimeseries(Base): target = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"][ "cts_loadcurves_dsm" ] __tablename__ = target["table"] __table_args__ = {"schema": target["schema"]} bus = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True, index=True) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_min = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_min = Column(ARRAY(Float))
[docs]class EgonOsmIndLoadCurvesIndividualDsmTimeseries(Base): target = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"][ "ind_osm_loadcurves_individual_dsm" ] __tablename__ = target["table"] __table_args__ = {"schema": target["schema"]} osm_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True, index=True) bus = Column(Integer) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_min = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_min = Column(ARRAY(Float))
[docs]class EgonDemandregioSitesIndElectricityDsmTimeseries(Base): target = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"][ "demandregio_ind_sites_dsm" ] __tablename__ = target["table"] __table_args__ = {"schema": target["schema"]} industrial_sites_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True, index=True) bus = Column(Integer) application = Column(String) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_min = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_min = Column(ARRAY(Float))
[docs]class EgonSitesIndLoadCurvesIndividualDsmTimeseries(Base): target = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"][ "ind_sites_loadcurves_individual" ] __tablename__ = target["table"] __table_args__ = {"schema": target["schema"]} site_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) scn_name = Column(String, primary_key=True, index=True) bus = Column(Integer) p_set = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) p_min = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_max = Column(ARRAY(Float)) e_min = Column(ARRAY(Float))
# Code
[docs]def cts_data_import(cts_cool_vent_ac_share): """ Import CTS data necessary to identify DSM-potential. ---------- cts_share: float Share of cooling, ventilation and AC in CTS demand """ # import load data sources = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "cts_loadcurves" ] ts = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT bus_id, scn_name, p_set FROM {sources['schema']}.{sources['table']}""" ) # identify relevant columns and prepare df to be returned dsm = pd.DataFrame(index=ts.index) dsm["bus"] = ts["bus_id"].copy() dsm["scn_name"] = ts["scn_name"].copy() dsm["p_set"] = ts["p_set"].copy() # calculate share of timeseries for air conditioning, cooling and # ventilation out of CTS-data timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() for index, liste in timeseries.items(): share = [float(item) * cts_cool_vent_ac_share for item in liste] timeseries.loc[index] = share dsm["p_set"] = timeseries.copy() return dsm
[docs]def ind_osm_data_import(ind_vent_cool_share): """ Import industry data per osm-area necessary to identify DSM-potential. ---------- ind_share: float Share of considered application in industry demand """ # import load data sources = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "ind_osm_loadcurves" ] dsm = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT bus, scn_name, p_set FROM {sources['schema']}.{sources['table']} """ ) # calculate share of timeseries for cooling and ventilation out of # industry-data timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() for index, liste in timeseries.items(): share = [float(item) * ind_vent_cool_share for item in liste] timeseries.loc[index] = share dsm["p_set"] = timeseries.copy() return dsm
[docs]def ind_osm_data_import_individual(ind_vent_cool_share): """ Import industry data per osm-area necessary to identify DSM-potential. ---------- ind_share: float Share of considered application in industry demand """ # import load data sources = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "ind_osm_loadcurves_individual" ] dsm = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT osm_id, bus_id as bus, scn_name, p_set FROM {sources['schema']}.{sources['table']} """ ) # calculate share of timeseries for cooling and ventilation out of # industry-data timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() for index, liste in timeseries.items(): share = [float(item) * ind_vent_cool_share for item in liste] timeseries.loc[index] = share dsm["p_set"] = timeseries.copy() return dsm
