Source code for

"""The API for configuring datasets."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import reduce
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Set, Tuple, Union
import re

from airflow.operators import BaseOperator as Operator
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table, orm, tuple_
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from import db, logger

Base = declarative_base()
SCHEMA = "metadata"

[docs]def setup(): """Create the database structure for storing dataset information.""" # TODO: Move this into a task generating the initial database structure. db.execute_sql(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {SCHEMA};") Model.__table__.create(bind=db.engine(), checkfirst=True) DependencyGraph.create(bind=db.engine(), checkfirst=True)
# TODO: Figure out how to use a mapped class as an association table. # # Trying it out, I ran into quite a few problems and didn't have time to do # further research. The benefits are mostly just convenience, so it doesn't # have a high priority. But I'd like to keep the code I started out with to # have a starting point for me or anybody else trying again. # # class DependencyGraph(Base): # __tablename__ = "dependency_graph" # __table_args__ = {"schema": SCHEMA} # dependency_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True,) # dependent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True,) DependencyGraph = Table( "dependency_graph", Base.metadata, Column( "dependency_id", Integer, ForeignKey(f"{SCHEMA}"), primary_key=True, ), Column( "dependent_id", Integer, ForeignKey(f"{SCHEMA}"), primary_key=True, ), schema=SCHEMA, )
[docs]class Model(Base): __tablename__ = "datasets" __table_args__ = {"schema": SCHEMA} id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False) version = Column(String, nullable=False) epoch = Column(Integer, default=0) dependencies = orm.relationship( "Model", secondary=DependencyGraph, primaryjoin=id == DependencyGraph.c.dependent_id, secondaryjoin=id == DependencyGraph.c.dependency_id, backref=orm.backref("dependents", cascade="all, delete"), )
#: A :class:`Task` is an Airflow :class:`Operator` or any #: :class:`Callable <typing.Callable>` taking no arguments and returning #: :obj:`None`. :class:`Callables <typing.Callable>` will be converted #: to :class:`Operators <Operator>` by wrapping them in a #: :class:`PythonOperator` and setting the :obj:`~PythonOperator.task_id` #: to the :class:`Callable <typing.Callable>`'s #: :obj:`~definition.__name__`, with underscores replaced with hyphens. #: If the :class:`Callable <typing.Callable>`'s `__module__`__ attribute #: contains the string :obj:`""`, the #: :obj:`~PythonOperator.task_id` is also prefixed with the module name, #: followed by a dot and with :obj:`""` removed. #: #: __ Task = Union[Callable[[], None], Operator] #: A graph of tasks is, in its simplest form, just a single node, i.e. a #: single :class:`Task`. More complex graphs can be specified by nesting #: :class:`sets <builtins.set>` and :class:`tuples <builtins.tuple>` of #: :class:`TaskGraphs <TaskGraph>`. A set of :class:`TaskGraphs #: <TaskGraph>` means that they are unordered and can be #: executed in parallel. A :class:`tuple` specifies an implicit ordering so #: a :class:`tuple` of :class:`TaskGraphs <TaskGraph>` will be executed #: sequentially in the given order. TaskGraph = Union[Task, Set["TaskGraph"], Tuple["TaskGraph", ...]] #: A type alias to help specifying that something can be an explicit #: :class:`Tasks_` object or a :class:`TaskGraph`, i.e. something that #: can be converted to :class:`Tasks_`. Tasks = Union["Tasks_", TaskGraph]
[docs]def prefix(o): module = o.__module__ parent = f"{__name__}." return f"{module.replace(parent, '')}." if parent in module else ""
