
The API for configuring datasets.

class Dataset(name: 'str', version: 'str', dependencies: 'Iterable[Union[Dataset, Task]]' = (), tasks: 'Union[Tasks, TaskGraph]' = ())[source]

Bases: object

dependencies = ()

The first task(s) of this Dataset will be marked as downstream of any of the listed dependencies. In case of bare Task, a direct link will be created whereas for a Dataset the link will be made to all of its last tasks.

name = None

The name of the Dataset

tasks = ()

The tasks of this Dataset. A TaskGraph will automatically be converted to Tasks.

version = None

The Dataset’s version. Can be anything from a simple semantic versioning string like “2.1.3”, to a more complex string, like for example “2021-01-01.schleswig-holstein.0” for OpenStreetMap data. Note that the latter encodes the Dataset’s date, region and a sequential number in case the data changes without the date or region changing, for example due to implementation changes.

class Model(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.Base

Task = typing.Union[typing.Callable[[], NoneType], airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator]

A Task is an Airflow Operator or any Callable taking no arguments and returning None. Callables will be converted to Operators by wrapping them in a PythonOperator and setting the task_id to the Callable’s __name__, with underscores replaced with hyphens. If the Callable’s __module__ attribute contains the string "", the task_id is also prefixed with the module name, followed by a dot and with "" removed.

TaskGraph = typing.Union[typing.Callable[[], NoneType], airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator, typing.Set[ForwardRef('TaskGraph')], typing.Tuple[ForwardRef('TaskGraph'), ...]]

A graph of tasks is, in its simplest form, just a single node, i.e. a single Task. More complex graphs can be specified by nesting sets and tuples of TaskGraphs. A set of TaskGraphs means that they are unordered and can be executed in parallel. A tuple specifies an implicit ordering so a tuple of TaskGraphs will be executed sequentially in the given order.

class Tasks(graph: 'TaskGraph')[source]

Bases: dict

graph = ()

Create the database structure for storing dataset information.