[docs]def ind_sites_vent_data_import(ind_vent_share, wz): """ Import industry sites necessary to identify DSM-potential. ---------- ind_vent_share: float Share of considered application in industry demand wz: int Wirtschaftszweig to be considered within industry sites """ # import load data sources = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "ind_sites_loadcurves" ] dsm = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT bus, scn_name, p_set FROM {sources['schema']}.{sources['table']} WHERE wz = {wz} """ ) # calculate share of timeseries for ventilation timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() for index, liste in timeseries.items(): share = [float(item) * ind_vent_share for item in liste] timeseries.loc[index] = share dsm["p_set"] = timeseries.copy() return dsm
[docs]def ind_sites_vent_data_import_individual(ind_vent_share, wz): """ Import industry sites necessary to identify DSM-potential. ---------- ind_vent_share: float Share of considered application in industry demand wz: int Wirtschaftszweig to be considered within industry sites """ # import load data sources = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "ind_sites_loadcurves_individual" ] dsm = db.select_dataframe( f""" SELECT site_id, bus_id as bus, scn_name, p_set FROM {sources['schema']}.{sources['table']} WHERE wz = {wz} """ ) # calculate share of timeseries for ventilation timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() for index, liste in timeseries.items(): share = [float(item) * ind_vent_share for item in liste] timeseries.loc[index] = share dsm["p_set"] = timeseries.copy() return dsm
[docs]def calc_ind_site_timeseries(scenario): # calculate timeseries per site # -> using code from # calc_load_curves_ind_sites # select demands per industrial site including the subsector information source1 = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "demandregio_ind_sites" ] demands_ind_sites = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT industrial_sites_id, wz, demand FROM {source1['schema']}.{source1['table']} WHERE scenario = '{scenario}' AND demand > 0 """ ).set_index(["industrial_sites_id"]) # select industrial sites as demand_areas from database source2 = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"]["ind_sites"] demand_area = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT id, geom, subsector FROM {source2['schema']}.{source2['table']}""", index_col="id", geom_col="geom", epsg=3035, ) # replace entries to bring it in line with demandregio's subsector # definitions demands_ind_sites.replace(1718, 17, inplace=True) share_wz_sites = demands_ind_sites.copy() # create additional df on wz_share per industrial site, which is always set # to one as the industrial demand per site is subsector specific share_wz_sites.demand = 1 share_wz_sites.reset_index(inplace=True) share_transpose = pd.DataFrame( index=share_wz_sites.industrial_sites_id.unique(), columns=share_wz_sites.wz.unique(), ) share_transpose.index.rename("industrial_sites_id", inplace=True) for wz in share_transpose.columns: share_transpose[wz] = ( share_wz_sites[share_wz_sites.wz == wz] .set_index("industrial_sites_id") .demand ) # calculate load curves load_curves = calc_load_curve(share_transpose, demands_ind_sites["demand"]) # identify bus per industrial site curves_bus = identify_bus(load_curves, demand_area) curves_bus.index = curves_bus["id"].astype(int) # initialize dataframe to be returned ts = pd.DataFrame( data=curves_bus["bus_id"], index=curves_bus["id"].astype(int) ) ts["scenario_name"] = scenario curves_bus.drop({"id", "bus_id", "geom"}, axis=1, inplace=True) ts["p_set"] = curves_bus.values.tolist() # add subsector to relate to Schmidt's tables afterwards ts["application"] = demand_area["subsector"] return ts
[docs]def relate_to_schmidt_sites(dsm): # import industrial sites by Schmidt source = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["sources"][ "ind_sites_schmidt" ] schmidt = db.select_dataframe( f"""SELECT application, geom FROM {source['schema']}.{source['table']}""" ) # relate calculated timeseries (dsm) to Schmidt's industrial sites applications = np.unique(schmidt["application"]) dsm = pd.DataFrame(dsm[dsm["application"].isin(applications)]) # initialize dataframe to be returned dsm.rename( columns={"scenario_name": "scn_name", "bus_id": "bus"}, inplace=True, ) return dsm