[docs]@dataclass class Tasks_(dict): first: Set[Task] last: Set[Task] graph: TaskGraph = () def __init__(self, graph: TaskGraph): """Connect multiple tasks into a potentially complex graph. Parses a :class:`TaskGraph` into a :class:`Tasks_` object. """ if isinstance(graph, Callable): graph = PythonOperator( task_id=f"{prefix(graph)}{graph.__name__.replace('_', '-')}", python_callable=graph, ) self.graph = graph if isinstance(graph, Operator): self.first = {graph} self.last = {graph} self[graph.task_id] = graph elif isinstance(graph, abc.Sized) and len(graph) == 0: self.first = {} self.last = {} elif isinstance(graph, abc.Set): results = [Tasks_(subtasks) for subtasks in graph] self.first = {task for result in results for task in result.first} self.last = {task for result in results for task in result.last} self.update(reduce(lambda d1, d2: dict(d1, **d2), results, {})) self.graph = set(tasks.graph for tasks in results) elif isinstance(graph, tuple): results = [Tasks_(subtasks) for subtasks in graph] for left, right in zip(results[:-1], results[1:]): for last in left.last: for first in right.first: last.set_downstream(first) self.first = results[0].first self.last = results[-1].last self.update(reduce(lambda d1, d2: dict(d1, **d2), results, {})) self.graph = tuple(tasks.graph for tasks in results) else: raise ( TypeError( "`` got an argument of type:\n\n" f" {type(graph)}\n\n" "where only `Task`s, `Set`s and `Tuple`s are allowed." ) )
#: A dataset can depend on other datasets or the tasks of other datasets. Dependencies = Iterable[Union["Dataset", Task]]
[docs]@dataclass class Dataset: #: The name of the Dataset name: str #: The :class:`Dataset`'s version. Can be anything from a simple #: semantic versioning string like "2.1.3", to a more complex #: string, like for example "2021-01-01.schleswig-holstein.0" for #: OpenStreetMap data. #: Note that the latter encodes the :class:`Dataset`'s date, region #: and a sequential number in case the data changes without the date #: or region changing, for example due to implementation changes. version: str #: The first task(s) of this :class:`Dataset` will be marked as #: downstream of any of the listed dependencies. In case of bare #: :class:`Task`, a direct link will be created whereas for a #: :class:`Dataset` the link will be made to all of its last tasks. dependencies: Dependencies = () #: The tasks of this :class:`Dataset`. A :class:`TaskGraph` will #: automatically be converted to :class:`Tasks_`. tasks: Tasks = ()
[docs] def check_version(self, after_execution=()): def skip_task(task, *xs, **ks): with db.session_scope() as session: datasets = session.query(Model).filter_by( if self.version in [ ds.version for ds in datasets ] and not"\.dev$", self.version): f"Dataset '{}' version '{self.version}'" f" already executed. Skipping." ) else: for ds in datasets: session.delete(ds) result = super(type(task), task).execute(*xs, **ks) for function in after_execution: function(session) return result return skip_task
[docs] def update(self, session): dataset = Model(, version=self.version) dependencies = ( session.query(Model) .filter( tuple_(, Model.version).in_( [ (, dataset.version) for dependency in self.dependencies if isinstance(dependency, Dataset) or hasattr(dependency, "dataset") for dataset in [ dependency.dataset if isinstance(dependency, Operator) else dependency ] ] ) ) .all() ) dataset.dependencies = dependencies session.add(dataset)
def __post_init__(self): self.dependencies = list(self.dependencies) if not isinstance(self.tasks, Tasks_): self.tasks = Tasks_(self.tasks) if len(self.tasks.last) > 1: # Explicitly create single final task, because we can't know # which of the multiple tasks finishes last. name = prefix(self) name = f"{name if name else f'{self.__module__}.'}{}." update_version = PythonOperator( task_id=f"{name}update-version", # Do nothing, because updating will be added later. python_callable=lambda *xs, **ks: None, ) self.tasks = Tasks_((self.tasks.graph, update_version)) # Due to the `if`-block above, there'll now always be exactly # one task in `self.tasks.last` which the next line just # selects. last = list(self.tasks.last)[0] for task in self.tasks.values(): task.dataset = self cls = task.__class__ versioned = type( f"{[0].upper()}{[1:]} (versioned)", (cls,), { "execute": self.check_version( after_execution=[self.update] if task is last else [] ) }, ) task.__class__ = versioned predecessors = [ task for dataset in self.dependencies if isinstance(dataset, Dataset) for task in dataset.tasks.last ] + [task for task in self.dependencies if isinstance(task, Operator)] for p in predecessors: for first in self.tasks.first: p.set_downstream(first)