[docs]def ind_sites_data_import(): """ Import industry sites data necessary to identify DSM-potential. """ # calculate timeseries per site # scenario eGon2035 dsm_2035 = calc_ind_site_timeseries("eGon2035") dsm_2035.reset_index(inplace=True) # scenario eGon100RE dsm_100 = calc_ind_site_timeseries("eGon100RE") dsm_100.reset_index(inplace=True) # bring df for both scenarios together dsm_100.index = range(len(dsm_2035), (len(dsm_2035) + len((dsm_100)))) dsm = dsm_2035.append(dsm_100) # relate calculated timeseries to Schmidt's industrial sites dsm = relate_to_schmidt_sites(dsm) return dsm[["application", "id", "bus", "scn_name", "p_set"]]
[docs]def calculate_potentials(s_flex, s_util, s_inc, s_dec, delta_t, dsm): """ Calculate DSM-potential per bus using the methods by Heitkoetter et. al.: Parameters ---------- s_flex: float Feasability factor to account for socio-technical restrictions s_util: float Average annual utilisation rate s_inc: float Shiftable share of installed capacity up to which load can be increased considering technical limitations s_dec: float Shiftable share of installed capacity up to which load can be decreased considering technical limitations delta_t: int Maximum shift duration in hours dsm: DataFrame List of existing buses with DSM-potential including timeseries of loads """ # copy relevant timeseries timeseries = dsm["p_set"].copy() # calculate scheduled load L(t) scheduled_load = timeseries.copy() for index, liste in scheduled_load.items(): share = [item * s_flex for item in liste] scheduled_load.loc[index] = share # calculate maximum capacity Lambda # calculate energy annual requirement energy_annual = pd.Series(index=timeseries.index, dtype=float) for index, liste in timeseries.items(): energy_annual.loc[index] = sum(liste) # calculate Lambda lam = (energy_annual * s_flex) / (8760 * s_util) # calculation of P_max and P_min # P_max p_max = scheduled_load.copy() for index, liste in scheduled_load.items(): lamb = lam.loc[index] p_max.loc[index] = [max(0, lamb * s_inc - item) for item in liste] # P_min p_min = scheduled_load.copy() for index, liste in scheduled_load.items(): lamb = lam.loc[index] p_min.loc[index] = [min(0, -(item - lamb * s_dec)) for item in liste] # calculation of E_max and E_min e_max = scheduled_load.copy() e_min = scheduled_load.copy() for index, liste in scheduled_load.items(): emin = [] emax = [] for i in range(len(liste)): if i + delta_t > len(liste): emax.append( (sum(liste[i:]) + sum(liste[: delta_t - (len(liste) - i)])) ) else: emax.append(sum(liste[i : i + delta_t])) if i - delta_t < 0: emin.append( ( -1 * ( ( sum(liste[:i]) + sum(liste[len(liste) - delta_t + i :]) ) ) ) ) else: emin.append(-1 * sum(liste[i - delta_t : i])) e_max.loc[index] = emax e_min.loc[index] = emin return p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min
[docs]def create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm, export_aggregated=True ): """ Create components representing DSM. Parameters ---------- con : Connection to database p_max: DataFrame Timeseries identifying maximum load increase p_min: DataFrame Timeseries identifying maximum load decrease e_max: DataFrame Timeseries identifying maximum energy amount to be preponed e_min: DataFrame Timeseries identifying maximum energy amount to be postponed dsm: DataFrame List of existing buses with DSM-potential including timeseries of loads """ if not export_aggregated: # calculate P_nom and P per unit p_nom = pd.Series(index=p_max.index, dtype=float) for index, row in p_max.items(): nom = max(max(row), abs(min(p_min.loc[index]))) p_nom.loc[index] = nom new = [element / nom for element in row] p_max.loc[index] = new new = [element / nom for element in p_min.loc[index]] p_min.loc[index] = new # calculate E_nom and E per unit e_nom = pd.Series(index=p_min.index, dtype=float) for index, row in e_max.items(): nom = max(max(row), abs(min(e_min.loc[index]))) e_nom.loc[index] = nom new = [element / nom for element in row] e_max.loc[index] = new new = [element / nom for element in e_min.loc[index]] e_min.loc[index] = new # add DSM-buses to "original" buses dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=dsm.index) dsm_buses["original_bus"] = dsm["bus"].copy() dsm_buses["scn_name"] = dsm["scn_name"].copy() # get original buses and add copy of relevant information target1 = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"]["bus"] original_buses = db.select_geodataframe( f"""SELECT bus_id, v_nom, scn_name, x, y, geom FROM {target1['schema']}.{target1['table']}""", geom_col="geom", epsg=4326, ) # copy relevant information from original buses to DSM-buses dsm_buses["index"] = dsm_buses.index originals = original_buses[ original_buses["bus_id"].isin(np.unique(dsm_buses["original_bus"])) ] dsm_buses = originals.merge( dsm_buses, left_on=["bus_id", "scn_name"], right_on=["original_bus", "scn_name"], ) dsm_buses.index = dsm_buses["index"] dsm_buses.drop(["bus_id", "index"], axis=1, inplace=True) # new bus_ids for DSM-buses max_id = original_buses["bus_id"].max() if np.isnan(max_id): max_id = 0 dsm_id = max_id + 1 bus_id = pd.Series(index=dsm_buses.index, dtype=int) # Get number of DSM buses for both scenarios rows_per_scenario = ( dsm_buses.groupby("scn_name").count().original_bus.to_dict() ) # Assignment of DSM ids bus_id.iloc[: rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0)] = range( dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) ) bus_id.iloc[ rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) : rows_per_scenario.get( "eGon2035", 0 ) + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0) ] = range(dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0)) dsm_buses["bus_id"] = bus_id # add links from "orignal" buses to DSM-buses dsm_links = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_buses.index) dsm_links["original_bus"] = dsm_buses["original_bus"].copy() dsm_links["dsm_bus"] = dsm_buses["bus_id"].copy() dsm_links["scn_name"] = dsm_buses["scn_name"].copy() # set link_id target2 = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"]["link"] sql = f"""SELECT link_id FROM {target2['schema']}.{target2['table']}""" max_id = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con) max_id = max_id["link_id"].max() if np.isnan(max_id): max_id = 0 dsm_id = max_id + 1 link_id = pd.Series(index=dsm_buses.index, dtype=int) # Assignment of link ids link_id.iloc[: rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0)] = range( dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) ) link_id.iloc[ rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) : rows_per_scenario.get( "eGon2035", 0 ) + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0) ] = range(dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0)) dsm_links["link_id"] = link_id # add calculated timeseries to df to be returned if not export_aggregated: dsm_links["p_nom"] = p_nom dsm_links["p_min"] = p_min dsm_links["p_max"] = p_max # add DSM-stores dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_buses.index) dsm_stores["bus"] = dsm_buses["bus_id"].copy() dsm_stores["scn_name"] = dsm_buses["scn_name"].copy() dsm_stores["original_bus"] = dsm_buses["original_bus"].copy() # set store_id target3 = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"]["store"] sql = f"""SELECT store_id FROM {target3['schema']}.{target3['table']}""" max_id = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con) max_id = max_id["store_id"].max() if np.isnan(max_id): max_id = 0 dsm_id = max_id + 1 store_id = pd.Series(index=dsm_buses.index, dtype=int) # Assignment of store ids store_id.iloc[: rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0)] = range( dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) ) store_id.iloc[ rows_per_scenario.get("eGon2035", 0) : rows_per_scenario.get( "eGon2035", 0 ) + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0) ] = range(dsm_id, dsm_id + rows_per_scenario.get("eGon100RE", 0)) dsm_stores["store_id"] = store_id # add calculated timeseries to df to be returned if not export_aggregated: dsm_stores["e_nom"] = e_nom dsm_stores["e_min"] = e_min dsm_stores["e_max"] = e_max return dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores
[docs]def aggregate_components(df_dsm_buses, df_dsm_links, df_dsm_stores): # aggregate buses grouper = [df_dsm_buses.original_bus, df_dsm_buses.scn_name] df_dsm_buses = df_dsm_buses.groupby(grouper).first() df_dsm_buses.reset_index(inplace=True) df_dsm_buses.sort_values("scn_name", inplace=True) # aggregate links df_dsm_links["p_max"] = df_dsm_links["p_max"].apply(lambda x: np.array(x)) df_dsm_links["p_min"] = df_dsm_links["p_min"].apply(lambda x: np.array(x)) grouper = [df_dsm_links.original_bus, df_dsm_links.scn_name] p_max = df_dsm_links.groupby(grouper)["p_max"].apply(np.sum) p_min = df_dsm_links.groupby(grouper)["p_min"].apply(np.sum) df_dsm_links = df_dsm_links.groupby(grouper).first() df_dsm_links.p_max = p_max df_dsm_links.p_min = p_min df_dsm_links.reset_index(inplace=True) df_dsm_links.sort_values("scn_name", inplace=True) # calculate P_nom and P per unit for index, row in df_dsm_links.iterrows(): nom = max(max(row.p_max), abs(min(row.p_min)))[index, "p_nom"] = nom df_dsm_links["p_max"] = df_dsm_links["p_max"] / df_dsm_links["p_nom"] df_dsm_links["p_min"] = df_dsm_links["p_min"] / df_dsm_links["p_nom"] df_dsm_links["p_max"] = df_dsm_links["p_max"].apply(lambda x: list(x)) df_dsm_links["p_min"] = df_dsm_links["p_min"].apply(lambda x: list(x)) # aggregate stores df_dsm_stores["e_max"] = df_dsm_stores["e_max"].apply( lambda x: np.array(x) ) df_dsm_stores["e_min"] = df_dsm_stores["e_min"].apply( lambda x: np.array(x) ) grouper = [df_dsm_stores.original_bus, df_dsm_stores.scn_name] e_max = df_dsm_stores.groupby(grouper)["e_max"].apply(np.sum) e_min = df_dsm_stores.groupby(grouper)["e_min"].apply(np.sum) df_dsm_stores = df_dsm_stores.groupby(grouper).first() df_dsm_stores.e_max = e_max df_dsm_stores.e_min = e_min df_dsm_stores.reset_index(inplace=True) df_dsm_stores.sort_values("scn_name", inplace=True) # calculate E_nom and E per unit for index, row in df_dsm_stores.iterrows(): nom = max(max(row.e_max), abs(min(row.e_min)))[index, "e_nom"] = nom df_dsm_stores["e_max"] = df_dsm_stores["e_max"] / df_dsm_stores["e_nom"] df_dsm_stores["e_min"] = df_dsm_stores["e_min"] / df_dsm_stores["e_nom"] df_dsm_stores["e_max"] = df_dsm_stores["e_max"].apply(lambda x: list(x)) df_dsm_stores["e_min"] = df_dsm_stores["e_min"].apply(lambda x: list(x)) # select new bus_ids for aggregated buses and add to links and stores bus_id = db.next_etrago_id("Bus") + df_dsm_buses.index df_dsm_buses["bus_id"] = bus_id df_dsm_links["dsm_bus"] = bus_id df_dsm_stores["bus"] = bus_id # select new link_ids for aggregated links link_id = db.next_etrago_id("Link") + df_dsm_links.index df_dsm_links["link_id"] = link_id # select new store_ids to aggregated stores store_id = db.next_etrago_id("Store") + df_dsm_stores.index df_dsm_stores["store_id"] = store_id return df_dsm_buses, df_dsm_links, df_dsm_stores
[docs]def data_export(dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores, carrier): """ Export new components to database. Parameters ---------- dsm_buses: DataFrame Buses representing locations of DSM-potential dsm_links: DataFrame Links connecting DSM-buses and DSM-stores dsm_stores: DataFrame Stores representing DSM-potential carrier: str Remark to be filled in column 'carrier' identifying DSM-potential """ targets = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"] # dsm_buses insert_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( index=dsm_buses.index, data=dsm_buses["geom"], geometry="geom",, ) insert_buses["scn_name"] = dsm_buses["scn_name"] insert_buses["bus_id"] = dsm_buses["bus_id"] insert_buses["v_nom"] = dsm_buses["v_nom"] insert_buses["carrier"] = carrier insert_buses["x"] = dsm_buses["x"] insert_buses["y"] = dsm_buses["y"] # insert into database insert_buses.to_postgis( targets["bus"]["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=targets["bus"]["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False, dtype={"geom": "geometry"}, ) # dsm_links insert_links = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_links.index) insert_links["scn_name"] = dsm_links["scn_name"] insert_links["link_id"] = dsm_links["link_id"] insert_links["bus0"] = dsm_links["original_bus"] insert_links["bus1"] = dsm_links["dsm_bus"] insert_links["carrier"] = carrier insert_links["p_nom"] = dsm_links["p_nom"] # insert into database insert_links.to_sql( targets["link"]["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=targets["link"]["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False, ) insert_links_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_links.index) insert_links_timeseries["scn_name"] = dsm_links["scn_name"] insert_links_timeseries["link_id"] = dsm_links["link_id"] insert_links_timeseries["p_min_pu"] = dsm_links["p_min"] insert_links_timeseries["p_max_pu"] = dsm_links["p_max"] insert_links_timeseries["temp_id"] = 1 # insert into database insert_links_timeseries.to_sql( targets["link_timeseries"]["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=targets["link_timeseries"]["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False, ) # dsm_stores insert_stores = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_stores.index) insert_stores["scn_name"] = dsm_stores["scn_name"] insert_stores["store_id"] = dsm_stores["store_id"] insert_stores["bus"] = dsm_stores["bus"] insert_stores["carrier"] = carrier insert_stores["e_nom"] = dsm_stores["e_nom"] # insert into database insert_stores.to_sql( targets["store"]["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=targets["store"]["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False, ) insert_stores_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(index=dsm_stores.index) insert_stores_timeseries["scn_name"] = dsm_stores["scn_name"] insert_stores_timeseries["store_id"] = dsm_stores["store_id"] insert_stores_timeseries["e_min_pu"] = dsm_stores["e_min"] insert_stores_timeseries["e_max_pu"] = dsm_stores["e_max"] insert_stores_timeseries["temp_id"] = 1 # insert into database insert_stores_timeseries.to_sql( targets["store_timeseries"]["table"], con=db.engine(), schema=targets["store_timeseries"]["schema"], if_exists="append", index=False, )
[docs]def delete_dsm_entries(carrier): """ Deletes DSM-components from database if they already exist before creating new ones. Parameters ---------- carrier: str Remark in column 'carrier' identifying DSM-potential """ targets = config.datasets()["DSM_CTS_industry"]["targets"] # buses sql = f""" DELETE FROM {targets["bus"]["schema"]}.{targets["bus"]["table"]} b WHERE (b.carrier LIKE '{carrier}'); """ db.execute_sql(sql) # links sql = f""" DELETE FROM {targets["link_timeseries"]["schema"]}. {targets["link_timeseries"]["table"]} t WHERE t.link_id IN ( SELECT l.link_id FROM {targets["link"]["schema"]}. {targets["link"]["table"]} l WHERE l.carrier LIKE '{carrier}' ); """ db.execute_sql(sql) sql = f""" DELETE FROM {targets["link"]["schema"]}. {targets["link"]["table"]} l WHERE (l.carrier LIKE '{carrier}'); """ db.execute_sql(sql) # stores sql = f""" DELETE FROM {targets["store_timeseries"]["schema"]}. {targets["store_timeseries"]["table"]} t WHERE t.store_id IN ( SELECT s.store_id FROM {targets["store"]["schema"]}. {targets["store"]["table"]} s WHERE s.carrier LIKE '{carrier}' ); """ db.execute_sql(sql) sql = f""" DELETE FROM {targets["store"]["schema"]}.{targets["store"]["table"]} s WHERE (s.carrier LIKE '{carrier}'); """ db.execute_sql(sql)
[docs]def dsm_cts_ind( con=db.engine(), cts_cool_vent_ac_share=0.22, ind_vent_cool_share=0.039, ind_vent_share=0.017, ): """ Execute methodology to create and implement components for DSM considering a) CTS per osm-area: combined potentials of cooling, ventilation and air conditioning b) Industry per osm-are: combined potentials of cooling and ventilation c) Industrial Sites: potentials of ventilation in sites of "Wirtschaftszweig" (WZ) 23 d) Industrial Sites: potentials of sites specified by subsectors identified by Schmidt ( Paper, Recycled Paper, Pulp, Cement Modelled using the methods by Heitkoetter et. al.: Parameters ---------- con : Connection to database cts_cool_vent_ac_share: float Share of cooling, ventilation and AC in CTS demand ind_vent_cool_share: float Share of cooling and ventilation in industry demand ind_vent_share: float Share of ventilation in industry demand in sites of WZ 23 """ # CTS per osm-area: cooling, ventilation and air conditioning print(" ") print("CTS per osm-area: cooling, ventilation and air conditioning") print(" ") dsm = cts_data_import(cts_cool_vent_ac_share) # calculate combined potentials of cooling, ventilation and air # conditioning in CTS using combined parameters by Heitkoetter et. al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_CTS, s_util=S_UTIL_CTS, s_inc=S_INC_CTS, s_dec=S_DEC_CTS, delta_t=DELTA_T_CTS, dsm=dsm, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm ) df_dsm_buses = dsm_buses.copy() df_dsm_links = dsm_links.copy() df_dsm_stores = dsm_stores.copy() # industry per osm-area: cooling and ventilation print(" ") print("industry per osm-area: cooling and ventilation") print(" ") dsm = ind_osm_data_import(ind_vent_cool_share) # calculate combined potentials of cooling and ventilation in industrial # sector using combined parameters by Heitkoetter et. al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_OSM, s_util=S_UTIL_OSM, s_inc=S_INC_OSM, s_dec=S_DEC_OSM, delta_t=DELTA_T_OSM, dsm=dsm, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) # industry sites # industry sites: different applications dsm = ind_sites_data_import() print(" ") print("industry sites: paper") print(" ") dsm_paper = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dsm[ dsm["application"].isin( [ "Graphic Paper", "Packing Paper and Board", "Hygiene Paper", "Technical/Special Paper and Board", ] ) ] ) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with paper-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_PAPER, s_util=S_UTIL_PAPER, s_inc=S_INC_PAPER, s_dec=S_DEC_PAPER, delta_t=DELTA_T_PAPER, dsm=dsm_paper, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm_paper ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) print(" ") print("industry sites: recycled paper") print(" ") # calculate potentials of industrial sites with recycled paper-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et. al. dsm_recycled_paper = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dsm[dsm["application"] == "Recycled Paper"] ) p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_util=S_UTIL_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_inc=S_INC_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_dec=S_DEC_RECYCLED_PAPER, delta_t=DELTA_T_RECYCLED_PAPER, dsm=dsm_recycled_paper, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm_recycled_paper ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) print(" ") print("industry sites: pulp") print(" ") dsm_pulp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dsm[dsm["application"] == "Mechanical Pulp"]) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with pulp-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_PULP, s_util=S_UTIL_PULP, s_inc=S_INC_PULP, s_dec=S_DEC_PULP, delta_t=DELTA_T_PULP, dsm=dsm_pulp, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm_pulp ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) # industry sites: cement print(" ") print("industry sites: cement") print(" ") dsm_cement = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dsm[dsm["application"] == "Cement Mill"]) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with cement-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_CEMENT, s_util=S_UTIL_CEMENT, s_inc=S_INC_CEMENT, s_dec=S_DEC_CEMENT, delta_t=DELTA_T_CEMENT, dsm=dsm_cement, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm_cement ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) # industry sites: ventilation in WZ23 print(" ") print("industry sites: ventilation in WZ23") print(" ") dsm = ind_sites_vent_data_import(ind_vent_share, wz=WZ) # drop entries of Cement Mills whose DSM-potentials have already been # modelled cement = np.unique(dsm_cement["bus"].values) index_names = np.array(dsm[dsm["bus"].isin(cement)].index) dsm.drop(index_names, inplace=True) # calculate potentials of ventialtion in industrial sites of WZ 23 # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_WZ, s_util=S_UTIL_WZ, s_inc=S_INC_WZ, s_dec=S_DEC_WZ, delta_t=DELTA_T_WZ, dsm=dsm, ) dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = create_dsm_components( con, p_max, p_min, e_max, e_min, dsm ) df_dsm_buses = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_buses, dsm_buses], ignore_index=True), crs="EPSG:4326", ) df_dsm_links = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_links, dsm_links], ignore_index=True) ) df_dsm_stores = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([df_dsm_stores, dsm_stores], ignore_index=True) ) # aggregate DSM components per substation dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores = aggregate_components( df_dsm_buses, df_dsm_links, df_dsm_stores ) # export aggregated DSM components to database delete_dsm_entries("dsm-cts") delete_dsm_entries("dsm-ind-osm") delete_dsm_entries("dsm-ind-sites") delete_dsm_entries("dsm") data_export(dsm_buses, dsm_links, dsm_stores, carrier="dsm")
[docs]def create_table(df, table, engine=CON): """Create table""" table.__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) table.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) df.to_sql(, schema=table.__table__.schema, con=engine, if_exists="append", index=False, )
[docs]def div_list(lst: list, div: float): return [v / div for v in lst]
[docs]def dsm_cts_ind_individual( cts_cool_vent_ac_share=CTS_COOL_VENT_AC_SHARE, ind_vent_cool_share=IND_VENT_COOL_SHARE, ind_vent_share=IND_VENT_SHARE, ): """ Execute methodology to create and implement components for DSM considering a) CTS per osm-area: combined potentials of cooling, ventilation and air conditioning b) Industry per osm-are: combined potentials of cooling and ventilation c) Industrial Sites: potentials of ventilation in sites of "Wirtschaftszweig" (WZ) 23 d) Industrial Sites: potentials of sites specified by subsectors identified by Schmidt ( Paper, Recycled Paper, Pulp, Cement Modelled using the methods by Heitkoetter et. al.: Parameters ---------- cts_cool_vent_ac_share: float Share of cooling, ventilation and AC in CTS demand ind_vent_cool_share: float Share of cooling and ventilation in industry demand ind_vent_share: float Share of ventilation in industry demand in sites of WZ 23 """ # CTS per osm-area: cooling, ventilation and air conditioning print(" ") print("CTS per osm-area: cooling, ventilation and air conditioning") print(" ") dsm = cts_data_import(cts_cool_vent_ac_share) # calculate combined potentials of cooling, ventilation and air # conditioning in CTS using combined parameters by Heitkoetter et. al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_CTS, s_util=S_UTIL_CTS, s_inc=S_INC_CTS, s_dec=S_DEC_CTS, delta_t=DELTA_T_CTS, dsm=dsm, ) dsm = dsm.assign( p_set=dsm.p_set.apply(div_list, div=cts_cool_vent_ac_share) ) base_columns = [ "bus", "scn_name", "p_set", "p_max", "p_min", "e_max", "e_min", ] cts_df = pd.concat([dsm, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) cts_df.columns = base_columns print(" ") print("industry per osm-area: cooling and ventilation") print(" ") dsm = ind_osm_data_import_individual(ind_vent_cool_share) # calculate combined potentials of cooling and ventilation in industrial # sector using combined parameters by Heitkoetter et al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_OSM, s_util=S_UTIL_OSM, s_inc=S_INC_OSM, s_dec=S_DEC_OSM, delta_t=DELTA_T_OSM, dsm=dsm, ) dsm = dsm.assign(p_set=dsm.p_set.apply(div_list, div=ind_vent_cool_share)) columns = ["osm_id"] + base_columns osm_df = pd.concat([dsm, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) osm_df.columns = columns # industry sites # industry sites: different applications dsm = ind_sites_data_import() print(" ") print("industry sites: paper") print(" ") dsm_paper = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dsm[ dsm["application"].isin( [ "Graphic Paper", "Packing Paper and Board", "Hygiene Paper", "Technical/Special Paper and Board", ] ) ] ) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with paper-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_PAPER, s_util=S_UTIL_PAPER, s_inc=S_INC_PAPER, s_dec=S_DEC_PAPER, delta_t=DELTA_T_PAPER, dsm=dsm_paper, ) columns = ["application", "industrial_sites_id"] + base_columns paper_df = pd.concat([dsm_paper, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) paper_df.columns = columns print(" ") print("industry sites: recycled paper") print(" ") # calculate potentials of industrial sites with recycled paper-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et. al. dsm_recycled_paper = gpd.GeoDataFrame( dsm[dsm["application"] == "Recycled Paper"] ) vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_util=S_UTIL_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_inc=S_INC_RECYCLED_PAPER, s_dec=S_DEC_RECYCLED_PAPER, delta_t=DELTA_T_RECYCLED_PAPER, dsm=dsm_recycled_paper, ) recycled_paper_df = pd.concat( [dsm_recycled_paper, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True ) recycled_paper_df.columns = columns print(" ") print("industry sites: pulp") print(" ") dsm_pulp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dsm[dsm["application"] == "Mechanical Pulp"]) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with pulp-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_PULP, s_util=S_UTIL_PULP, s_inc=S_INC_PULP, s_dec=S_DEC_PULP, delta_t=DELTA_T_PULP, dsm=dsm_pulp, ) pulp_df = pd.concat([dsm_pulp, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) pulp_df.columns = columns # industry sites: cement print(" ") print("industry sites: cement") print(" ") dsm_cement = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dsm[dsm["application"] == "Cement Mill"]) # calculate potentials of industrial sites with cement-applications # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_CEMENT, s_util=S_UTIL_CEMENT, s_inc=S_INC_CEMENT, s_dec=S_DEC_CEMENT, delta_t=DELTA_T_CEMENT, dsm=dsm_cement, ) cement_df = pd.concat([dsm_cement, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) cement_df.columns = columns ind_df = pd.concat( [paper_df, recycled_paper_df, pulp_df, cement_df], ignore_index=True ) # industry sites: ventilation in WZ23 print(" ") print("industry sites: ventilation in WZ23") print(" ") dsm = ind_sites_vent_data_import_individual(ind_vent_share, wz=WZ) # drop entries of Cement Mills whose DSM-potentials have already been # modelled cement = np.unique(dsm_cement["bus"].values) index_names = np.array(dsm[dsm["bus"].isin(cement)].index) dsm.drop(index_names, inplace=True) # calculate potentials of ventialtion in industrial sites of WZ 23 # using parameters by Heitkoetter et al. vals = calculate_potentials( s_flex=S_FLEX_WZ, s_util=S_UTIL_WZ, s_inc=S_INC_WZ, s_dec=S_DEC_WZ, delta_t=DELTA_T_WZ, dsm=dsm, ) columns = ["site_id"] + base_columns ind_sites_df = pd.concat([dsm, *vals], axis=1, ignore_index=True) ind_sites_df.columns = columns # create tables create_table( df=cts_df, table=EgonEtragoElectricityCtsDsmTimeseries, engine=CON ) create_table( df=osm_df, table=EgonOsmIndLoadCurvesIndividualDsmTimeseries, engine=CON, ) create_table( df=ind_df, table=EgonDemandregioSitesIndElectricityDsmTimeseries, engine=CON, ) create_table( df=ind_sites_df, table=EgonSitesIndLoadCurvesIndividualDsmTimeseries, engine=CON, )
[docs]def dsm_cts_ind_processing(): dsm_cts_ind() dsm_cts_ind_individual()